Diagnosed With Cancer?


If You or a Loved One Has Cancer, Here Are 11 Effective, Natural Strategies to Defeat This Deadly Disease

A diagnosis of cancer, or even a suspicion of cancer is fearful. You reflect on friends or family who died of cancer. Of all the celebrities who got cancer, gradually deteriorated and died. (Other than Suzanne Somers who went alternative, thrived, survived, and wrote a book about it.) Even every TV show or movie featuring someone with cancer has them dying at the end.

So it’s no wonder research shows that cancer is the most feared disease in the world along with being the most feared word too. How could it not be - given these circumstances?

It may not be so fearful to you if you've been told to come here to read this information by someone who beat a stage 4 cancer by using the cancer fighting strategies covered on this website. Otherwise, it’s no wonder that you’re afraid and skeptical. How could you not be?

"....I would like to thank you for making a difference in my mom's battle of stage 4 breast cancer the 2nd time. This time it metastasized into her lymph nodes and liver and bones. She was given 2 month's to live if she did not do the chemo. She is in her 8th week of chemo which has been spaced out in a period of 3 month's and has been on your company's supplements for 8 weeks or more.

Went Monday and had her PET scan and meet with her doctor on this past Wednesday and he read it. Conservatively speaking the doc said, "90 to 95 % of her cancer is gone". He was amazed and has been for the last 3 weeks and even told her the last 2 weeks she is going to beat this, because her blood work has continued to improve from being a severe anemic when they found the reoccurrence of her breast cancer. Without anything the doctor was doing, she in 3 weeks of being on your supplements has a red blood cell count of a healthy person. From what i have learned, being an anemic is not a condition that any person battling stage 4 cancer needs to have. She lost 8 pounds in 2 weeks in the beginning. After that she has held her weight steady and last 2 weeks gained 3 pounds.

When her blood work continued to improve, I knew these products were working. I was very skeptical about the claims you make in the beginning and thought why are not doctor's telling cancer patient's about this. After much research here and other places I found out why they would not. I realize the supplements my mom is taking, I can also take to make my inner environment healthier and cancer proof. I can not say thank you enough. We definitely supercharged my mom's chemo. I believe in the next 4 treatment's with the supplements my mom will be cancer free. She has been taking BLA, BLA Enhancer, Zeolite Enhanced, Liver Plus and Immune Force and OxyDHQ religiously and it has worked!"

Ken C.

In fact, the knowledge in this report is at such odds with what your doctor tells you about cancer, most people reading this page will not go on to read this entire report. It sounds too good to be true.

So one of the biggest issues that you have to wrap your mind around is the obvious thought, “If the information in this report, and the supplements recommended, are so good, why isn’t everyone using them.”

It’s a good question. The answer at its most fundamental level is money and secondarily, that it takes a great deal of time for new ways to fight disease to be accepted. Dr. Samuel S. Epstein writes about this in several books which you may want to read. He is an internationally recognized authority on the causes of cancer, particularly carcinogen exposure from food, air, water, household products, cosmetics, prescription drugs or industrial carcinogens in the workplace.

It may take quite a bit to get to the point where you realize that just doing what your doctors put you through is not adequate. Unfortunately, for many people this point comes at the end, when it is clear that medicine has failed and they are dying a painful and slow death.

It doesn’t have to be this way. One reason we make this report as long as we do is that the more you understand, the more ways you learn to beat cancer, the more testimonials you read, the more this will sink into you.

So the first thing I want to communicate to you is that there is hope. In fact, there is a whole lot of hope. The overwhelming feedback from our research is that when the right actions are taken, even aggressive, tough cancers can be defeated.

This information has been compiled over the course of ten years. It is continually being updated as we find better supplements or learn about new effective cancer fighting procedures.

This report will tell you about the most effective cancer fighting supplements we have found in our research. Supplements that work on their own, or in conjunction with chemotherapy or radiation therapy, to defeat cancer.

And because we believe everyone should have access to this information, we’re offering it at no charge.

We’ve compiled the overwhelming amount of information on the causes of cancer and natural cancer treatments, and condensed it into this report. Well, actually, it's the size of a book.

Better still, we've tested most of the cancer fighting supplements and rated them for you on their cancer fighting ability. This will prevent the mistake of using supplements that sound good but aren't good enough in all too many cases, to beat a tough cancer. So you won't waste money or, your life, on supplements that are marginally effective.

Many readers have told us this report is the best information they have found on cancer. It is written in an easy-to-read style a lay-person can understand.

Much of this is information your doctor can't tell you, or doesn't know. For example, you'll learn about a 14-month informal study of one type of supplement where 51 out of 65 patients with stage 4 cancer became cancer-free when they added it on to their regime.

You'll learn what the underlying causes of cancer really are (each section covers a different cause). You'll learn what to do to counteract those causes. This report will prioritize the most effective actions you can take to defeat cancer. Finally, you'll learn what to do to keep the cancer from coming back.

This information applies to all types of cancer—because the fundamental causes of cancers are the same. It is not that all cancers have the same cause. They don't. But your cancer is caused by at least a few of the 11 causes we cover in this report. Click on the Protocols link and you'll be able get to a specific protocol for your particular cancer. You will learn which are the best supplements to use for that cancer. The top supplements are usually the same, but we optimize them for you.

Literally thousands of people have walked this path before you, and have used the recommendations in this report to beat their cancer and live happy normal lives. 

The Underlying Causes of Cancer

First, a couple of stories to give you an idea of how well the strategies covered in this report have worked.

"End of June, 2011, my mom, an active 73 year old, was diagnosed with Stage IV colon cancer.  The doctor told us that she had a cantaloupe size tumor on her bowel, a grapefruit size tumor on her liver, and an orange size tumor on her pancreas.   The tumor on her bowel was obstructing but they didn’t remove it because they did not want to wait for her to heal from major surgery before they could start the chemo.  They only did a surgical intervention by giving her a colostomy which she absolutely hates!  The doctor told us that the median survival for stage IV colon cancer is two years.  

Now that you know the history, I will tell you the rest of the story… bla, bla, BLA!!!

We found the BLA through the internet.  My dad has been giving it to my mom religiously as instructed, 8 squeezes in the morning held under her tongue for a minute before swallowing it, then 7 in the evening taken the same way.  

I was very skeptical at first but thought, well, does it matter, mom has end stage cancer, what has she got to lose? They have not told the oncologist about the BLA.   Maybe they are afraid the doctor will refuse to treat mom, or try to convince her not to take it, I just don’t know.  It is not that they are looking for some alternative to the chemo because they know she must take the chemo, but they also know (from the death of friends) that chemo sometimes fails indicating (in their minds) that maybe it is not enough.

Per mom’s doctor, a series of 12 chemo treatments is the minimum protocol for a patient who’s colon cancer has been surgically removed.  My mom’s had not been removed.  Now the doctor seems amazed at my mom’s rapid response.  After the 5th chemo her PET scan showed no cancer cell activity in the three tumor sites and her blood test for CEA went from 126 to 2.3

Could it be the BLA?  As far as we are concerned, it is working.  It obviously did NOT hurt her or interfere with the chemo drugs.   She now has three of the 12 chemo treatments left and continues to supplement with the BLA.  Her response has been so good that they are scheduling her for surgery after Christmas to reverse the colostomy and remove the obstructing mass (now just scar tissue) from her bowel.


"Hi- I will never be able thank you enough. 8 months ago my boyfriend, Pete, was given a few months to live- melanoma was spreading rapidly through his body and was proclaimed to have settled in the lymph nodes and liver. "Doctors" wanted to strip his lymph nodes and cut out a section of his liver, and then chemo him, again. I found your website, printed out all the info on cancer, and presented it to Pete. He agreed to follow the advice- he refused conventional treatment, [We are not advising that you refuse conventional treatments.] and immediately began a regiment of supplements to detoxify, cleanse, oxygenate, alkalinize, and support the immune system. He also made changes in diet and in mind-set. 8 months later he is free of cancer, as indicated in the recent PET scan! He has energy abound, no longer sleeps half the day, and is looking forward to living instead of preparing to die. Your information is well-presented, logical, factual, and in language a person can understand, AND, it saved a man's life." Leslie R.

This report is chock full of many products that are powerful cancer fighters. (Go to the Protocol links to see which we consider best of the lot for the type of cancer you are looking into.)

We continually update this report with new cancer fighting supplements, when we find any that test great. So the results we have seen keep getting better. These supplements significantly improve your odds of beating cancer - even when it is very advanced...

They are especially good at improving the effectiveness of chemotherapies, immunotherapies and even radiation therapies. In fact, they may even double or triple the effectiveness of these medical treatments.

Here's why.

The top cancer fighters suggested in this report will be attacking cancer cells, either killing them or weakening them. As a consequence, the chemotherapy will then be attacking weakened or dying cancer cells rather than healthy cancer cells. This makes the chemo much more effective at killing those cancer cells. In addition, many of these supplements will also be supporting the health of the body and the immune system, reducing the negative effects of using chemotherapy or immunotherapy.

(It is important to be supporting the liver when on chemo or immunotherapy so that it can continue to effectively eliminate chemo toxins as the body brings these toxins to the liver for processing.)

Doing both what your doctors suggest and using some of the suggestions in this report makes for a win-win situation - as long as someone is not so weak or old that chemo would just kill them. (Oncologists usually are good at not giving chemo if this is the case.)

Many people have used the supplements suggested on these pages on their own to beat a cancer. Some of the fastest improvements we have heard of, however, are when both standard treatments and these alternative, complementary supplements are used together.

If you read this entire report...

You will learn a lot about the causes cancer, the many ways you can fight it, and how to keep it from coming back. It will also give you hope - because when you do the right thing, cancer can be beaten.

Cancerous cells are always being created in the body. It's an ongoing process that has gone on for eons. This is why parts of your immune system specifically seek out and destroy cancer cells.

Cancer has been around as long as mankind, but only in the second half of the 20th century did the number of cancer cases explode. Contributing to this explosion are: the excessive amounts of toxins and pollutants we are exposed to, high stress lifestyles that zap the immune system, poor quality junk food full of pesticides, irradiated and now genetically modified foods, Candida overgrowth, other pathogens, electromagnetic stress, lights, and just about everything that wasn't here 200 years ago.

All these weaken the immune system, and alter the internal environment in the body to an environment that promotes the growth of cancer. Some more than others, of course.

Cancer is not a mysterious disease that suddenly attacks you out of the blue, something that you can't do anything about. It has definite causes that you can correct if your body has enough time. You must change the internal environment to one that creates health, not cancer, while at the same time attacking and killing cancerous cells and tumors.

To put it simply....

Cancer tumors begin when more cancerous cells are being created than an overworked, depleted immune system can destroy.

Constant exposure to tens of thousands of manmade chemicals from birth onward, chlorinated and fluoridated water, electromagnetic radiation, pesticides and other toxins, leads to the creation of too many free radicals and excessive numbers of cancerous cells.

Because of stress and the overload of toxins, you end up with a malfunctioning immune system, and a body that is not capable of destroying the excessive numbers of cancerous cells that develop. Some, sooner or later, survive and multiply. And then you have cancer. Of course, our diets loaded with sugar and refined carbohydrates don't help. Refined carbohydrates digest so fast they act like sugar, and cancer cells love sugar. They have many times more insulin receptor cells for capturing sugar than healthy cells.

The Low Carb Diet For Fighting Cancer Has Drawbacks

At first glance it would seem to be great to limit carbs, cancer's favorite food, when fighting cancer. However, limiting carbs increases the stress response in the body. When you don't eat enough carbs, the adrenals must release the stress hormone cortisol to tell the liver to release needed blood sugar. The problem is, releasing stress hormones tells the body to shut down the immune system. (Turning off the immune system is a component of any stress response.) And you need as strong an immune response as possible to fight cancer.

There is great deal of research proving this. To get a better idea how much a low carb diet can reduce immune system effectiveness, we energetically muscle tested (explained at the bottom of this page) various diets. To see how much they reduce immune system response. Here is what we got: A balanced diet with normal amount of carbs - 0% reduction in immune response. A low carb or keto diet - 40% reduction. A zero carb diet - 60% reduction. A no food/no calories, starve the cancer diet - 75% reduction in immune system response.

Not what you want when fighting cancer. Reducing carbs will feed cancer cells less, but it also decreases your immune system's ability to fight cancer.

Fortunately, there is a solution to this conundrum. It is a patented, specially processed non-gmo corn starch that produces a slow sustained glucose release. It is most often used an an energy boost for workouts. But the way it works in the body makes it a very beneficial source of carbohydrates if you have cancer: This is because it does not use insulin receptors to get into cells. So all those extra insulin receptors on cancer cells are of no benefit to the cancer cell when you eat this starch. In fact, it may not even get into cancer cells at all, or so we test. At any rate, it does not feed cancer cells significantly, like all other carbs do.

In our energetic testing, it tests a strong 4700 for helping you when you have cancer. This is because your body will a better job of dealing with cancer when it has more energy. While not feeding cancer cells.

It is especially valuable if someone is in poor shape with very low energy - because it easily and sustainedly released into the body and absorbed into cells. Giving them more energy over a long period of time. Plus it does not require much digestive energy to process.

It energetically tests as being one of the most important supplements for someone with advanced stage or end stage cancer, coming in at 8300. We have even heard stories where people nauseous from chemo, who could not eat anything, found that could consume this starch, that it helped their stomach feel better.

In general, when someone has cancer, we test that using 4 servings a day, as a powder mixed in a shake, a bar, or even a gel, is optimal. With end stage cancer, or when energy is depleted from chemo or the cancer, doing more, 8 servings a day, tests optimal. This is a lot, but it may make a huge difference in quality of life and energy levels. And give enough energy to help someone deal with cancer, or chemo. (This is also testing great for fatigue and blood sugar issues in general.)

Go to our Resources page for a link to get this starch.

Beating cancer involves...

Improving your internal environment so that it is no longer cancer friendly, And perhaps more important when fighting a cancer, to attack and kill cancerous cells effectively. What you need to do is to strongly attack cancer while also making your body a healthy environment that does not breed cancer.

The more cancer there is, the more that has to be done. It may be too late, or it may not. No one knows where that cutoff point is - some people given only a few days to live have pulled through and conquered their cancer when they applied these cancer fighting strategies. Others don't survive, though they usually live longer and have a better quality of life than if they did nothing.

What The Medical Industry Won't Tell You...

There was a woman whose daughter was in the advanced stages of brain cancer. She asked her oncologist if it was ok to give her daughter a superfood called blue green algae. Her doctor told her that it was no problem, that in fact a number of his patients had used that supplement fighting cancer. Naturally she wondered why he didn't tell her about this product a year before when they came to him.

Unfortunately, he may not have been able to tell her about this, or any natural therapies, and stay employed. Insurance regulations could preclude such suggestions. He could get into administrative trouble by recommending natural, non-drug treatments for cancer. His advice is controlled by a large medical industry that makes mega money off expensive cancer fighting drugs and treatments. An industry that doesn't look favorably on natural supplements or other cancer treatments as they cannot patent them to make high profits.

Eventually there will be more effective treatments. But that is not going to help you now. Chemotherapy damages cells. weakens the immune system and create a more toxic environment in your body.

Even if your cancer does go into remission using chemotherapy and immunotherapies, these treatments will have damaged other cells, which are more likely to turn cancerous. Your body, unless it is supported by supplements and diet to help it recover, will be in worse shape then before. While it usually takes decades for cancer to develop the first time, it may come back a second time within a year or two if you don't take action to also support the health of your body.

Support chemotherapy with strong natural cancer fighters to greatly increase your odds of beating cancer.

Many people have told us that they want to avoid chemotherapy and other medical treatments when fighting their cancer. They saw a loved one or friends suffer through these treatments and not survive. Quite understandable.

You don't have to do these treatments, of course. But what we have noticed over the years is that unless you are too ill to handle it, you don't have to avoid chemotherapy or radiation therapy. Not as long as you use the right nutritional supplements in conjunction with chemotherapy, radiation therapy and surgery. (Many natural supplements just aren't that good, or so we have found.) Get the best ones that effectively attack cancer in other ways so that radiation and chemo will kill cancer more easily. Support the detoxification process and the immune system to keep yourself healthy enough to effectively fight the cancer.

Too many people only do chemotherapy and radiation therapy, and do not support their body's fight against cancer. And all too often, especially with stage 4 cancers, the cancer is not destroyed. They just do what their doctor says, not realizing there are many other ways to also be attacking cancer, and supporting their health. All too often, they only decide to look into alternatives after the doctors have given up on them. While at this time, they still have a chance of beating the cancer with the right supplements, their their odds of success had dropped quite a bit. Success would have been more likely if they had been supporting their cancer treatments with additional strong cancer fighters such as we detail in this report.

Natural supplements won't hurt you. Unless noted, what is suggested in this report won't interfere with chemo. The top supplement suggestions make chemotherapy or radiation therapy more effective. In addition, you need to support the liver so that it can better handle chemo toxins and get them out of the body. It is only after the liver becomes worn out that toxins build up and poison the body. This alone reduces chemo side effects.

Certainly people do beat cancer using chemotherapy, surgery, radiation therapy. But look at the number of deaths from cancer, and you see that too many people don't . Not using natural supplements to fight cancer is like being in a life and death struggle, and choosing to fight with one hand tied behind your back.

Hit cancer hard. This is one fight you don't want to lose. Use natural supplements to support the body and to attack cancer, along with doing chemotherapy, immunotherapy, radiation and surgery.

The more support you give your body, the better you will handle side effects of chemotherapy and immunotherapy. And the better your body will fight the cancer.

A natural approach to cancer is based on making your body healthier. To strengthen a depleted, worn out, under-energized immune system that is not capable of killing cancer cells as fast as they are multiplying. Use safe, natural supplements and food to change the body's internal environment to one that does not support the growth of cancer, and to directly kill cancer cells.

And perhaps most importantly, also attack the cancer cells naturally so that they are weakened and being killed. This helps the medicines to more easily kill cancer cells. While any natural cancer killer is useful to be using, far too many are are not nearly as strong as you would hope them to be. We hear far to many stories from people who have been doing a lot of natural therapies and still they have cancer. And it is getting worse. You do need to make sure you are using the most effective supplements. This is what we try to determine and report on here.

There are many supplements with anti-cancer properties,
deciding which are the best to use can be overwhelming.

This report will help you filter out the good, and the not so good supplements, from the best supplements you should be using - to give yourself the best chance at beating cancer. Besides taking into account feedback from users, speaking with health professionals and industry insiders, we use muscle (energetic) testing to help determine which supplements are the most valuable to use, and which may be not so good. Our experience is that this works well.

The testing is subjective so we check and re-check the suggestions to make them as accurate as possible. We look at feedback to see how well they seem to be working. Periodically we re-evaluate them, testing them again. Some scores improve, some go down. This constant checking of the supplements covered here means the very best products to filter to the top. Our suggestions improve all the time because of this evaluation process.

The energetic testing scores will give you an idea of what supplements are not so good to use, and which ones are the most valuable to use. The higher the number the more healing power the supplement or procedure has. The numbers don't mean anything in and of themselves. They just enable a comparison of various supplements.

Many well-know cancer fighting supplements you read about on other websites test energetically in the range of 200 to 400, occasionally a supplement may hit 500 or so. The top suggestions in this report test much stronger, as you will see. We give you the energetic testing numbers throughout this report to better enable you to decide what are the most effective supplements or courses of action to take to beat cancer.

First we start with more details about the cancer diet.

The Unfortunate and Unexpected Negative Consequences of the "Cancer Diet"

Instinctively, the low-carb or no-carb anti-cancer diet makes sense. Cancer cells primarily use glucose to produce energy in a process called anaerobic glycolysis. They even have many times more insulin receptors on their surface than normal cells. This enables them to consume much more glucose.

Glucose is provided by carbohydrates, both simple and complex. To do as much as you can to fight cancer, it would seem common sense to go on a low carbohydrate diet. So that you are not eating cancer's favorite food. This especially makes sense in view of the massive promotion of the health benefits of keto and low carb diets. So your thinking becomes, if carbs are bad for you, why eat them and feed cancer cells?

Thus many people with cancer go on some sort of a reduced carbohydrate or no carbohydrate diet.

Unfortunately, a low or no carb "cancer diet"
is not as useful as it seems...

When you stop eating carbs, two things happen.
  1. Your body starts to produce glucose on its own. It does so by converting amino acids to glucose. All cells and especially your brain cells, need glucose to function optimally. When your diet is not supplying enough carbs, your brain signals the body to produce glucose.
  2. Cancer cells start burning more glutamine and fat to produce energy. These may not be the preferred energy source for cancer cells. Glucose is. But cancer cells do metabolize them. And of course they are going to increase their consumption of these nutrients if not as much glucose is available.

So there you are, restricting yourself with a very low carb or no carb diet. Thinking it is worth it because you are starving the cancer. But unfortunately, that is not the case. Cancer cells still get glucose that your body makes. And they consume more glutamine and fat to supplement the lack of glucose.

There would be a decrease in energy production in cancer cells on a low or no carb diet. But they are definitely not starving. They may not be consuming as much of their favorite food, but they still are eating.

There are 3 Negative (Cancer Promoting) Consequences of a Low or No Carb Diet.

Not only does the low or no carb diet not starve cancer, but it reduces your body's ability to fight cancer. Worse, it can make your body more likely to develop cancer.

This is not what you want…

This low carb cancer diet chronically elevates levels of cortisol. Both when on a low carb diet, and also when fasting. Here's why.

Blood glucose levels become low when you are not eating carbs. Your brain notices this. It then tells the adrenal glands to release cortisol. This cortisol signals the liver to release the glucose stored in it. When you are not eating carbs, the brain must activate this process a lot. As a result, cortisol levels become chronically elevated.

Unfortunately, this has four negative consequences . . .

1. Cortisol turns down the immune system response.

Releasing cortisol is part of the stress response. Part of human evolution. Danger is approaching and you have to escape. The stress response releases cortisol. The liver then releases glucose into the blood so that you can run faster. To focus all energy on escaping this danger, the immune system is also down-regulated. It is not needed right now. All energy must go towards survival.

Cortisol always down-regulates the immune system. Immuno-suppressants like Prednisone are a form of cortisol. (4 to 5 times stronger than the cortisol your body makes.)

The stress response and the release of cortisol is useful when danger is approaching. But it's definitely not what you want when fighting cancer. (This first came to our attention in a NIH article pointing out that low carb diets reduce immune system response and do not help fight cancer.)

2. Chronically elevated cortisol greatly increases (cancer causing) inflammation throughout the body.

Inflammation has many long term negative effects in your body. Including setting the stage for cancer…

Edward Winstead, in a 2022 article for the National Cancer Institute, writes about how cancer is an inflammatory disease.

"Today, inflammation is considered a hallmark of cancer. Researchers are exploring the potential role of inflammation in many aspects of cancer, including the spread of the disease within the body and the resistance of tumors to treatment.

In the coming years, researchers hope to learn more about whether patients with cancer might benefit from treatments that target inflammation around tumors. Some early studies have yielded promising results.

'The numerous and diverse links between cancer and inflammation all present opportunities to develop therapies,' said Michael Karin, Ph. D., of the University of California, San Diego, who studies mechanisms of inflammation…

Stephen Hewitt, M.D., Ph. D., of the Experimental Pathology Laboratory in NCI's Center for Cancer Research (says) 'But on the other hand, inflammation that is not effectively controlled can potentially contribute to the development and growth of cancers.'"

Not eating carbs causes elevated cortisol levels. Elevated cortisol levels cause chronic inflammation. Chronic inflammation promotes the development of cancer.

Making your cancer more likely to grow and spread was not what you were hoping for when you went on that cancer diet. But it is what happens.

3. Wasting is accelerated when you are on a low or no carb diet.

Another function of cortisol is to replenish the glucose stored in the liver. Cortisol breaks down muscles, bones and brain to get amino acids. The liver makes glucose from these amino acids.

Cortisol also causes your body to use up stored fat in a process called lipolysis. Unfortunately, not the harmful visceral fat found around internal organs. This is the fat that increases inflammation in your body. Instead, it uses up your peripheral and subcutaneous fat that is actually good for you.

Many people with cancer who go on a low carb diet tend not to get enough calories. This causes weight loss on its own. To make matters worse...

Cancer cells then consume more of your glutamine and fat because they do not have as much glucose to eat. This contributes to muscle and fat loss.

Plus your body is also breaking down muscles for amino acids to make glucose. And burning up fat to support your cells.

It is no wonder that many people end up emaciated and weak when on the cancer diet. All three of these processes contribute to wasting. And of course, if you are on chemo and lose your appetite, it is even worse.

4. The low carb diet makes cellular metabolism more inefficient.

Cancer is a metabolic disease. Cancer cells cannot produce energy efficiently. They have damaged cellular metabolism. Healthy cells have good cellular metabolism. Damage to healthy cells is either repaired, or if the cell is too damaged, it tells itself to die. This is good.

Cells turn cancerous when they cannot produce enough energy. This can happen for a variety of reasons. Though usually it is from consumption of poor quality - heated or cooked - poly and mono unsaturated oils. These damaged oils clog up cells and reduce their ability to uptake oxygen and nutrients.

(It is likely that the sugar and carbs in cookies and cakes are not the problem. But the vegetable oils in them, being mostly poor quality or damaged by baking, is what makes them not healthy.)

Cells that are not able to repair themselves, and do not tell themselves to die, becomes sort of zombie cells that can turn into cancer cells. Otto Warburg and many other cancer researchers have done much research on this.

The most efficient source of energy for cells is glucose. When your cells oxidize or burn glucose using oxygen, a very high 36 to 38 ATP's (energy) is produced by every molecule of glucose. Burning glucose creates very low ROS free radicals too. So there is less damage to cells. Research has shown that glucose oxidation is by far the best way for cells to produce energy. Metabolizing fat ketones is not as efficient at producing energy. Fermenting glucose even less so.

A low carb diet has reduced cellular energy production. It is not as able to prevent cells from turning cancerous. Nor is it likely to give the body as much energy to fight the cancer.

This issue is not as big a problem as the turning down of the immune system. Or as the increase in inflammation. Both caused by the chronically elevated cortisol. But still, it is a significant problem as you will see.

What to do? Feed Cancer? Starve Cancer? The Best Alternative. . .

On the one hand, eating carbohydrates does feed cancer cells. Not eating carbs reduces the amount of cancer's favorite food. But they still have food to eat - blood sugar released by the liver, plus glutamine and fats. So it is unknown how significant a benefit there is from being on a very low carb or no carb diet. One thing is clear…

The low carb diet does not starve cancer near as much as the proponents of this diet believe it does.

On the other hand, not eating carbs, and also fasting, reduces your immune system's ability to fight cancer. It increases inflammation that drives the development of cancer. It accelerates muscle and fat wasting and reduces cellular energy production. Not good when it comes to fighting cancer.

It is very unlikely that a low or no carb diet to fight cancer is worthwhile - given all these negative effects.

This is contrary to just about everything you hear. So we also check it with our energetic testing to see what that shows.

For years we have used energetic testing to rate the cancer fighting ability of products. In our experience, the highest rated products work the best. They get the best feedback. So we have found this testing useful and continue to use it.

We tested the effectiveness of the cancer diet. First we tested the low carb or no carb cancer diet's ability to reduce energy production in cancer cells. This came in a 240 on a log scale to 1000. 240 is in the low end of the good range. So being on a low carb cancer diet does interfere with the cancer cells. But not a lot.

There are plenty of simple anti-cancer therapies that test higher. Taking 3 teaspoons of baking soda a day tests 330. Eating 10 apricot pits a day tests 300. Doing 15 minutes of deep breathing a day tests 310. 240 is not very strong.

Next we tested the rating of the cancer diet if you take into consideration its overall effects on the body. Taking into consideration everything mentioned earlier in this article.

Being on a low or no carb anti-cancer diet tested a 50 when taking these side effects into account. On the scale we use, 100 is the bottom of the okay range, not useful, but not harmful. Anything less than 100 has negative consequences. 50 is quite negative.

This is not good. Negative consequences outweigh any good that may occur. These consequences include turning down the immune system, increasing inflammation, low energy and wasting. The cancer diet causes more harm than benefits.

It seems to be much better to NOT be on the low or no carb cancer diet when fighting cancer. And to eat at least a normal amount of carbs.

Of course, it is understandable if this makes you nervous. What with most natural practitioners recommending not eating carbs ... But when you look into this issue, the answer seems clear.

There is a way, however, to cause cancer cells to "poison" themselves when they eat carbs. Using this solution enables you to have the best of both worlds. You eat carbs to improve your immune system response, reduce inflammation and more. Yet at the same time eating carbs is making your cancer cells sicker.

How to prevent cancer cells from benefiting when you eat carbs…

The solution is the frequency enhanced elixir BLA.

BLA was the first elixir we covered on cancerfightingstrategies.com. Over the years, we have heard a lot of feedback about how well it works.

BLA tells the body to block the elimination of lactic acid from cancer cells. Cancer cells produce lactic acid as a byproduct of their fermentation of glucose. They push the lactic acid out of the cell to prevent it from becoming too acidic. BLA , by blocking lactic acid elimination causes acidity to build up in cancer cells. The more carbs you eat, the more carbs the cancer cells eat. And the more lactic acid will build up in them. If you eat enough carbs, so much lactic acid will build up in cancer cells they become sick and eventually die.

There is another benefit of stopping the release of lactic acid from cancer cells. Released lactic acid helps protect cancer cells from the immune system. It also makes the environment outside the cancer cells more acidic. This stresses neighboring normal cells, making them more likely to turn cancerous.

BLA fights cancer well, even if you are on a low or no carb diet. Your body is still making its own blood sugar when on the diet. So you do get some buildup.

In our testing, BLA , used with a very low carb diet, tests 660. This is the high end of the "very good" range. Of course, it is much more powerful when you eat carbs and sugars. BLA tests 870 for fighting cancer when eating a 40% carb diet. This is the low end of the "great to use" range.

It tests "super great" for fighting cancer, 960, when eating a 60% high carb diet. The more carbs you eat, the faster lactic acid builds up in cancer cells. And the faster they die.

The buildup of lactic acid in cancer cells attracts three powerful cancer fighters into them. These are Alka Super C , Silver GlucoPlus and Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ . BLA enhances the effectiveness of these cancer fighters by as much as 30%. We always suggest using it with Alka Super C and Silver GlucoPlus .

Read more about BLA in the pH and Cancer section of cancerfightingstrategies.com.

What to do if you also have a lot of Candida overgrowth in your body.

The vast majority of people have Candida overgrowth. It is an unrecognized epidemic. Candida overgrowth can set up the development of cancer. Symptoms include allergies and food sensitivities, bloating, other digestive issues, low hormones, low adrenals and thyroid, foggy head, fatigue, anxiety, depression, white coated tongue, toenail fungus and more.

I bring this up because Candida, or other fungi and mold, have the same favorite food as cancer. Carbs. Being relatively large pathogens, they release a lot metabolic waste into your body. These wastes are toxic. They cause the symptoms your experience.

Eating more carbs while using BLA will help kill cancer cells faster. It will help your cells work better. But will also feed the Candida. As they eat more carbs, they release more metabolic waste.

If you have a lot of Candida, reducing this metabolic waste is important.

If you have a moderate to low amount of overgrowth, it is not a big issue. It would be more important to focus on as many cancer fighters as possible. As you should be able to handle the Candida without any major problems. Alka Super C and Silver GlucoPlus will be killing Candida too.

If you a large overgrowth, the waste Candida produces can stress your detox and immune systems. The best way to reduce or prevent this is to use the elixir BMWE. It works in a similar way to BLA .

BMWE blocks the elimination of metabolic waste from Candida, fungi, mold and even bad bacteria. So when you eat carbs, metabolic waste more build up in the them. This will eventually cause them to die. The metabolic waste will stay inside the Candida until it is removed from the body.

BMWE will thus help reduce die off toxins being released Candida killed by Alka Super C and Silver GlucoPlus . This is also valuable as it reduces the load on the liver.

Again, BMWE does not fight cancer, but it will be very useful to add it in if you have extensive Candida overgrowth.

How To Tell If You Have Candida - The Free and Accurate
Candida Spit Test

In the evening, put a clear glass of water by your bed. First thing in the morning, briefly rinse your mouth, swallow, then gather some saliva in your mouth and spit into the glass of water (be sure to spit out saliva, not mucus).

Keep an eye on the water for half an hour -- especially the first few minutes. If you have candida overgrowth, you will see one or more of the following:

Even Just One Of These Showing Up Indicates That You Have Candida Overgrowth.
  1. Strings (legs) hanging down from the saliva.
  2. Heavy-looking saliva at the bottom of the glass.
  3. Cloudy specks suspended in the water.

The more you see and the faster you see it, the more candida has overgrown in your body.

The low or no carb diet, on the whole, helps cancer more than it hurts cancer.

We used our testing to try to figure out what the most valuable diet considerations are for cancer and health overall. So we decided to start with testing the various causes of cancer. We asked what percentage of all cancers are caused by a particular issue. (This is very broad testing and of course will not be exact, but it may well give close enough answers.) Here is what we got.

This was surprising. Diet was a much bigger issue than we anticipated.

So what was off in the diets of people who developed cancer?

If our testing is correct, 10% of the time carbs were too low, and 90% of the time the intake of fats was too high.

This makes sense when you understand the following.

Cells can metabolize either glucose through oxidation, or fat. Cell mitochondria cannot oxidize both fats and glucose at the same time. This is called the Randle Cycle. Think of it as a switch that turns on fat metabolism when 30% or more fat is getting to your cells. When this happens, the mitochondria switch from metabolizing glucose to metabolizing fat.

An increase in fat to over 30% happens for a variety of reasons.

The main reason is that your diet has too much fat in it. From fried foods to large amounts of animal protein high in fat, and more.

Three additional factors contributing to a high fat ratio are the following.
  1. Candida or mold overgrowth. They eat glucose. And can eat so much glucose that the ratio of fat increases to over 30% - even though your diet has adequate glucose to keep the fat ratio under 30%.
  2. Having cancer. Cancer cells also gobble up glucose, leaving less for your normal cells.
  3. Being overweight. Your body will use some of this stored fat for energy production. So even if your diet is not more than 30% fat, your cells get more than 30% fat as a fuel source.

There are unexpected and unfortunate consequences from cells metabolizing fat as their fuel source, when it happens long term.

It can lead to diabetes. In fact, it may well be the main cause of diabetes. When switched to the fat burning mode, your cells can't use near as much of the glucose that is in the blood. So the blood ends up with high levels of blood sugar as the glucose has no place to go. When this is chronic, diabetes develops.

We test that this process is the overwhelming cause of diabetes. To deal with diabetes, it is best to reduce the amount of fat in the diet. To flip the cells to using glucose to make energy. Take the amount of fat down to 15% or so of the diet, to force glucose metabolism to happen. This low amount should work even if you are overweight and have candida overgrowth.

Metabolizing glucose gives the most efficient energy production. It produces the least free radicals too. Metabolizing fat is not as efficient. Cells cannot produce as much energy when metabolizing fat.

Below we will explain how this can lead to the development of cancer.

Cells switched over to burning fat are not able to produce as much energy as they do when burning glucose. We test they produce 80% of the amount of energy that glucose burning produces. This energy production is adequate when resting or not working hard.

But it is not adequate when exercising, working hard, under stress, or dealing with an illness or injury. So cells supplement their energy production by also fermenting glucose. Like your muscles do when they are working hard and run out of oxygen to burn. You get the lactic acid burn from this glucose fermentation. The Randle Cycle does not apply to fermenting glucose, just oxidizing glucose. Cells can both metabolize fat and ferment glucose.

Cells using fat metabolism also use glucose fermentation as needed. This can happen when there is stress or damage to your body. Or when cellular toxins have reduced energy production. And so on.

Cancer cells are cells that do not produce enough energy to work as they should. They become non-functional zombie cells. They live on, not dying as they should, and eventually can become a cancer in the body.

Most cells, when they become damaged and old, for whatever reasons, turn on cell death. And replicate into a new cell that takes their place. Cancer cells fail to turn on cell death and die.

The answer to why they don't do this may well lie in your diet.

When your cells stop functioning well, the proper response of the cell is to tell itself to die. This makes way for a new young cell to take its place. The cell death switch does not turn on in cells that turn cancerous.

The logical explanation why this happens is that glucose fermentation is occurring. Here's why.

Something must prevent cells from initiating cell death when glucose fermentation is happening. If there wasn't this constraint, cells could initiate cell death at the wrong time. For example, when you run a lot and cells run out of oxygen, so they switch to glucose fermentation to keep you going.

At this point the cell is not producing enough energy as oxygen has run out. Glucose fermentation produces little energy. So the cell is functioning poorly. This is the situation when the cell death mechanism could be turned on. But it does not get turned on. Thank goodness. We wouldn't want our cells dying every time we run fast and hard . . .

So the body must not allow cell death to be initiated when the cell is using glucose fermentation. It would be unacceptable for cell death to be turned on because of over-exertion.

But this becomes a problem when cells are in the fat burning mode and need extra energy. Because they are stressed. Or damaged by toxins, free radicals, radiation, and so on. When this happens glucose fermentation is used to supplement energy production.

In this case, if the cell becomes so damaged and weak that it should die, it cannot do so. Because glucose fermentation is being used by the cell. As a consequence of this use, cell instructions do not allow cell death - because glucose fermentation is happening.

So these cells live on. Even with little ability to function. These become zombie cells that could turn cancerous if they are not killed by the immune system. The very definition of a cancer cell is that it is a cell no longer functions in the body - and it lives much longer than it should.

A long term diet too low in carbs is likely to produce many more of these cells. Fat metabolism is turned on with a low carb diet. This does not produce as much cellular energy, and thus glucose fermentation is more likely to be also used.

As we age, there is more cell damage. More stress. The immune system function weakens. So not as many of these zombie cells will be killed. Cancer is more likely to develop. Long term, eating a too high in fats diet, a too low in carbs diet, may well set up the development of cancer.

No wonder we tested that diet plays a 65% role in the development of cancer.

This is yet another reason to be eating a diet with at least 40% carbs. And optimally 60% carbs if you are overweight or exercising hard, or under a lot of stress, physical or mental. Or are ill with cancer. The low carb diets or keto diets are not as healthy, long term, as proponents say.

Diet pointers to better fight cancer.

Carbs . . .

When fighting cancer, 60% of the diet being carbs tests as being optimal. This percentage will make sure that your cells are not switched over to metabolizing fat. A diet supplying 60% carbs is especially valuable when you are also taking the elixir BLA . When using BLA , the more carbs you eat, the more lactic acid builds up in cancer cells. And the faster they will die. Using BLA will give you assurance that you are not promoting the growth of cancer cells when on a high carb diet. As eating high carbs will actually help kill cancer cells.

Simple carbs can sometimes be better than complex carbs with a higher glycemic index. And you have an overgrowth of bad bacteria in your intestines. When this is the case, the longer food stays in the intestines, the more the bad bacteria eat the food. And the more toxins they produce. If you do not have bacterial overgrowth, all carbs work equally well. If you do, legumes and whole grain foods may not be the best for you.

Ripe fruits, because they are high in antioxidants, may be the best simple carbs to eat. But even raw honey and organic cane sugar can be healthy. That sugar is efficiently feeding your cells with the least amount of oxidative stress. White rice and potatoes without skins are also high quality simple carbs.

Brown rice can be irritating to the intestinal wall. White rice is soothing. If your intestinal wall is inflamed, (if you have digestive issues) white rice is medicinal. It helps to sooth the intestinal wall and may absorb toxins too. In the same regard, refined pastas can also be better than whole grain pasta or breads as they are not as irritating to the intestinal wall. (Raw veggies and salads can also be irritating.)

Sprouted grains and breads are excellent to use, better than non-sprouted.

Fats . . .

Keep fat consumption closer to 20% of the diet if you have cancer. If you are overweight, 15% is better.

Cook or bake with saturated fats as they are least damaged by heat. Coconut oil, palm kernel oil, lard and ghee are among the best to use.

Olive oil and avocado oil have low levels of polyunsaturated fats which are most damaged by heat. But these two oils are mono unsaturated, and thus are still damaged by heat, though not as much. Use cold pressed versions - unheated.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids - all seed and vegetable oils - are the most damaged by heat. Use cold pressed versions only, and DO NOT cook or bake with them. Because an oil has a high smoke temperature, this does not make it safe.

Avoid processed foods containing vegetable oils that are not cold or expeller pressed. Especially avoid products that have been cooked with these seed and vegetable oils in them.

It is not the carbs, but actually the damaged vegetable or seed oils in chips, cookies, sauces, cakes and more that is the problem. You can still have chips, for example. But choose a chip that has been fried in coconut oil or palm oil. Not one that is fried in safflower, sunflower, canola, avocado or olive oil.

Fish oil in high doses can be very anti-inflammatory and be a strong cancer fighter. In low doses when not protected from free radical damage, it can contribute to tumor growth.

In high doses it must be ultra refined to avoid getting too many PCBs and other toxins. And it must have powerful antioxidants to prevent it from going rancid in the body. We suggest Omega3Gold. It is an ultra refined fish oil with strong antioxidant protection. It is best used with Fatty Acid Transport Elixir which will help get more fatty acids into your cells.

Protein . . .

Many anti-cancer diets recommend eating no animal protein. There are studies, most famously The China Study, comparing diet and amount of cancer in different regions. The regions that had higher consumption of animal protein had more cancer.

Our energetic testing says that not too high doses of animal protein are good for you when you have cancer. Here's why this may be so.

The studies were not looking at the whole picture. The regions eating more animal protein were wealthier. These regions would be much more likely to eat more fat in general as fat is tasty (and expensive). Fat that would come from animal protein and other sources. Poorer regions would be more likely to eat more carbs such as white rice or wheat or millet.

It was not likely the animal protein per se that was the cause of cancer developing. But the higher fat diet that threw residents of the wealthier regions into fat metabolism. The less wealthy, higher carb regions stayed in glucose metabolism.

Even with cancer, eating high quality animal protein tests good to do. We test that up to 20% of the diet could be this type of protein. Grass fed is best, followed by organic. Wild caught fish are also great. Especially small fish like sardines and herring. Salmon is good too. Make sure it is wild caught!

With dairy, make sure it is rbGH-free as this hormone promotes cancer growth. Organic is better, Grass fed is better still. Grass fed and raw is the best. Some grass fed and raw hard cheeses are in many grocery stores. Organic Valley has a one or two versions.

Remember to count the fat in animal protein towards your total fat consumption. Do not eat so much fat that you turn on the fat metabolizing switch in your cells.

We hope this information is of use to you. It is very much different than most of what you hear about diet and cancer. If you are reluctant to switch to a normal or high carb diet, it is understandable. So many professionals say the opposite. But there are clear disadvantages to a low carb diet. Consequences that reduce your immune system's ability to fight cancer. And the increase in inflammation, caused by the low carb diet, promotes the growth of cancer.

Using the BLA elixir will prevent you from supporting cancer while eating carbs. The more carbs that you eat, the more cancer cells eat. So more lactic acid is produced by these cells. As they can't get rid of the lactic acid, thanks to BLA, the more it builds up in cancer cells. And the sicker they become.

BLA has been successfully used for over a decade. BLA also increases the effectiveness of several of the strongest cancer fighters in our protocols. These are Alka Super C , Silver GlucoPlus and Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ. BLA will enhance these products even if you are eating a low carbohydrate diet. This is because your liver produces glucose when you don't have enough carbs in your diet. And that glucose is eaten by the cancer cells. So BLA will still work. Not as powerfully, of course. But enough to attract more of these supplements into cancer cells. To better kill them.


11 Strategies to focus on when fighting cancer...


Cancer Strategy #1 - Increasing Cellular Oxygen Levels Kills Cancerous Cells

The main cause of the development of cancer may be not enough glucose and too much fat in the diet - as you read in the Diet and Cancer section. But lack of oxygen getting into cells (to be used for oxidative glycolysis) also contributes to the development of cancer. When cells don't produce enough energy to function normally, they can turn cancerous.

In 1931 Dr. Warburg won his first Nobel Prize for proving cancer that is caused by a lack of oxygen respiration in cells. He stated in an article titled "The Prime Cause and Prevention of Cancer... the cause of cancer is no longer a mystery, we know it occurs whenever any cell is denied 60% of its oxygen requirements..."

"Cancer, above all other diseases, has countless secondary causes. But, even for cancer, there is only one primary cause. Summarized in a few words, the prime cause of cancer is the replacement of the respiration of oxygen in normal body cells by a fermentation of sugar. All normal body cells meet their energy needs by respiration of oxygen, whereas cancer cells meet their energy needs in great part by fermentation. All normal body cells are thus obligate aerobes, whereas all cancer cells are partial anaerobes."

Warburg didn't know about the switch in cells that turns off respiration of oxygen and glucose when there is over 30% fat getting to cells. He overestimated the importance of oxygen. Though greatly reduced levels of oxygen in cells will contribute to lack of energy and development of cancer..

Poor oxygenation comes from a buildup of carcinogens and toxins within and around cells. Clumping of red blood cells slows down the bloodstream, and restricts flow into capillaries. But perhaps the major issue leading to poor oxygenation of cells is lack of the proper building blocks for cell walls. This lack is usually from not enough high quality Omega 3 oils while consuming too many low quality (heated) vegetable oils.

Cancer and Oxygen - pO2 levels and tumors

Cancer and Oxygen - pO2 levels and tumors

Warburg and other scientists found that the respiratory enzymes in cells, die when cellular oxygen levels drop below 65%. When the mitochondrial enzymes get destroyed, the cell can no longer produce all its energy using oxygen.

For a short period of time, like when running a race, anaerobic fermentation of sugar is okay. Your legs build up lactic acid from this fermentation process. This causes a "burn", and you stop running. Then your cells recover and produce energy using oxygen.

The problem comes when cells cannot produce significant energy. Consequently, these cells can only multiply and grow if they do not die. They can turn into cancer cells if they are not destroyed by the immune system.

Decades ago, two researchers at the National Cancer Institute, Dean Burn and Mark Woods, (Dean translated some of Warburg's speeches) conducted a series of experiments where they measured the fermentation rate of cancers that grew at different speeds. What they found supported Dr. Warburg's theory.

The cancers with the highest growth rates had the highest fermentation rates. The slower a cancer grew, the less it used fermentation to produce energy.

Further research into Warburg's theory showed that when oxygen levels were turned down, cells began to produce energy anaerobically. They ultimately became cancerous when levels went low enough. It took a reduction of 35% in oxygen levels for this to happen.

J. B. Kizer, a biochemist and physicist at Gungnir Research in Portsmith, Ohio explains, "Since Warburg's discovery, this difference in respiration has remained the most fundamental (and some say, only) physiological difference consistently found between normal and cancer cells. Using cell culture studies, I decided to examine the differential responses of normal and cancer cells to changes in the oxygen environment.

Supplements that supply oxygen are the most important when there is cancer in the lungs and you are not getting enough oxygen because of reduce lung function.
Supplements that enhance the ability of cells to uptake oxygen are fundamental for preventing and fighting cancer.

With a compromised lung or lungs, not enough oxygen is being processed by the lungs, and you need to supplement with oxygen to get enough oxygen for the body. Other supplements that are stronger cancer fighters, improve oxygenation of cells by enhancing the quality of the cell walls. This allows for the oxygen and other nutrients to enter cells more easily and enhances cell metabolism.

A major cause of the development of cancer, one that is too little discussed, is poor cellular metabolism. It is mostly cells that have low energy, because of poor metabolism, that can turn cancerous. This is partially caused by the cell walls becoming clogged and stiff. And this is caused by the consumption of poor quality, cooked or heat processed vegetable or seed oils. These oils have been oxidized by heat and don't work properly in the body. Rather than being carried into cells to be used, they clog up cell walls. This inhibits the intake of important cell nutrients like oxygen and glucose. And causes poor cell metabolism from lack of nutrients.

There is an elixir that stimulates the body to remove the poor quality fatty acids clogging cell walls. This action is of such importance that this elixir tests as being in the top group of cancer fighters. It is the...

Cell Wall Optimization Elixir

The instructions in this elixir work in two ways to optimize and increase the ability of cells to absorb nutrients and oxygen. This is important to prevent the development of cancer. Cancerous cells are always cells that do not produce enough energy to function properly.

But it is also important for fighting actual cancer. Here's how Cell Wall Optimization Elixir fights cancer. If you can get cancer cells to work better their mitochondria is repaired. At this point the cancer cell can again start to function as part of the body. The mitochondria has an apoptosis mechanism that tells the cell to die when it is too old or too damaged to function properly. Because of a too high fat diet, and also too many poor quality fatty acids, the apoptosis mechanism has been turned off in cancer cells. As the mitochondria is healed and the apoptosis mechanism is repaired, the mitochondria realizes that It has lived too long. It realizes the cancer cell is damaged and is working poorly. As a consequence, it activates apoptosis natural cell death of the cancer cell.

The Cell Wall Optimization Elixir helps activate cancer cell death two ways.

First, frequency instructions in it tell the body to use only the highest quality fatty acids in the formation of cell walls. This will help cell walls to be softer and more permeable, allowing more nutrients into the cells. (Use of Omega3Gold will provide even more high quality fatty acids.)

Second, Cell Wall Optimization Elixir instructs the body to produce additional enzymes to digest fat. And directs those enzymes to be used to digest the poor quality fatty acids clogging the walls of cells. This clearing off the fatty acids clogging up cells will increase the absorption of nutrients into cells. It is the more important action, necessary to have a healthy body in general and to fight cancer in particular. This action is beneficial not only for cancer, but for metabolic diseases like diabetes.

On its own, Cell Wall Optimization Elixir tests as being a strong cancer fighter. It comes in at 8000 on our cancer fighting scale. It has a synergy with C-60, Carbon Transport Elixir, Apopto Activation Elixir, The Master Healing Elixir, Super ProCoQ10 Max, Health First Grape Seed Extract and Omega3Gold, helping them all to activate cancer cell death apoptosis.

Another top suggestion on this site, Omega3Gold, helps the body make softer, more permeable cell walls that allow more oxygen and glucose to get into cells. For fish oil to work optimally, once there is cancer, it has to be used in very high doses. To be safe in high doses, it has to be ultra refined to get out toxins. And it must be protected from free radical damage by powerful antioxidants. In fact, there have been studies showing that use of fish oil has lead to an increase in tumor size. These studies were done with fish oil that was not protected with antioxidants.


Omega3Gold is an ultra refined fish oil made with the best processing possible. Comes from wild caught anchovies and other tiny fish in pure waters off the coast of South America - with processing right on site. Even with these favorable conditions, ultra refined processing is needed to make the fish oil pure enough to be safe. Ultra refined fish oil is especially necessary when it is being used in high doses. This is because there are too many PCBs in the ocean now. They end up in fish oil if it has not been ultra refined. While this may not have significant downside when used in small amounts, an unsafe and unhealthy amount of PCBs or other environmental toxins will be consumed when used in high doses - if the fish oil has not been ultra refined.

We first looked at Omega3Gold as an excellent way to reduce inflammation. In high doses, it consistently tests as the top anti-inflammatory supplement. As a consequence, it is one of the best supplements to use to prevent pain from developing or to try and reduce current pain.

Better still, Omega3Gold tests as being a very strong cancer fighter. There are several reasons for this. First, improved cell wall permeability will help get more oxygen and other nutrients into cells. This will work to prevent cells from turning cancerous, and support the body overall. It will also increase uptake into cancer cells of strong cancer killers like Alka Super C and Silver GlucoPlus.

But by far, Omega3Gold's cancer fighting strength comes from its ability to greatly reduce inflammation. Cancer is an inflammatory disease. Its development is driven by inflammation, As a consequence, its ability to reduce inflammation makes it a powerful cancer fighter. This is the primary reason Omega3Gold rates very highly for fighting cancer.

For Omega3Gold to be a top cancer fighter, the Fatty Acid Transport Elixir also must be used. This elixir turns on production of fatty acid transport proteins. These proteins are required to move the fatty acids from the Omega3Gold throughout the body. Where they need to go. With the large amount of Omega3Gold that is optimal to use, the normal amount of fatty acid transport proteins in the body will not be enough to efficiently transport all these fatty acids. Omega3Gold will work significantly better when there are more fatty acid transport proteins available.

The combination of Omega3Gold and Fatty Acid Transport Elixir test a strong 7400 for fighting cancer. For an early stage cancer use 2 bottles a month of Omega3Gold. For an advanced cancer or when there is a great deal of inflammation or pain, it is optimal to use 3 bottles a month dose. Use 2 bottles a month dose of Fatty Acid Transport Elixir for the best results.


Increasing oxygen in cells is a very good thing to be doing to fight cancer. It becomes vitally important when lung function is reduced.

Your cells aren't getting as much oxygen as they need when there is cancer in the lungs. The more cancer there is, or the more damage to the lungs there is, the more you need to do. If you have just a bit of cancer in the lungs, then the OxyDHQ or even the Oxy E (not quite as strong) would be enough to help significantly. They work in similar ways with the OxyDHQ being a larger sized bottle and testing a little stronger.

If you have more cancer in the lungs, or if you are in poor shape, then it would be optimal to also use Oxy Life Force Elixir and Ronuv. They increase oxygenation of your cells and fight cancer in different ways than OxyDHQ or Oxy E do.

Our first strong recommendation for an oxygenation supplement was...

Oxy E

Cellular Oxygen Enhancer

Oxy E creates oxygen in your cells. It also acts as a free radical scavenger, and produces extra hydrogen to increase pH levels and combat free radicals.

This one ounce bottle of liquid contains an acid based formulation of sea water minerals, dissolved oxygen, plant based amino acids and plant based enzymes. It interacts with deuterium, a trace mineral naturally found in water. And ends up creating hydrogen and oxygen as it splits the chemical bonds in water molecules.

What sets Oxy E apart from your typical oxygen supplement is that this oxygen producing reaction can take place inside the cells. Where you need to get the oxygen. Many oxygen producing products like hydrogen peroxide, vitamin O, or Aerobic 7- there's a whole slew of them - get oxygen into the blood. As Dr. Whittaker points out, what they can't do though, is to actually get the oxygen into the cells.

The typical oxygen supplements always cause free radical or oxidative damage in the body. Oxy E does the opposite. In its process of creating stable oxygen molecules, it actually eliminates free radicals.

The oxygen transportation problem is solved by Oxy E in a unique way. The ionic trace mineral blend in Oxy E carries it into your cells, where it then makes oxygen. As maximum oxygen creation from Oxy E occurs 6 to 8 hours after ingesting, there is plenty of time to be taken into cells. It forms an O- molecule with a negative ionic charge, which eliminates an O+ free radical by combining with it. This produces a stable oxygen molecule.

Oxy E is able to supply the body with a steady diet of free oxygen, hydrogen, full spectrum minerals, amino acids, and enzymes ­ all the while cleansing cells of toxins and lactic acid. In addition it will enhance absorption of nutrients taken with it into the cells. And pull toxins out of your cells.

It works on two other fundamental causes of cancer, over-toxicity of the cells and pH. You can't take too much, your body only uses as much as it needs. Because it is a powerful detoxifier, increase the dosages slowly.

"I am contacting you for a friend of mine as she does not have a computer to ask a few questions. Her husband has Adenocarcinoma (lung cancer). He has been on Oxy E for approx. 3 weeks. The results have been remarkable to his well being. He is sleeping very well, eating great and has boundless energy, looks and feels better. The improvement started after three days, he is on the maximum dose."

Pat G.

Ed McCabe, a noted oxygen researcher, in an article in Well Being Journal gives some examples of how supplements like Oxy E helped some people with cancer.

"Dallas TV 11 had to repeat the Francis Guido story because there was so much demand for it by viewers. Francis loves to garden. One day she "No longer felt good." Pancreatic Cancer. Blood work and CAT scans every 4 months confirmed its continuing growth for a year and a half. Finally her doctor told her there was "nothing more they could do," and sent her home to die. She had no energy, couldn't get out of bed, or brush her teeth. Food would stick in her throat. She prayed over her dilemma, and the name of a local Naturopath popped into her mind. By this time her throat was so closed off she stopped drinking water. Dr. Revis helped her to drink an 8-ounce glass of water with drops of this supplement in it. Over a month she worked up to 72 drops per day. She started eating and drinking again. When she returned to her medical doctors they scanned all of her organs and bones, from head to toe, and couldn't find any trace of Cancer! A year and one half later, she looks so much younger, alive and vital, no one recognizes her at the supermarket. She reports: "I'm not dying! The stuff works, but you have to want to live, and continue doing it."

Ed continues, "Let's take the case of Joe Ritter, 66, from Fallbrook, California. Throat Cancer and surgery combined with 40 radiation treatments left him burnt and scarred inside. He heard about and started taking the supplement, and when I interviewed him he was working out at the gym 4 hours a day, and considers himself way ahead of others who had the same surgery and radiation a year ago. He has the blood pressure of a 20 year old, the lowest his has ever been.

"For a variety of reasons not everyone gets the same results with any supplement, but it's hard to pass by another of my interviews, this one was with William Lee. He's 69, he loves fishing, hunting, yard work, and working with flowers in South Dakota. He had 4 heart attacks, and after a stressful period his Cancer of 6 years ago flared up in his colon, stomach, blood, and prostate. His Naturopath guided him, working him up to taking high dosages of it, several times a day for the past 7 months. He had the usual classic cleansing reactions as the body finally had the building block raw materials needed to purge itself of unwanted diseased tissue. He reported lumps of foul smelling substances that looked like "rotten hamburger" flushing out of his colon, his urine was strong and dark, and he had occasional headaches. As he said, "It is doing its job!" His doctor reports he's free from the Cancer, his heart is improving tremendously, and all previous heart pains have disappeared. William concludes: "It's a fantastic product."

Suggested Use: Add drops to eight ounces of purified water or juice and take with or after meals. It will improve assimilation of supplements you take with it. For a therapeutic dosage, increase slowly to about 10 to 15 drops 6 to 10 times a day. Or you can drink up to 50 drops in a quart of water three times a day. Just remember, Oxy E is a detoxifier so work into a high dose.

Oxy E comes in a 1 oz. bottle. Working in a similar way, but a little stronger and in a 4 ounce bottle, is...


Free Radical Scavenging And Oxygenation For Cancer

OxyDHQ is a liquid concentrate that uses, as does Oxy E, at its foundation a deuterium fortified water with 84 minerals, 39 enzymes, 19 amino acids in an acidic base that has a history of producing oxygen in cells and a multitude of hydrogen ions for over four decades. Just like lemon juice or vinegar, it will also help alkalize your body. In addition. . .

It contains therapeutic levels of DiHydroQuercetin which is a powerful free radical scavenger that also conditions red blood cells so that they are more flexible and work better. Increasing circulation. Next a special Vitamin C, ascorbo-phoshpate, is added. This makes the DHQ work even better - and is about 16 times more potent than regular vitamin C. These two additions alone up the anti-cancer levels significantly, and may be able to extend healthy cell life up to 240% in test tubes. It also has 15% sea ormus - which brings in that healing force of energetic frequencies to OxyDHQ.

OxyDHQ's creation of free oxygen and hydrogen helps to stabilize toxic elements in the body by polar bonding and electrical charge, to create new safe elements while turning the harmful compounds inert or soluble. In other words, it works to detoxify the body. The hydrogen ions release by OxyDHQ work with the oxygen ions to normalize pH levels. Bringing them up if too acidic, down if too alkaline.

OxyDHQ, as an electrolyte, has the ability to stimulate healthy cell growth by adding the proper amounts of voltage to the cell. In addition, this increases cellular energy, just what you want to prevent cancer growth. It also kills parasites, bacteria, viruses, mold and fungi. But does not harm beneficial microorganisms.

OxyDHQ comes in a convenient 4 ounce bottle as higher doses always work best. Equivalent to 4 bottles of Oxy E. For early stage cancers, consider using 2 bottles a month. Advanced cancers are handled better by using 3 bottles monthly. OxyDHQ tests energetically at 6350 when used for a lung cancer.

Mix OxyDHQ in water or juice. It is a concentrate. It makes an acidic drink, like lemon juice. While it is acidic in the stomach, it works to increase pH levels in your body.

If you have a lot of cancer in the lungs, or significantly decreased lung function for some other reason, then it is important to also use the following two supplements.

Oxy Life Force Elixir

Oxy Life Force Elixir has instructions directing the body to produce a much higher level of nano oxygen than it normally does. These instructions were added after a researcher postulated that the body produced nano oxygen, very tiny oxygen bubbles. And that this oxygen was distributed throughout the body by both the lymph system and the blood.

Distribution in this manner would enable the nano oxygen to flow to low oxygen areas in the body. This could be a cancer tumor, areas of neuropathy, areas of inflammation or infection. Oxy Life Force, when used with the same number of bottles monthly of OxyDHQ, may be able to stimulate 5 times as much nano oxygen production. In these quantities it becomes a superior cancer fighter.

Nano oxygen will also help prevent normal cells from turning cancerous if they are low in oxygen. The nano oxygen would gravitate to those cells and provide needed oxygen.

Oxy Life Force Elixir tests a high 5400 when used at the 2 bottles a month dose for early stage cancer and 3 bottles a month for advanced cancer. Used with OxyDHQ, their rating is 6850.

Oxy Life Force Elixir has other benefits.


A Unique Oxygen Powered Cancer Fighting Supplement

Ronuv works in just about the opposite way that OxyDHQ works. Yet they work synergistically. The base of this elixir is a special low deuterium water made in Europe. The amount of deuterium in this water has been reduced to 25 parts per million of deuterium. This low deuterium water has small amounts of a number of frequency enhanced elixirs added to it to greatly enhance its actions. Then to make these actions even more powerful, it is frequency enhanced with numerous subtle vibrational energies -- again all working to make Ronuv work more powerfully.

While Oxy E and OxyDHQ work by putting small amounts of deuterium in your body, where it interacts with water molecules and produces oxygen and hydrogen ions, Ronuv works in the opposite way, introducing a water with extremely low levels of deuterium into your body. The mechanism that causes Ronuv to be a cancer fighter, is the following.

Because cancer cells produce most of their energy by fermenting sugar, not with oxygen, they tend to accumulate more deuterium in their cells. The low deuterium water in Ronuv is attracted to these higher deuterium cancer cells. Like iron to a magnet, Ronuv is pulled to cancer cells. The vibrational frequencies it is energized with enable it to better enter cancer cells. In fact, any cells with damaged mitochondrial function, such as cells infected by viruses and other pathogens which damage their ability to produce energy aerobically, will have more deuterium in them, and thus will act as a magnet, attracting the low deuterium water in Ronuv to them.

Once Ronuv has entered these cells, the excess deuterium in them moves to the low deuterium water. In the process it interacts with water molecules and releases oxygen inside the cells. Enough oxygen is released that the cancer cells are killed, or the viruses in the cells are destroyed. What makes Ronuv such a powerful cancer fighter is this targeting of cancer cells caused by the attraction of its energized low deuterium water to those cells. For its ability to fight lung cancer, Ronuv energetically tests at 4200.

Ronuv comes in a 4 ounce dropper bottle. Use 2 bottles a month for early stage cancers, 3 per month for advanced cancers.

OxyDHQ supercharged by Ronuv

The deuterium in OxyDHQ or Oxy E is attracted to the low deuterium water in Ronuv. The low deuterium water in Ronuv is attracted to cancer cells. OxyDHQ is attracted to cancer cells when Ronuv is used because OxyDHQ is attracted to Ronuv. This makes OxyDHQ even more effective because more of it gets to cancer cells.

Improve Cellular Oxygen Utilization

When addressing oxygen and cancer, It is important to address the repair of the mitochondria in cells. This is the part of the cell that converts oxygen and glucose to produce energy.

A nutrient vital for the production of energy in the mitochondria is CoEnzymeQ10. CoQ10 is used in part of the Krebs cycle in the mitochondria to transport oxygen. If a cell doesn't have CoQ10, it can't produce energy using oxygen because that oxygen molecule won't get moved to where it needs to go. This is especially important in elderly patients whose levels are usually quite low. In fact, after about age 35, people start using more CoQ10 than they make.

As you will read below, Coq10 has a history of use and success with cancer.

(It is also vital for congestive heart failure which is often primarily Co-Q10 deficiency. If you take statin drugs, you need CoQ10. Those drugs block the production of CoQ10. Extremely low CoQ10 may be the cause of tens of thousands of deaths yearly from congestive heart failure.)

There are several types of CoQ10 on the market. Cheap stuff from China. Energetic testing puts its healing power at 250. Good quality CoQ10 from Japan comes in at 340. There is an increased absorption ubiquinol that comes in higher still at 2700. Much more effective. The most effective is is CoQ10 using a fat based ester delivery system - Super ProCoQ10 Max.

Our energetic testing of how well these CoQ10s fight cancer finds that Super ProCoQ10 Max works much better than the highly touted ubiquinol. It tests at 6300 when therapeutic doses of 4 bottles a month are used to fight early stage cancer, and 5 bottles a month are used for advanced stage cancer.

For fighting cancer, especially when inflammation needs to be reduced, Super ProCoQ10 Max consistently tests in the top ten products to be using.

Super ProCoQ10-Max

Coenzyme Q10 And Oxygenation For Effective Cancer Fighting

Interest in coenzyme Q10 as a potential treatment for cancer began in 1961 when a deficiency of the enzyme was noted in the blood of cancer patients. Low blood levels of coenzyme Q10 have been found in patients with myeloma, lymphoma, and cancers of the breast, lung, prostate, pancreas, colon, kidney, head and neck.

Most of the original research on CoQ10 centered on the treatment of heart failure, but two older journal articles highlight it's potential in combating cancer and maintaining a cancer free life. A Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications paper (April 15, 1993;192:241-5 - Folkers), presents anecdotal results of 10 cancer patients given CoQ10 for heart failure. One example is a 48-year-old man who took daily CoQ10 for 17 years after a diagnosis of inoperable lung cancer. He has been symptom free of heart failure and cancer since then.

A European cancer specialist Knud Lockwood, M.D., also presented his treatment of 32 "high-risk" breast cancer patients in Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications (March 30, 1994;199:1504-8). Employing antioxidant vitamins, essential fatty acids, and CoQ10, he reported "No patient died and all expressed a feeling of well-being" and "These results are remarkable since about 4 deaths would have been expected. Now, after 24 months, all still survive; about 6 deaths would have been expected."

New CoQ10 research in 2005 performed at the University of Miami Medical School is even more impressive, Researchers reported that in laboratory and animal studies where CoQ10 was delivered to cancer cells and tissues, it induced apoptosis, which is the normal programmed cell death.

"The most amazing part is that we've been able to restore a cancer cell's ability to kill itself, while not impacting normal cells," said Niven Narain, research associate in the Department of Dermatology and Cutaneous Surgery at the Miller School of Medicine.

Scientists made two presentations at the annual meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research in Anaheim, Ca. The first presentation involved the most common prostate cancer cell line, PC3. The researchers showed that adding CoQ10 to the cells in vitro, or in the laboratory, there was a 70 percent inhibition of cell growth over 48 hours.

"We saw evidence that the remarkable reduction in cell growth was due to apoptosis, showing that CoQ10 restored the ability of the cancer cells to kill themselves," said Narain.

In the second presentation, the researchers showed that CoQ10 greatly inhibited the proliferation of breast cancer cells, while providing a stabilizing effect on the normal mammary cells.

"This suggests to us that CoQ10 could be an effective adjuvant anti-tumor agent in breast carcinomas," said Indushekhar Persaud, research associate in the Department of Dermatology and Cutaneous Surgery at the Miller School of Medicine."

Super ProCoQ10-Max is the new standard in CoQ10 supplementation. The solubility and absorbability of CoQ10 in Super ProCoQ10 has been increased by using esters to make it more bioavailable. Human trials show that taking it results in 18 times higher serum levels of CoQ10 than the same amount of standard CoQ10.

Human Trials show that at just 30 mg per day, ProCoQ10 reduced daily DNA damage in humans by 51%. It was also shown to shrink human skin wrinkles in 6 weeks. Now 30 mg is a small dosage. The amount of ProCoQ10 in this product is 200 mg per capsule.

Super ProCoQ10 contains powerful cellular health promoting ingredients, Niacin, Lithium and tiny amounts of Selenium.

These nutrients have unique synergies with CoQ10, helping it better kill cancer cells, and helping it work better in cells too.

Each Super ProCoQ10-Max capsule provides 350mg Soluble Rice Bran Complex (SRBC) which is 100% usable and absorbable... with a full spectrum of health-restoring nutrients that man-made supplements can never provide. It is completely digestible because only the soluble part of the stabilized rice germ and bran is used. When taking just one capsule you receive the equivalent nutrition of a pound of ordinary brown rice, without all the starch. This nutritious Rice Complex strongly supports maximum absorption of ProCoQ10 - and further enhances its far ranging benefits.

It provides a broad range of antioxidants including tocotrienols, which have been found to be six thousand times more effective than vitamin E. Also natural B-Vitamins that boost energy, stamina and help stabilize blood sugar. (Including natural B-Vitamins that cannot be synthesized such as Pangamic Acid.) It is a natural source of Alpha Lipoic Acid, Squalene and IP6.

For best results with early stage cancers, use 4 bottles of Super ProCoQ10-Max a month. Increase to 5 bottles a month for advanced cancers.


To improve metabolism in cells, you must also get the right nutrients into those cells. So that the mitochondria can use oxygen and glucose to produce energy.

A supplement that will help improve uptake of nutrients is…

MetaCell Elixir

MetaCell Elixir is a frequency enhanced water remedy that delivers a set of instructions to the body. Similar to how homeopathy can influence the body to respond in certain ways, these instructions tell your cells to take specific actions.

MetaCell tells the body is to produce transport proteins for all the nutrients needed for cell metabolism.

MetaCell turns on production of transport proteins for oxygen inside cells. Glucose transport protein production is stimulated too. This will help glucose get into cells, and to move them to where they need to go once it is inside a cell.

It activates production of transport proteins for copper, magnesium, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, selenium, and iron. Instructions say to transport into cells optimal amounts of these minerals.

MetaCell also activates production of the transport proteins for vitamin E, bioflavonoids, vitamin A, vitamin C, all B vitamins, CoQ10, and vitamin K. This alone can improve the effectiveness of Super ProCoQ10 to fight cancer by 20%.

Cancer cells live too long. They do so because their mitochondria (the energy producing factory in the cell), is non-functional. The mitochondria is the time-keeper in cells. When the time has come for a cell to die, it tells the cell to do so. Because the mitochondria is not functional in cancer cells, the cell is not told to die. So the cancer cell lives on and on.

By turning on production of all these transport proteins, MetaCell improves utilization of important nutrients your mitochondria needs. These nutrients help get the mitochondria working again. Especially when C-60 with Carbon Transport Elixir, Apopto Activation Elixir, Health First Grape Seed Extract and Alka Super C are also being used.

The very first action a cancer cell mitochondria takes, once it has been repaired enough to function, is to evaluate how long the cancer cell has lived.

It always finds that the cancer cell has lived too long. (All cancer cells live too long. It is part of being cancerous.) The cancer cell mitochondria's first action is to immediately tell the cancer cell to die. This process is called apoptosis.

This is a powerful cancer fighting process. C-60 with Carbon Transport Elixir, Apopto Activation Elixir, Health First Grape Seed Extract and MetaCell test, in our energetic testing, as being powerful cancer fighters. It comes in at 9900 in the rating system used on this site. (Apopto Activation Elixir has instructions turning on the apoptosis, natural cell death process, in cancer cells.)

Use 1 bottle a month of MetaCell for cancer prevention, 2 per month for early stage cancers, and 3 per month for advanced cancers.

Super PEO

When fighting cancer, Super PEO is not as powerful or important to use as Omega3Gold. For long term use, for cancer prevention, it may be the better oil to be using.

When your cell walls are not made with high quality fats, they are not able to absorb oxygen and other nutrients efficiently. For decades the Budwig diet, focusing on a blend of flax oil and cottage cheese has been used to fight cancer and cardiovascular disease by providing high quality Omega 3. With good success. Energetic testing on this comes in at 470 for fighting cancer. Good enough to help many people, but not great.

There is one main reason that the Budwig diet doesn't work as well as you might like. Lack of the proper ratio of high quality Omega 6 oils to the Omega 3 oils supplied by flax oil.

What are PEO's? These are essential fatty acids, or EFA's, and include Omega-6 and Omega-3. Omega-6 is also known as linoleic acid (LA), and Omega-3 is known as alpha-linoleic acid (ALA). These oils must be eaten every day, because your body can't manufacture them on its own.

Three issues that have to be right...

  1. The source of these Fatty Acids is extremely important.
  2. Even more crucial is their stability and freshness.
  3. Benefits depend on the ratio of Omega 6 to Omega-3 you use.

The Problem: Obtaining functional fatty acids from our diet today is challenging. Most foods today are heated, pasteurized, preserved or irradiated. This damages these heat sensitive Omega 3 and 6 oils, which when consumed, causes harm in the body. This may lead to cancer and cardiovascular disease.

As a result of these issues, high quality Omega 6 and Omega 3 in our diet is low or absent while the consumption of damaged oils is high. Thus, it is essential to supplement our diets with high quality unheated Omega oils to recover optimal health.

One of the leaders in the emerging field of PEO research is Professor Brian Peskin, chief research scientist at the Cambridge International Institute for Medical Science. Peskin invented the term Parent Essential Oils (PEO's).

A Parent Essential Oil (PEO) is a natural cold pressed organic oil that has NOT been heated, NOT been chemically processed AND retains enough naturally occurring antioxidants to remain fresh and physiologically active.

The ratio of Omega-6 to Omega-3 fatty acids healthy humans require to function optimally has been subject to much debate. In general, today's western diet provides far more Omega-6 fatty acids than necessary, but the vast majority of these are damaged to the degree that they cause more harm than good.

Professor Peskin and his colleagues hold that the body needs a supply of GOOD Omega-6 to regain health and undo much of the damage already caused to the cells. This is where Peskin and company differ from the industry standard. You'll find that most oil companies recommend the exact opposite Omega 6 to 3 ratio. This is because they count the omega-6 you are currently eating as useful, which, according to Peskin, it is not.

Peskin's experimental results have led him to use an Omega-6 to Omega-3 ratio of 3 to 1 to enable the best wellness recovery. It produces impressive results such as...

NINE year decrease in biological arterial age: In a study of 35 subjects, 13 male and 22 female, aged 35-75, all were supplemented with the "plant-based Parent Essential Oils" for between 3 months and 4 years. The average improvement was a 9 year decrease in biological arterial age, making their effective age younger than their physical age. (* From the IOWA Study (Investigating Oils With respect to Arterial blockage). This study used photoplethysmography to detail the differences in arterial flexibility between subjects taking PEO's and those taking fish oil. IOWA compared fish oil to PEO's as regards cardiovascular protection. Des Moines, Iowa 2005, Prof. B. Peskin and David Sim, M.D.)

Cancer, Oxygenation and Omega-6 Oils: Research shows that parent Omega-6 oils increases oxygen transfer into cells. They effectively increase the permeability of cell membranes to molecular oxygen by up to 50%. This is vital to cancer prevention when you consider that reducing cellular oxygen levels by just 35% causes cancer in most every case according to Otto Warburg's Nobel Prize winning research.

High Quality Omega-3 & Omega-6 - Super PEO

Super PEO is a proprietary, nutrient dense, organically crafted, Parent Essential Oil blend. It comes in a 8oz bottle which provides a month's supply (6 grams daily) of the most biologically active PEO's that you could find anywhere.

Each bottle represents the healing force of literally hundreds of pounds of organic and wild crafted fruits and vegetables. No heat, No chemicals. It contains therapeutic levels of the following oils, combined to provide you with the perfect Peskin PEO 3 to 1 ratio. In addition, essential oils are added to protect the oils from oxidation damage.

  1. Cold pressed organic Black Cumin Seed Oil has been used for centuries to promote health and fight disease. Hundreds of medical studies have been published in the Middle East, Asia and Europe focusing on its immune strengthening, anti-histamine, anti-tumor, anti-microbial, and anti-inflammatory activity.
  2. Evening Primrose Oil (organic), coined the "King's Cure-All" in the 1700's, has remarkable anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties and is especially crucial to women's reproductive health.
  3. Black currant seed oil is an unique nutrient rich oil that is an excellent source of GLA (gamma-linoleic acid), which is an essential fatty acid used to treat a variety of ailments, from diabetes and ulcers to allergies and cancer. GLA is also powerful anti-inflammatory, which can be used to treat the swelling and pain associated with arthritis, as well as gastritis, which is inflammation of the stomach.
  4. Both Camelina seed and Flax seeds are an ancient food source known for providing sustained energy over a prolonged period of time.
  5. Cold pressed organic Hemp Seed Oil also provides an ample supply of carotene, phytosterols, and phospholipids.
  6. Cold pressed Borage Seed Oil is a rich source of antioxidants and proanthocyanidins with anti-bacterial adhesion properties. Borage, or starflower plant, produces seeds that are a rich source of the essential gamma-linolenic fatty acid, or GLA. Borage oil has a reputation for alleviating symptoms of autoimmune disorders, skin disorders, premenstrual syndrome and cramps, diabetic neuropathy and other inflammatory conditions.
  7. Cold pressed organic Sunflower Seed Oil differs from mass produced sunflower oils which are extracted using damaging heat and chemicals. Cold pressing preserves natural antioxidants and nutrients.
  8. The addition of organic essential oils from Orange, Lime, and Lemon further enhance the benefits of this blend. These oils, derived from the fruit peel, are antiseptic, anti-depressant, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory. They add delicious flavor and protect the blend's freshness and stability.
  9. Essential oil from organic Peppermint is excellent for mental fatigue and depression, refreshing the spirit, stimulating mental agility and improving concentration.
  10. Organic Cinnamon essential oil protects freshness and effectiveness too.

For cancer prevention use 2 bottles a month for three months to load up the body. Then 1 bottle a month is adequate.

Next, a supplement to oxygenate the colon while fighting constipation.


Releases Oxygen In The Colon

Cancer without Oxygen -

Its special formulation of magnesium dioxide and citric acid interact with the acids in the intestinal tract to release oxygen. This oxygen becomes a powerful colon cleanser as it softens and loosens the hardened matter in the colon. And of course, as you have read, the oxygen can kill cancer cells and other pathogens. For colon and rectal cancer it energetically tests at 430. If you have constipation, you may as well use this for relief as it does give you some cancer fighting action also.

It may be useful for other cancer near the colon. The oxygen released by O3Right will easily travel to those cancers. Cleaning the colon is use in general in the fight against cancer as it will enable your body to better detoxify.

You only need to use one bottle a month of O3Right. Start out taking just 1 capsule at bedtime and gradually work up to taking 6 capsules nightly or whatever is needed for constipation.

Radiant Care 11:1

Enhancing oxygenation by increasing hydration of organs

If your organs are not well hydrated, they will become too acidic and too toxic. When acidity and toxicity are high, oxygenation is low. Radiant Care is an oil and water formulation that will thus improve oxygenation while benefiting health in many other ways.

Radiant Care is based on a specific ratio of oil and water that worked incredibly well in improving health in many different ways. It worked so impressively that Radiant Care was made, based on this ratio, to give even more benefits through internal or external use.

It is one of the most important supplements to use when there is a large amount of inflammation in the body. The increased hydration cools off the inflammation just like putting water on fire.

You can use it topically to reduce wrinkles and improve your skin. More important to someone fighting cancer is to use it topically on the skin over the liver if the liver is damaged and inflamed. Or put it on the left side of the abdominal area to support the spleen and kidneys. For an inflamed brain, Radiant Cane can be put topically on the crown, behind the ears, and on the nape of the neck.

Radiant Care works even more powerfully internally, working on all the organs in the body and thus helping to increase oxygenation throughout the body.

It is a proprietary blend of structured water, oils and other nutrients that are emulsified in a patent pending process. Taken orally, it works to improve health in three ways.

  1. It improves hydration, and thus oxygenation, of your organs. This increase in hydration leads to an improvement in the ability of the organs to function at optimal levels, and to create radiant health.
  2. Radiant Care increases hydration of the spine, and purifies spinal fluid which, in turn, significantly and greatly improves the functioning of the spinal nerves. This action enables these nerves to better control the functioning of all organs in your body, and also improves the ability of your body to control and improve immune system function.
  3. It significantly improves the performance of the spleen by increasing production of high quality immune cells, and also by improving performance of the lymphatic system.
  4. It has been energized with pain reducing instructions and provides powerful pain relief when put topically over the areas of pain.

Use two bottles a month when dealing with cancer -- when you have inflammation. For healing cancer and supporting overall health with there is inflammation, Radiant Care tests at 1400. This is not strong enough to be a top recommendation for fighting cancer, but if there is a lot of inflammation, and especially if radiation is being used, it is great to use. Apply it topically to areas of radiation 4 times a day. It will not interfere with the radiation, but will help protect your normal cells.


Up next is a cancer fighting strategy intimately tied with oxygen and cancer. When your pH level is low, your blood and cellular fluids can hold very little oxygen.


Cancer Strategy #2 - Raise pH Levels to Reduce Body Acidity

Normalizing pH Levels Can Stop Cancer In Its Tracks

There is plenty of research showing the link between pH and cancer. Cancer thrives in an acidic environment, and doesn't survive in an normal, more alkaline environment. Cancer cells make your body even more acidic as they produce lactic acid. So if you have cancer, your pH levels are low and your body is too acidic.

Taking action to make your body more alkaline is vital in the battle against cancer. Unfortunately...

The majority of the foods and drinks we consume are acidic, such as meat, grains and sugar, with colas and other soft drinks being highly acidic. So unless you have been eating a very healthy diet, full of fresh fruit and vegetables, your body is way too acidic. Creating a very good environment for cancer to grow in.

Actually, too much acidity is an underlying factor in many degenerative diseases -- diabetes, arthritis, fibromyalgia and more. A basic maxim of natural physicians is: Balance the bio terrain. Do this first, then everything can come back to normal.

Taking medicines or supplements for cancer while your pH is highly acidic is a bit like washing dishes in a sink of dirty water, even when you put in plenty of soap, you can't get the dishes clean.

According to Keiichi Morishita in his book, Hidden Truth of Cancer, when your blood starts to become acidic, your body deposits acidic substances (usually toxins) into cells to allow the blood to remain slightly alkaline. This causes your cells to become more acidic and toxic, which results in a decrease of their oxygen levels, and harms their DNA and respiratory enzymes.

Over time, he theorizes, these cells increase in acidity and some die. These dead cells themselves turn into acids. However, some of these acidified cells may adapt in that environment. In other words, instead of dying - as normal cells do in an acid environment - some cells survive by becoming abnormal cells.

These abnormal cells are called malignant cells. Malignant cells do not correspond with brain function nor with our own DNA memory code. Therefore, malignant cells grow indefinitely and without order. This is cancer.

As you can see, he is describing, from a different point of view, the link between pH and cancer, a process by which low oxygen levels turn some cells cancerous. Alkaline water (including the water in cells) holds a lot of oxygen. Acidic water holds very little oxygen. So the more acidic your cells are, the less oxygenated they will be. To make matters worse, the fermentation process cancer cells use to produce energy creates lactic acid, further increasing acidity and reducing oxygen levels.

Sang Whang, in his book Reverse Aging, points out that toxins are acidic. If your blood is too acidic, toxins will not be released from your cells into the blood. So your cells can't be detoxified. This buildup of toxins in your cells results in acidic, poorly oxygenated cells, which can turn cancerous. He explains,

"In general, degenerative diseases are the result of acid waste buildups within us. When we are born, we have the highest alkaline mineral concentration and also the highest body pH. From that point on, the normal process of life is to gradually acidify. That is why these degenerative diseases do not occur when you are young. Reverse aging requires two separate steps: chemical and physical. The first step is to lower the acidity of the body so that it can dispose of acidic wastes in the blood and cellular fluids safely and easily. The second step is to physically pull out old stored wastes into the blood stream so that they can be discharged from the body."

As you learn about pH and cancer, you find there is a long history of reversing cancer simply by alkalizing the body. It is one of the basic strategies in the battle against cancer and for improving your health in general.

Virtually everyone with cancer has low pH levels. This is because cancer is created, and thrives, in a body that has low pH levels, a body that is acidic. Low pH causes your body to store more toxins in cells, and reduces oxygen levels, both of which are fundamental to the development of cancer. When cancer cells grow, they produce even more acid. Making it very difficult to raise pH levels, especially when cancer is present.

When you take something to increase pH levels, your cells notice the difference and start to dump some of the toxins they are holding back into the bloodstream now that they have a chance to get rid of them. (Toxins are acidic and the cells won't release them if the blood is too acidic. The blood must be kept in a narrow range around neutral pH.)

Because the cells are releasing some of their stored toxins, your pH levels drop again. This detoxification process can take months to complete. In addition, because cancer cells pump out lactic acid as a byproduct of how they produce energy, they create even more acidity. You need to work a long time at normalizing pH because of these factors, but as you do, you will make your body, in a sense, cancer proof.

Now that you know about the like between pH and cancer, you can do something about it. Because of the fundamentalness of cancer thriving in too acidic conditions, there are many sites and books or ebooks promoting various ways to beat cancer by alkalizing the body with their particular product suggestions. Coral calcium and alkaline water machines are a couple that have been pretty popular. Also a combination of oxygen catalyst drops and a high quality green drink.

As pH is so fundamental to fighting cancer, we did some energetic testing to get some idea as to which ways to increase pH levels in your body were best for fighting cancer. The results were pretty interesting.

Alkaline drops, where you put a couple in everything you drink, tested at a low 35. Not very good, perhaps because they are not that healthy a thing to be doing. Getting a machine that makes alkaline water, and drinking the water tested at 135. A machine that vortex's water, oxygenates it and adds minerals to increase pH is a bit better at 195. They are certainly fine to do, but not what you'd call really good. The 3 teaspoons of baking soda in water every day was a 142. Taking Coral Calcium was better, a 235 for fighting cancer. A high quality green drink marketed for alkalizing the body came in at a 214.

OxyDHQ tests well, energetically, for its pH adjusting, cancer fighting ability, virtually tied with the Oxygen Catalyst used for adjusting pH. Overall, the Oxygen Catalyst does a better job at adjusting pH levels.

One of the best supplements we have found for fighting cancer works in a unique way that increases pH in your body if you have cancer. But only if you have cancer.

It instructs cancer cells to stop pumping the lactic acid they produce (as part of the fermentation process) into the body. And they produce a lot of lactic acid. This lactic acid, when it is pumped out, acidifies your body. Using BLA helps to alkalize your body as it stops the cancer cells from pumping out the lactic acid.

By the way, if your cancer is in the lungs or stomach, and there is a lot of it, the cancer may eliminate so much lactic acid in a confined space that the body produces fluid to dilute the acidic buildup. Causing ascites or fluid buildup in these organs. BLA, CMSD Elixir, MetOH and UltraLiver12 help to reduce and eventually eliminate ascites.

BLA - Blocks Lactic Acid Removal From Cancer Cells

BLA is a frequency enhanced water elixir made with the unique technology used for over a decade to add specific instructions to the body - in the form of energetic vibrational frequencies - that tell the body to take specific actions. This process has worked extremely well and has proven over and over to be able to communicate specific instruction to the body. The instructions BLA carries to your body tell your body to block or prevent the release of lactic acid by cancer cells.

This is important because lactic acid is constantly being produced by cancer cells. Cancerous cells primarily ferment sugars to make their energy. Sugar fermentation produces lactic acid as a byproduct. Cancer cells pump lactic acid out of the cell so that it does not cause harm to them. BLA stops this.

Based on user testimonies, it takes four days for BLA to stop the lactic acid pumps in cancer cells.

Once BLA instruction have inhibited or disabled the lactic acid pumps, lactic acid is no longer moved out of cancer cells, or at least that removal is greatly diminished. Once this happens, lactic acid starts to build up in cancer cells.

Normally, cancer cells produce a great deal of lactic acid. As we said, it is a byproduct of the glucose fermentation cancer cells use to make most of their energy. This lactic acid will accumulate in the cancer cells if BLA is used. Over time the cancer cells become too acidic. The lactic acid eventually builds up to such a high level that the cancer cells die.

This process BLA initiates is the opposite of trying to kill cancer cells by increasing pH levels.

BLA creating acidity in cancer cells - is much more effective. For two reasons. BLA uses what cancer cells already produce a lot of, lactic acid, to kill the cells. As opposed to trying to make cancer cell pH more alkaline, with alkaline minerals, alkaline water and so on.

Second, the process of alkalizing cancer cells to kill them is not near as effective as making them too acidic. This is because cancer cells naturally neutralize pH buildup with their lactic acid production. It is hard to make cancer cells too alkaline because they produce so much lactic acid they can neutralize too high alkalinity if needed.

So to explain again, most cancer cells produce most of their energy by fermentation of sugars - as opposed to aerobically producing energy using oxygen. This fermentation process produces lactic acid as a byproduct. When you stop the release of lactic acid from cancer cells, with BLA, lactic acid builds up in them. At some point the lactic acid builds up to a high enough level that the cancer cells become too acidic to survive. They can no longer function, and die a natural death.

A buildup of lactic acid causes cancer cells to die.

One researcher, Dr. Rosenberg, MD, a leading cancer doctor, used a different process to block the lactic acid pumps in cancer cells. Then he fed patients a huge amount of sugar by giving him glucose IVs -- once the lactic acid pumps were blocked.

Feeding cancer cells sugar caused them to produce much more lactic acid then they normally would. In fact, the more sugar he gave his patients, the faster the cancer cells died because the lactic acid built up faster in them.

For example, he brought the tumor markers in one advanced cancer patient down to 0 in 30 days. A second patient's markers dropped 40% in 2 weeks.

When using BLA, you could, if you wish, more rapidly increase the build up of lactic acid in the cancer cells by doing what Dr. Rosenberg did. Increase consumption of sugars or carbohydrates so that the cancer cells eat more sugar and produce more lactic acid. Any sugar will work, but as refined sugars tend to wipe out the immune system response, natural sugars are better. Early on the recommendation with BLA was to do just this.

However, when using many other cancer fighting elixirs, additional sugar is not necessarily needed.

Dean Edmonds reported that his PSA had been rising every month, from 940.6 in February of 2011 to 3778.7 on May 11, 2011. This was when he stated using BLA, a couple of other supplements, and honey. On June 7, 2011, less than a month later, his PSA test came in at 77.

Another user writes:

"You will know that I started taking [BLA and Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ] some 7 weeks ago. My local doctor is fully aware of what I am doing and is being very supportive. I had my blood tested at that time ( 7 weeks ago). At that time all my liver functions were normal apart from the tumor marker which showed a level of over 11,000. My blood was re-checked last week and yesterday my doctor advised me of the results. The tumor marker had reduced dramatically to 1400, back down to the level when the cancer was diagnosed some 12 months ago....
"You should be aware that I have undertaken three separate chemo treatments already none of which showed any improvement in the tumor marker, as I said above it actually increased!
"I should probably add that my doctor was totally astounded by the results!!"
Len S.

If you are not using BLA, it may be best to avoid consuming carbohydrates like sugar that feed the cancer. But when you are using BLA, once the lactic acid pumps have been shut down, the additional lactic acid that is produced by the cancer cells when you feed them carbs stays in the cancer cells. The faster you increase lactic acid, by feeding them carbs, the faster the cancer cells die.

BLA raises body pH levels too

When cancer cells have stopped pumping out lactic acid, your pH levels naturally will start to increase. One Naturopath tested BLA on 10 of her patients with advanced cancer. At the end of two months every one had increased their overall pH levels significantly, most by at least .75, some by a full point some by half a point. (Strong proof that BLA works...) This happened because there was less lactic acid being pumped out of cancer cells, so the body became less acidic and more healthy.

As of late 2021, additional frequency instructions were added to BLA. They significantly improve its effectiveness. It was great before, but now is even better. (Over the years we have heard numerous reports of people beating their cancer using just BLA.) Certainly hitting the cancer hard in many ways, not just in one way, is more effective. But not many supplements, elixirs or medicines knock out cancer on their own as BLA has done more than once.

Instructions were added to disrupt the ability of cancer cells to produce energy using L-Glutamine. This makes cancer cells weaker. It also makes them more dependent on metabolizing glucose for energy. Which causes an increase in lactic acid as a byproduct of that metabolism. This makes them more acidic as they can't pump lactic acid out efficiently when using BLA.

L-Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in the body. Your body needs it for ensuring nitrogen balance, maintaining gut integrity, and keeping your immune system strong.

Glutamine is used by cancer cells in several ways. It can metabolized for fuel. In fact, one reason cancer can grow when you are on a no sugar, low carb diet is because it will burn glutamine in place of sugar to make the energy it needs.

Glutamine also supplies nitrogen to cancer cells so that they can function correctly. This promotes growth of cancer cells.

Even worse, glutamine helps cancer cells thwart efforts to destroy them.

There are three primary actions using glutamine that protect cancer cells from chemotherapies or natural supplements that attack them.

First, glutamine stimulates production of glutathione in cancer cells. Glutathione is a major antioxidant enzyme. You want to have glutathione, lots of it, in healthy cells. However glutathione protects cancer cells from free radical damage. Many types of chemotherapy kill cancer cells by causing free radical damage to the DNA of cancer cells. The more glutathione cancer cells can produce, the better they can neutralize the chemotherapy attacking them and protect their DNA.

Secondly, cancer cells exchange glutamine for amino acids that prevent cell death. This happens when cancer cells are badly damaged. The amino acids work to turn off autophagy or cell death.

Third, and most important, glutamine neutralizes lactic acid buildup in cancer cells.

When glutamine is metabolized, ammonia is produced. Researchers have discovered that ammonia will neutralize acid buildup. BLA now has instructions to stop this.

Some experiments showed that cancer cells do use glutamine to protect against low pH / high acidity.

Cancer cells were grown in a dish that had no glutamine as a food source. These cells could not survive low pH levels - but grew rapidly in high pH environments. Cancer cells grown in a dish that had glutamine as a food source, were found to consume more glutamine as pH was lowered. They did not die at the low pH levels that were causing cancer cell death in the no glutamine available dish. And, when the glutaminase enzyme need to metabolize glutamine was inhibited in cancer cells getting glutamine as part of their food, cancer cell survival dropped as pH was lowered.

When cancer cells metabolize glutamine, they produce ammonia which neutralizes lactic acid buildup. This reduces the effects of BLA. And slows down the process of cancer cell death by acidosis.

So, cancer cells in your body depend on glutamine to survive - especially when BLA is causing lactic acid buildup in them. Adding instructions to BLA that reduce the amount of glutamine getting into cancer cells, and disrupting glutamine metabolism, is a powerful addition to the effectiveness of BLA.

By the way...

It doesn't do any good to stop consumption of foods that supply glutamine. Researchers note that cancer cells will always get enough from the glutamine that is made by the body. So stopping the consumption of glutamine could only harm healthy cells. For example, your body will not be able to make as many immune cells to fight cancer.

Stopping glutamine consumption could also create a significant negative nitrogen balance in the body. Nitrogen depletion is tied to Cachexia or muscle wasting. Some researchers say this is the principle cause in about a third of all deaths from cancer. So don't stop eating glutamine.

And don't stop eating carbs... even if not taking BLA. Eating too few carbs creates stress in the body. The adrenals must release stress hormones to tell the liver to release blood sugar - when you don't eat enough carbs. These stress hormones inhibit immune system response so you can't fight cancer as strongly as you can when eating carbs. Plus, cancer cells will still be able to eat the glucose released by the liver. So you wouldn't be starving them as much as you think you are!

So what can be done to deal with this issue?

BLA instructions turn off the metabolism of glutamine in cancer cells only. BLA stops both the production or uptake of the glutaminase enzymes needed to metabolize glutamine. BLA tells the body to stop the uptake of glutamine into cancer cells.

As a consequence, cancer cells will have less glutamine in them, and less of that glutamine will be metabolized. There will be less ammonia produced to neutralize the lactic acid buildup caused by BLA. This increased lactic acid buildup will cause faster cancer cell death.

In addition, BLA now has upgraded instructions that previously had been in BLA Enhancer Elixir. These instructions slow down the absorption of minerals into cancer cells. Minerals that would have been neutralizing lactic acid buildup in them.

All these are major improvements to BLA. In our energetic testing BLA now comes in at 8600 in cancer fighting power which is great. It is now more valuable to use than CMSD Elixir - covered in the oxygenation section. And is again one of the top suggestions for fighting cancer. Use 2 bottles a month for early stage cancers and 3 per month for advanced cancers.

This next suggestion, MetOH, would neutralize lactic acid buildup. MetOH is okay to use in the small doses suggested to supercharge Silver GlucoPlus. (1/4 tsp MetOH for every teaspoon of Silver GlucoPlus). And it is fine to use along with BLA and CMSD when dealing with fluid buildup, as MetOH would get used up neutralizing the acids and toxins in the fluid and not interfere with the actions of BLA in the cancer cells. But do not use it at full dose otherwise as it would interfere with BLA and BLA is a stronger cancer fighter.

MetOH  Mitochondrial Energy Tonic

Do NOT use MetOH in more than a half a bottle a month dosage if you need to avoid swelling of tumors. In higher doses, the OH water in MetOH gets pulled into an acidic tumor and gets trapped there for a while, causing the tumor to swell.

The base of MetOH is a patented super OH water concentrate that is 300% stronger than 8.0 alkaline water or mineral solutions that alkalize water such as baking soda and water or coral calcium. As a concentrate it is about 12.5 pH. Mixed in distilled water to drink, the pH is 11, which is 300% more alkaline than 8.0 pH.

It also does a much better job of removing acids (which includes toxins) from your body.

Unlike alkaline water from machines, or any other alkaline water, MetOH actually seeks out and removes hydrogen containing acids from the body. Removing these acids is the key to health. The water in MetOH has one hydrogen atom removed - in a patented process, thereby turning H2O into OH water.

This OH water is a stable water that badly wants to get its missing Hydrogen ions back. So when you drink it, it is greatly attracted to molecules with excess hydrogen ions, and binds with them. The molecules with excess hydrogen are acids. Acids like lactic acid and uric acid, or toxins -- which are also acidic.

Excessive hydrogen causes the body to be acidic. The more toxins and acids you have in your body, the more excess hydrogen there is, and the more acidic your body will be. MetOH helps replace the hydrogen molecules with oxygen. The less hydrogen there is, the more oxygen there will be.

Just as too many toxins and acids will cause an acidic, low oxygen environment ripe for the development of cancer, reversing this process and reducing acidity while increasing oxygenation will create an environment where cancer can't grow.

MetOH removes acid faster than is possible to do with minerals or alkaline water. It more directly wants the acids and binds with them because it is missing that hydrogen ion.

In addition, with the same technology used for the elixirs, it is infused with specific energetic frequencies at the molecular level. These instructions turn MetOH into a very large, 1 liter, elixir that has been instructed to kill cancer, infection causing pathogens, and to optimize detoxification.

These energetic instructions increase the original effectiveness of MetOH by approximately 45% when it comes to healing cancer.

Again, the best way to remove acids and toxins in your body is to drink MetOH diluted in water. It wants hydrogen. So it seeks out and binds with acids (including toxins) because they have the hydrogen that it is seeking.

The body gets rid of the hydrogen molecules as it does all water, through the urine. You will literally urinate acids and toxins out of your body without putting a major burden on the liver to handle these toxins.

Nothing else we have tested removes acids and toxins so effectively. When acids and toxins are removed by MetOH, your body will oxygenate much better. MetOH then becomes one of the best oxygenation supplements we supply. This oxygenation will heal your cells, kill cancer cells and pathogens and improve the overall health in your body.

MetOH is a concentrate so you mix it with water. Distilled water is best, but a good filtered water with no added minerals will be almost as good.

In every glass of MetOH there are trillions of oxygen atoms with free electrons looking to bind up a hydrogen atom and safely remove it and the acid connected to it from your body. In addition to healing cancer, MetOH can help you gain energy, lose excess weight, speed recovery from exercise, decrease soreness, detoxify, boost the immune system, the list goes on.

In our energetic testing for healing cancer, MetOH tests at 2700 when taken internally Use 2 or 3 bottles a month.

It will both heal cancer and eliminate toxins that have accumulated in the body. This removal of toxins can be most important when someone is suffering from too many chemotherapy toxins building up in the body. This toxicity is poisoning you, causing chemo side effects like nausea, tiredness and hair loss.

MetOH is particularly important to use when you or a loved one is suffering from this over toxicity caused by chemotherapy. Those toxins must be eliminated if the body is to recover and heal.

MetOH -- Excellent for Lung Cancers

MetOH is remarkably effective at healing lung cancers when, as a concentrate, is breathed into the lungs by using a nebulizer or personal steamer or personal vaporizer.

When breathed into the lungs, MetOH will directly kill lung cancer cells, reduce fluid buildup in the lungs, and also help stop production of mucus in the lungs. In addition it will battle lung infections too.

The direct action of the highly alkaline 12.5 pH MetOH concentrate on the cancer cells helps it work directly on the cancer in the lungs -- when breathed into the lungs with a nebulizer.

MetOH's high pH will disrupt and kill cancer cells. The oxygenation that occurs as it removes acids also kills cancer cells -- along with improving lung function. In addition....

Since MetOH binds with acids and toxins and carries them through the lung walls, out of the lungs., the lungs won't have to be producing as much mucus to protect its cells from those acids and toxins. Better still....

Fluid buildup in the lungs, called ascites, is almost always caused by all the lactic acid being pumped out of the cancer cells. Its what they do. They've got to get rid of it.

The lungs are a confined space holding this lactic acid. So much of it can be produced when there is a large amount of cancer cells in the lungs, that the acidity of it would harm lung cells. To prevent this, the body pushes fluid into the lungs to dilute the acidity of the mixture.

The OH water vapor of the nebulized MetOH, in the lungs, will neutralize this lactic acid, carrying it out of the lungs -- to be removed by the kidneys. When enough of it get removed, the body will stop producing the extra fluid and the lungs will dry out.

Coughing may also be decreased when mucus production is reduced. (At some point coughing is likely to increase as dead cancer cells are being coughed out.)

If you have a small amount of cancer in the lungs, use 2 bottles of MetOH a month. If you have a lot of cancer in the lungs, use 3 bottles a month.

If using 2 bottles a month in a nebulizer, you would do 4 sessions a day, putting 2 of the MetOH bottle capfuls in the nebulizer for each session. That's 2 teaspoons.. If using 3 bottles a month, the maximum dosage, you would do 6 sessions a day.

In our energetic testing of MetOH, used in a nebulizer for lung cancers of all types, it is a 4400. As it directly kills cancer in the lungs, it is an excellent lung cancer healer.

Ascites Fluid Buildup -- What Causes It...
And What To Do About It

Ascites is a buildup of water and fluid in the stomach or lungs caused by cancer and or excess toxicity. It is one of the tougher issues to deal with if you've got cancer. And there hasn't been a whole lot you can do about it other than getting the fluid drawn when the stomach or lungs get too full. Or of course, knocking out that cancer.

The fundamental reason this accumulation of fluid occurs has to do with acidity. Thus, we discuss it here in the pH section. When there is a great deal of lactic acid being eliminated by cancer cells, or by the killing of the cancer cells which releases acidic waste, t The build up can become so acidic, it would be harmful to cells. The body dilutes this acid buildup with fluid.

Many times chemotherapy and a poorly functioning liver also contribute to ascites in the stomach. Chemo or other toxins not being processed by the liver mix with lactic acid being produced by cancer in the abdominal cavity or liver, and the body dilutes the mess with fluid.

What To Do For Ascites In The Lungs

The lungs are a confined space. So much lactic acid can be produced when there is a large amount of cancer cells in the lungs, that the acidity would harm lung cells. To prevent this, the body pushes fluid into the lungs to dilute the acidity of the mixture. This causes serious breathing problems as the lungs fill up with water, and the lungs may need to be drained. Here's what you can do.

MetOH: Nebulize it to get it into the lungs where it will directly reduce the acidity of the fluid in the lungs. It will neutralize lactic acid, carrying it out of the lungs -- to be removed by the kidneys.

BLA: Take BLA to stop the release of lactic acid by cancer cells.

CMSD Elixir: Also take CMSD to reduce the production of lactic acid by cancer cells. When combined with BLA there will be much less lactic acid being released into the lungs, and eventually your body will stop putting fluid there to neutralize it.

Use two or three bottles a month of each of these.

Also be sure to use if you have fluid buildup in the lungs…

3  bottles a month OxyDHQ   This oxygenation supplement also improves pH in the body. OxyDHQ is actually one of the most valuable supplements to be using overall because of need for additional oxygen by the body when cancer is in the lungs, and they are not working well. OxyDHQ is vital to use for this reason.

Abdominal Ascites

If the ascites is in the abdominal area, there is an additional factor causing fluid accumulation. Toxicity. Usually this is from chemotherapy that a poorly performing liver is unable to get rid of. As a consequence, there is a soup of lactic acid and acidic toxins in a confined area, the stomach, and the body puts fluid into that space to dilute the acidity and toxicity.

To counteract this the liver must be supported so that it starts working more effectively. Additionally, toxins must be neutralized.

The most vital supplements to use for abdominal ascites are….

2 or 3 bottles a month of BLA and CMSD Elixir to stop the lactic acid release and production in cancer cells.

1 or 2 bottles a month  UltraLiver12  to support the liver so it can start getting rid of chemo or other toxins.

2 bottles a month MetOH.   Mix this in water and drink when you have fluid buildup in the abdominal area. (If the stomach is full of fluid, only use equal amounts of metOH and water, not a quart or pint, as it will mix with the fluid in the stomach. Once there, this OH water will bind with lactic acid and acids from toxins, and neutralize them. Decreased acidity means the body will not need to dilute the acidity with fluids to protect cells from high acidity.

Use a lot of activated charcoal to also soak up toxins and carry them out of the body.

Next, let's take a look at how we can supercharge some types of chemotherapy to make them more effective.


Cancer Strategy #3 - Supercharging Chemotherapy

Over the last year, there have been a few cases where people using chemotherapy along with some of the top elixirs mentioned in this report had spectacular results of tumors decreasing quite rapidly. Looking into this, we came to the conclusion that one of the best ways to increase the likelihood of beating cancer is to use the appropriate elixir that supports and enhances the action of the particular type of chemotherapy that is being used.

As you will have read elsewhere in this report, chemotherapy is all too often ineffective. In fact studies that researched the effectiveness of chemotherapies in metastasized cancers concluded that chemotherapy is effective only 1 to 2% of the time. (While there are some drugs in the pipeline that are proving to be considerably more effective than what is currently available, these drugs are not here yet.)

Even with early stage cancers that have not spread out of the organ it was found in, chemotherapies in general are viewed as being so ineffective by oncologists that they often recommend surgery to remove the cancer rather than chemotherapy then, recommend chemotherapy as a follow up to surgery. They have seen all too often that chemotherapies do not get the job done.

Chemotherapy Poisons Your Body

Chemotherapies cause harm to the healthy cells in your body as well as cancerous cells. One area of research in the development of chemotherapy drugs lies in the attempt to focus the chemotherapy action on cancer cells and to avoid damaging healthy cells but most currently cause harm.

Some are much harsher than others, but all are toxic to one degree or another. The resultant buildup of poisons and toxicity in your body causes the nausea, vomiting, hair loss, fatigue and illness that many experience with chemotherapy.

If you are getting chemotherapy, you can reduce or prevent many of these side effects by supporting your liver and kidneys. Primarily the liver. Many people often experience that the first round of two of chemotherapy was a breeze. No bad problems. But as chemotherapy continues, the negative symptoms develop.

What happened was that the liver started out being strong enough to handle the chemo toxins. The body sent the toxins to the liver to be removed as it cleaned the blood. Which it is supposed to do. And the liver, as it was decently healthy, was able to remove them. However, the liver is not able to handle the overload of toxins that many rounds of chemotherapy puts into the body. At some point it can no longer effectively get rid of the chemotherapy toxins.

The kidneys also attempt to get rid of chemotherapy toxins, but they are not capable of detoxing nasty toxins like chemotherapy toxins, and become damaged. Some chemotherapies do cause renal failure. Too much chemotherapy can kill you faster than the cancer would.

The chemotherapy toxins that the liver is not able to eliminate stay in the bloodstream as they leave the liver. The blood must be kept clean and in a narrow pH range or the body will die. At this point, the body may not send all the chemo toxins to the liver for eliminating. The blood is already too toxic. Rather, it immediately shunts chemo toxins into cells to get them out of circulation as soon as possible. If this happens in the stomach cells, the walls of the stomach are irritated and inflamed and nausea and vomiting develop.

So there they are, sitting in your cells, poisoning the body, making you feel sick and lousy. Eventually if the liver is not in too bad of shape, it will gradually recover and start to do a better job of detoxifying the blood of chemo toxins. When this happens, the cells gradually release those toxins that were put in them, which do get eliminated, and after a few weeks, maybe you are feeling better again.

Supporting the liver is essential when you get chemotherapy. The better it can handle those toxins, as it is supposed to do, the fewer side effects you will have and the more likely you will survive.

Liver support is always important when you have cancer as at a fundamental level cancer is caused by over toxicity of the cells in your body. These toxins reduce oxygenation of cells and cause the body and cells to be more acidic. If your liver was working really well, you likely wouldn’t have developed cancer in the first place.

So, alternative health practitioners and clinics always focus on detoxification and liver support as being necessary to beat cancer, even if no chemotherapy has been given. Often they have their patients do organic coffee enemas which pull toxins out of the body and help to increase the liver’s production of glutathione which the liver uses to neutralize toxins.

When getting chemotherapy, you should always give the liver extra support with herbal formulas if possible like Optimal Immune. And by getting those organic coffee enemas, the side effects from the chemotherapy drugs will be much less.

Supercharging The Benefits Of Chemotherapy

What if you could improve the ability of the chemotherapy you are taking to knock out your cancer? While at the same time reduce the effects the chemotherapy has on your healthy cells? From what we have seen, this may be possible with the elixirs that will be covered below.

Use of these elixirs when taking the appropriate chemotherapy has produced remarkable results.

The first story about this that we heard was from a woman whose husband had a large, aggressively growing tumor in his stomach. Colon cancer spread to the stomach. He was being given some palliative chemotherapy not expected to do anything. A month after he started using BLA at a low dose that would not reduce tumor size quickly, he had another scan. The tumor was gone.

BLA is an elixir that instructs the body to block elimination of lactic acid from cancer cells. This causes a buildup of acid in the cancer cells and they gradually die when the acid builds up significantly. This takes a while and does not reduce tumor size quickly. This man’s wife says that the oncologists are still trying to figure out why the tumor disappeared.

Mark wrote about his son’s experience. “My son has a Soft Tissue Sarcoma. He has been on a chemotherapy regimen; but half way through he starting taking BLA and PapayaPro about a week before progress scans. The scans showed a slight general improvement. We did 2 more rounds of chemo AND 6 weeks with the elixirs; the next scans showed a huge reduction in tumor mass, which they said appeared dead."

Brent reported how his wife’s aggressive thymus gland cancer reduced 80% in a month when using BLA, PapayaPro and several other cancer fighters along with chemotherapy. Again, the doctors were not expecting to see improvement like this.

And Dena reported how her husband had an aggressive very rare cancer that is so tough nobody ever gets better -- especially when they have a large number of tumors as her husband did. Yet, in a month using all the elixirs that worked synergistically with the chemotherapy drugs her husband was using, plus other top rated products to fight the cancer, his tumors reduced 50% in a month. She said the doctors were flabbergasted.

What these people were experiencing was the power of combining chemotherapy, which on its own is not particularly effective, with specific frequency enhanced water elixirs that deliver commands to the body that tell it to take actions that support and boost the actions the chemotherapy uses to attack cancer cells. A few of these elixirs are...

BLA is a frequency enhanced water elixir that prevents cancer cells from releasing lactic acid. Thus poisoning them. It also carries instructions to the body telling it to interfere with and damage the DNA in cancer cells so that they cannot reproduce. It works synergistically with a large group of chemotherapies that are designed to damage DNA or cause a similar type action.

Better still, BLA and the other elixirs that work synergistically with chemotherapies also contain instructions telling the body to try and minimize damage to healthy cells that the particular type of chemotherapy usually causes. While certainly all damage cannot be stopped, any little bit can help. In fact, when Dena’s husband ran out of one of this elixirs, the typical side effects of the chemotherapy he was using developed. When he got back on the it, they went away again. So it appears that this protection of the healthy cells could be significant.

Apopto Activation Elixir delivers instructions to the body telling it fight cancer in many ways. Including to inhibit reproduction in cancer cells. It works synergistically with mitotic inhibitor chemotherapies that try to stop mitosis or cellular replication in cancer cells, or to inhibit enzymes that make proteins needed for cancer cell replication. In addition it contains instructions that work synergistically with monoclonal antibody therapy drugs to increase their effectiveness

Sayunt is the name of a frequency enhanced water elixir that tells the body to decrease production of the aromatase enzyme that converts other hormones to estrogen. It works synergistically with chemotherapy drugs that act as aromatase inhibitors and with any other chemotherapy that is attempting to reduce estrogen levels in other ways. It energetically tests at 3400 for its cancer fighting power.

Types of Chemotherapy - Elixirs That Improve Their Effectiveness

These elixirs are made using a proprietary technology that was designed to amplify the subtle energies of specific instructions to the body. The subtle energy vibrations of the instructions are picked by the water in the bottles, and held there because of water's ability to vibrate the frequencies it is exposed to. The cells in the body understand these instructions. They pick up the energies when small amounts of this water are consumed.

Primarily, these instructions tell the body to do something similar to what the chemotherapy does. But only on the cancerous cells. For example, to damage DNA in cancerous cells, or to stop replication of cancerous cells, but not healthy cells.

In addition each of them carries additional instructions to help prevent damage to healthy cells. So there is no negative interference possible with regard to the action of the chemotherapy.

The only actions it can take are actions that help the chemotherapy work better -- or actions that help to protect healthy cells from some of the damage that particular chemotherapy may cause.

There is no downside using these elixirs with your chemotherapy. They can only help, not harm.

These elixirs should be used at the 2 or 3 bottles a month dosage.

Chemotherapies That Produce Free Radicals To Damage Cancer Cells

The elixirs that work most effectively with free radical damaging chemotherapies are BLA and Optimal C Elixir.

BLA cause lactic acid buildup that causes free radical damage. Optimal C Elixir causes free radical damage in cancer cells by producing hydrogen peroxide. Ordinary vitamin C would have the opposite effect. In is only with the high doses of vitamin C that Optimal C stimulates production of in the body that hydrogen peroxide is produced.

PrugX prevents cancer cells from releasing the hydrogen peroxide so that it builds up faster in the cancer cells.

BLA also slows down the production of glutathione in cancer cells. Glutathione would protect cancer cells from free radical damage.

DNA Damaging Chemotherapies

There are several types of chemotherapy drugs that damage DNA in various ways. The same elixirs support the action of any or all of these drugs. In no particular order, the types of chemotherapy and the actual drugs are the following.

Alkylating Chemotherapy Drugs

Nitrogen mustards: such as

Mechlorethamine, Chlorambucil, Cyclophosphamide (Cytoxan®), Ifosfamide, and Melphalan

Nitrosoureas: which include

Streptozocin, Carmustine (BCNU), and Lomustine

Alkyl Sulfonates: such as


Triazines: such as

Dacarbazine (DTIC) and Temozolomide (Temodar®)

Ethylenimines: such as

Thiotepa and Altretamine (hexamethylmelamine)

Platinum based drugs: such as

Cisplatin, Carboplatin, and Oxalaplatin. These are not technically alkylating agents, but are grouped with them because they kill cells in a similar way.


Examples include:
5-fluorouracil (5-FU)
6-mercaptopurine (6-MP)
Capecitabine (Xeloda®)
Cytarabine (Ara-C®)
Gemcitabine (Gemzar®)
Pemetrexed (Alimta®)

Anthracyclines which are anti tumor antibiotics

Examples include:
Doxorubicin (Adriamycin®)

Other anti-tumor antibiotics
Topoisomerase inhibitors
Irinotecan (CPT-11).
Etoposide (VP-16)
Mitoxantrone also inhibits topoisomerase II.

Optimal C Elixir and BLA work synergistically with all the above DNA Damaging Chemotherapies.

Mitotic Inhibitor Chemotherapies
(inhibiting replication of cancer cells)

Examples of mitotic inhibitors include:
Taxanes: paclitaxel (Taxol®) and docetaxel (Taxotere®)
Epothilones: ixabepilone (Ixempra®)
Vinca alkaloids: vinblastine (Velban®), vincristine (Oncovin®), and vinorelbine (Navelbine®)
Estramustine (Emcyt®)

BLA works with the Mitotic Inhibitor chemotherapies above. It tells the body to inhibit cancer cell replication.

Monoclonal Antibody Chemotherapies

Campath® (alemtuzumab)

Erbitux® (cetuximab)

Rituxan® (rituximab)

Herceptin® (trastuzumab)

Avastin® (bevacizumab)

Apopto Activation Elixir tells the body to enhance the action of these momoclonal antibody chemotherapies.


Anti-Estrogen or Anti-Androgen Hormone Therapy Drugs
(used with hormonal based cancers)


Examples include:

Anti-estrogens: fulvestrant (Faslodex®), tamoxifen, and toremifene (Fareston®)

Aromatase inhibitors: anastrozole (Arimidex®), exemestane (Aromasin®), and letrozole (Femara®)

Progestins: megestrol acetate (Megace®)

Anti-Androgens:bicalutamide (Casodex®), flutamide (Eulexin®), and nilutamde (Nilandron®)

Sayunt is the elixir that works with the anti-estrogen, aromatase inhibitors, and Progestins. ESME Prostate is the elixir that works best with the anti-androgens for prostate cancer. They both test at 3400 for fighting cancer.


What to do if you are using several types of these chemotherapies.

Most important is to get the main elixirs that work with each particular chemotherapy. Such as Rinubo and Sayunt, for example.

Then if you can do more, start adding on the other elixirs that make these even more effective -- in the order given.

Of course, other products to support the body and to fight the cancer are fine to use, and may be of great benefit. The elixirs covered on this page are the ones that work most effectively with the various chemotherapies covered.

Especially focus on including additional support of the liver so that it can better handle the chemo toxins. UltraLiver12 is the best liver support supplement. If the liver is in bad shape, especially if there is cancer in the liver, use 1 to 3 bottles a month of UltraLiver12.

Again, chemotherapies on their own do not test high, and work poorly too much of the time. But.... the particular chemotherapies which have elixirs that work synergistically with them, covered on this page, test, as you have read, extremely powerful when used with the elixirs. And would be well worth doing.

Next up: Supplements that are powerful cancer killers.


Cancer Strategy #4: Kill Cancerous Cells

On this page we'll cover strong cancer cell killers that won't harm your healthy cells.

When chemotherapy and radiation therapy are used to kill the cancerous cells, they harm healthy cells in the process. In fact, chemotherapy can kill people faster than the cancer would have done.

A few natural supplements suggested for fighting cancer may have the potential to be toxic to the body, and should probably just be used in conjunction with a naturopath or alternative doctor.

These include cesium, artemisia, and B17.

In this report you will learn only about completely safe cancer supplements that can be used with no supervision.

You may well ask why, if a safe and natural product is able to kill cancer, your doctor doesn't recommend it. The answer is simple. Your doctor probably doesn't know about it, but even if he or she did, they are not likely to use it.

This is because of the nature of the medical/drug industry. Doctors use and recommend drugs that are approved in a process that costs hundreds of millions of dollars. Because of this high cost, the drug companies will only make drugs that can be patented. That way they can sell them for huge mark-ups and have no competition.

Unfortunately, because these drugs have been altered from nature, which they must be, to be patented, they become toxic in your body, with harmful side effects.

Your body can handle natural foods and herbs, the altered from nature meds have toxic side-effects because your body cant handle them. This is the reason why the one of the biggest cause of deaths in the US is from medical drugs.

Because of the cost of getting approval for drugs, no company would ever take an unpatentable natural product through the drug approval process. Consequently natural supplements aren't tested in multi-million dollars trials, so they can't be approved by the FDA to be used for cancer or whatever other health condition they may help.

As herbs and natural supplements are not FDA approved, most doctors, won't use them, and many don't even know about them. Alternative doctors not blinded by the medical/drug industry, find that a comprehensive approach to fighting cancer using supplements along with chemotherapy, works much better than only using  treatments that harm the body.

But for now you have to turn to other resources to find safe cancer killers.

When healing from a cancer, you are always more likely to succeed if you work on it in several different ways. Many people have got rid of cancer using one or two products only, but others people have a tougher cancer, or are in worse health, and must do much more to be successful.

If you have time on your side, you can always try one or two of the best supplements to see if they can get the job done on their own. If you find this is not working for you, giving you good improvement in a month or two, take it as a warning that your body needs more support than you have been giving it. And use more anti-cancer, health promoting supplements to more vigorously heal the body from cancer.

There are many cancer killing herbs and procedures, but none come close to the power of the first few supplements covered in this strategy.


Narigrav is the single strongest cancer fighter we have yet tested.

It is a new and unique, one of a kind, liquid herbal formulation. The foundation of its super strong cancer killing action is a special citrus extract, Naringen. It has a powerful action against pathogens and cancer cells. In addition, the well-known cancer fighting herb, Graviola (soursop) is included in the formula as its cancer and pathogen killing actions have a synergy with Naringen. These are put in a proprietary formula that enhances their absorption and supercharges their effectiveness.

The combination of naringen and graviola works on killing all types of cancer cells. Much of Narigrav's effectiveness comes from the additional ingredients and processes uniquely used to make it. The glucose in it, and the fruit juice this is suggested to be mixed in with it, when taking, helps carry the active ingredients to and into cancer cells. (If you also are using the elixir BLA, this juice and glucose will help BLA kill cancer cells even faster than it would otherwise.)

But what sets Narigrav apart is a unique pH enhancing herbal process the greatly supercharges the naringen and graviola, more than doubling their effectiveness. It is the main reason Narigrav is the highest testing supplement for fighting cancer, coming in at 12,700 on our testing scale.

Use 2 or 3 bottles per month for an early stage cancer, depending on the amount or aggressiveness of the cancer, and 4 bottles a month for an advanced cancer. Narigrav comes in an 8 ounce bottle.

Silver GlucoPlus

Colloidal silver is sometimes recommended as a cancer fighter, but not by us. In our energetic testing of its effectiveness, it has not been good enough. But this changes with a unique colloidal silver that is in an alkaline base. More importantly, it is bonded to a sugar molecule. Called Silver GlucoPlus, it is the strongest cancer killer we have tested.

There are two reasons why Silver GlucoPlus is such a powerful cancer killer. First, it is in an alkaline, OH water base. This makes its action much more effective than other colloidal or ionic silvers. Plus the alkaline base helps reduce acidity and increase pH in the body.

This is a minor reason though, for its high cancer fighting power. The main reason it is so powerful is that a sugar molecule is bound to the silver particles.

D-Fructose is that sugar molecule. Because the favorite food of cancer cells is sugar, they gobble it up. Especially so, if you take it on an empty stomach as suggested. So, cancer cells seek it out and take it in. The silver then destroys their mitochondria function, and kills them.

This is a very effective Trojan Horse method of killing cancer. In our energetic testing of its cancer fighting power, it come in at a high 8600.

In addition, Silver GlucoPlus may help deal with an underlying cause of your cancer. Cancers are often caused by candida, mold, parasites, bacteria, and viruses. The toxins they produce can mutate cells. They make your body more acidic and toxic. All this contributes to the development of cancer.

Because sugar is bonded with each silver molecule, Silver GlucoPlus is a food. Bacteria, parasites and candida all want to eat it. When they do, the silver gets into them. Once that happens, it destroys these pathogens. Silver GlucoPlus is also effective against viruses when they move out of hiding.

Better still, Silver GlucoPlus will not damage healthy cells. This is because of a geometric property known as chirality. This prevents the "right-handed" rotating D-Fructose sugar from being absorbed by normal cells. Cancer cells, however, will be strongly attracted to it.

Silver GlucoPlus comes in a 16 ounce bottle. Use 2 or 3 bottles a month for early stage cancer and 3 or 4 bottles a month for advanced cancers. You can increase its effectiveness by adding in 1/4 tsp of MetOH for every teaspoon of Silver GlucoPlus.

                                      Alka Super C

One of the characteristics of cancerous cells is that they have a very low voltage. This is because they are more acidic and lower in oxygen than healthy cells. Cancer cells use anaerobic fermentation of glucose to produce most of their energy. Anaerobic fermentation produces much less energy than using oxygen to produce energy as normal cells do.

Because of this low energy production, cancer cells are fragile. They don’t have the flexibility to survive rapid changes to their internal environment. They especially are not able to handle a rapid increase in voltage. This can kill them.

Over the years people have tried to attack cancer by taking advantage of this weakness. Unfortunately, until now, nothing has worked especially well. The actions of baking soda or mineral based alkaline water are too slow to cause rapid changes in cancer cells. Cancer cells produce lactic acid as a byproduct of their anaerobic fermentation. This lactic acid neutralizes the alkalinity of these products, and renders them ineffective.

Something new has come along that takes advantage of this weakness of cancer.

Alka Super C is able to raise cell voltage significantly and rapidly. In our testing it rates 8500 in cancer fighting ability. This is almost as good as the top testing cancer fighter, Silver GlucoPlus. (It can be mixed with Silver GlucoPlus. Which makes for an easy, powerful addition to a cancer fighting protocol.)

Alka Super C contains a very small amount of vitamin C. More is not needed. It works in a far different way than any other vitamin C supplement. (So just because you are already taking vitamin C, doesn’t mean that you don’t need this…)

In Alka Super C, vitamin C bonds to OH water molecules. This creates a unique, alkaline, electron-charged, liquid. The bonded vitamin C acts as an extra electron attached to the OH water molecule. Alka Super C easily gives up its electrons inside cancer cells. The OH water molecules then bind with the lactic acid in cancer cells, rapidly changing pH in the cell.

The release of electrons, while binding with lactic acid, causes a rapid increase in cell voltage. Cancer cells cannot handle this change. We test that the electrons damage the nucleus of the cancer cells, causing cell death.

Because it has a very high pH, Alka Super C is attracted to cancer cells as they are acidic. More gets into cancer cells than healthy cells. This increases the number of electrons zapping cancer cells. And boosts its ability to kill them.

The elixir BLA prevents lactic acid from leaving cancer cells. Because of this, BLA has a synergy with Alka Super C. More Alka Super C will get into cancer cells when BLA is used. BLA increases cancer cells acidity, and this attracts more Alka Super C to them. As a consequence, there is a bigger change in voltage, and cancer cells die faster.

Alka Super C tests as also being highly effective in zapping and killing all pathogens. Everything from viruses, bacteria and mycoplasma to parasites, candida, fungi and mold. Better still, it zaps the spores of candida, fungi and mold so that they cannot bloom and reinfect you. Silver GlucoPlus also kills many of these pathogens and spores. Using it and Alka Super C speeds up the elimination of pathogens in the body. Many pathogens play an underlying role in the development of cancers. Eliminating them helps reduce the chances that your cancer returns.

Alka Super C also increases the health and life force of normal cells. Healthy cells can handle higher voltage. In fact they thrive on it. In general, the higher the voltage your cells have, the healthier they will be, and the healthier you will be.

An added benefit of Alka Super C is that it also zaps toxins with its electrons. Then its OH water molecules bond with these burned up toxins and carry them out of the body. It is a very efficient detoxifier that will not put an extra load on the liver.

Alka Super C is best taken orally, on an empty stomach. It is not as effective if used in a nebulizer. It can be mixed in the same water with Silver GlucoPlus.

Use 1 bottle a month of Alka Super C for health maintenance. For cancer prevention, use 2 bottles a month for a few months, then 1 a month. Use 2 or 3 bottles a month for early stage cancer - depending on the amount of cancer and its aggressiveness. Use 3 or 4 bottles a month for advanced cancers - also based on the amount of cancer and its aggressiveness.

Alka Super C comes in a 16 ounce bottle. There are 32 one tablespoon (half ounce) servings per bottle.

Zinc and Zinc Transporter Elixir

Zinc is always low in prostate cancers. Every time. Researchers have not reported even one case of prostate cancer where zinc was not low. Increasing zinc in any cancer cell would help kill that cell.

The issue is, why isn't zinc getting into the prostate cells and into cancer cells. Researchers have found out why.

Zinc's most important role, is in both preventing and fighting prostate cancer. Understandably so, levels of zinc are many times higher in the prostate than in the rest of the body.

In 1999 a study found that zinc inhibited the growth of prostate cancer cells. Many other studies have confirmed this. As far back as 65 years it was shown that zinc levels are low in the prostate when there is prostate cancer. Always. There has been not one reported case of prostate cancer when high zinc levels exist in the prostate.

Zinc supplementation has proven to be ineffective in preventing or killing prostate cancer. While many studies show some benefit from taking zinc, it is not enough to be significant.

Researchers have identified why taking zinc does not work well for prostate cancer. (It could even be counterproductive. Cheap zinc supplements may have significant levels of cadmium in them.)

They found a ZIP1 zinc transporter protein deficiency in the prostates of people with prostate cancer. ZIP1 proteins carry zinc from the extracellular fluid into cells. When ZIP1 levels are low, zinc cannot get into cells, no matter how much zinc is taken.

ZIP1 levels are low because the ZIP1 genes that turn on production of ZIP1 transporter proteins have been down regulated. This is unfortunate. Adequate zinc levels clearly prevent the development of prostate cancer. No cases of prostate cancer have been noted where zinc levels were normal.

Zinc has been shown in research to inhibit and even kill prostate cancer cells. It may even be that all cancer cells have low zinc levels. And that the ability to get zinc into any cancer cell is a highly effective cancer fighting action. Based on our energetic testing, this seems to be the case.

Finally, there is a solution. A way to get more zinc into cells.

The Zinc Transporter Elixir

The frequency enhanced elixirs often recommended in these pages are able to turn on production of specific proteins. The Fatty Acid Transport Elixir turns on production of fatty acid transport proteins. Users have noticed its effectiveness. Liver Detox Pathway Elixir turns on production of specific proteins in the liver. Again, users report their liver works better.

The Zinc Transporter Elixir turns on production of the ZIP1 and other zinc transporter proteins to high optimal levels.

They also activate ZIP1 genes. This will help the body to continue to make adequate amounts of zinc transporter proteins.

Zinc Transporter Elixir turns on production of zinc transporter proteins in the prostate and throughout the body. Wherever they are needed. This will increase the amount of zinc that can get into prostate cancer and other cancer cells. Where it can disrupt and kill them.

The effect is stronger in prostate cancer cells because there is a much greater need for zinc in the prostate. But getting more zinc into cancer cells of any type will help kill them too.

You don’t want extra zinc in normal healthy cells. The Zinc Transporter Elixir instructions prevent excess zinc from going into these cells. They instruct the body to produce the amounts of zinc transporter proteins needed for optimal health. They will turn on production in cancerous cells, or where levels are low. And will not do so in healthy cells where levels are normal.

In our energetic testing the Zinc Transporter Elixir comes in at a strong 6700 for preventing and fighting prostate cancer. For fighting other types of cancer it is almost as strong, 6000. Use one bottle a month for cancer prevention, 2 bottles a month for an early stage cancer and 3 per month for an advanced cancer.

Of course, it works best when you also take zinc as a supplement. We recommend using an ionic zinc supplement as it would have only zinc in it. Use the normal suggested dose of zinc for cancer prevention and prostate health. Use three times the normal suggested dose to fight cancer.

When zinc is taken along with the Zinc Transporter Elixir, our testing gives a rating of 8700 for prostate cancer and 7500 for all other cancers. Strong scores indeed.

Apopto Activation Elixir

Some researchers say that cells turn cancerous because of viral infections, others say that bacterial infections, or candida overgrowth or even parasites are the culprit. It may well be that sometimes one of these is indeed the culprit, and another time one of the other infections is to blame. Or they may all play a role in one way or the other.

The common, underlying cause of a cell turning cancerous may be mutations to the cell. This could be caused by a virus, or by toxins released by bacteria, fungi or parasites that are infecting a cell or are close by a cell. The infection essentially is causing damage in the form of mutations that then cause the cell to turn cancerous.

The Apopto Activation Elixir works in a unique way to kill these damaged or mutated cells. It works on cells that they have already turned cancerous, and also on mutated cells to prevent them from becoming cancerous. The instructions it carries to the body alert the body to be aware that there can be mutated cells that have already turned, or could potentially turn, cancerous.

It instructs the body to send messages to these mutated and damaged cells, telling them to kill themselves.

Apoptosis is a name for the natural death of cells, for a cell telling itself to die because it is not working well, or is severely damaged, or is just too old and it is time to die and be recycled. The Apopto Activation Elixir is targeting cells that are cancerous or are mutated in a way that can cause them to turn cancerous, and turns on this process of natural cell death, efficiently killing cancer cells and precancerous cells too.

Apopto Activation Elixir comes in at 6400 in healing power. Use two bottles a month for early stage cancer, three per month for advanced cancers, and one per month for prevention of cancer.

Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ (by GHA Naturals)

For years Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ has been one of the best cancer killers we have seen. It even works better now when you use it with BLA. In fact, I've seen it work well so consistently for so many years, with no problems or safety issues, that I shake my head in wonderment when I come across an article questioning its safety or effectiveness. They just don't know.

True, none of the other zeolites supplements test near as strong as Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ does. Not by a long shot. But safety has not been an issue.

Zeolite works exceptionally well at fighting cancer as an informal 14 month study a number of years ago showed.

65 people with mostly stage 4 cancer, who had a prognosis of about 2 months to live, were given a type of liquid zeolite.

At the end of the study, 51 people were cancer free and six more were alive, but still fighting cancer. This is a 78% cure rate for terminal cancer, an incredible 89% survival rate.

This study was similar to what happens in the real world. There was no control as to what drugs people were taking, or what other protocols they were on. Every person in the study basically answered an ad in a newspaper that said, "If your doctor has given up on you, call us." So they were mostly people who had late stage cancer, whose doctors had sent them home to get their affairs in order.

Throughout the study, many patients used some sort of adjunctive treatment. For example, a lung cancer patient was told to go home and get his affairs in order. After three months on this liquid zeolite, he was feeling much better. He went back to his oncologist, who suggested that he was strong enough to undergo more chemotherapy and radiation. So he stayed on the zeolite, but he also went on chemo and radiation at that point.
Not bad for a bunch of folks sent home to die.

We've seen many testimonials where someone took Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ, or Zeolite Enhanced and another product or two, and got over a tough cancer.

For example, Theresa was giving Zeolite Enhanced only to her sister with advanced small cell lung cancer that had spread to the liver. Small cell lung cancer, if you are not aware of this, is one of the most aggressive and deadly cancer. And spreading to a major organ like the liver didn't make likelihood of survival any better.

Yet after several months of only using Zeolite Enhanced, the cancer was completely gone. She said, "The doctors call it a miracle, but we call it Zeolite Enhanced!"

"In July 08 I was told that my PSA was 28. A Biopsy was performed which confirmed that I had a most aggressive prostrate cancer (4+5=9) on the Gleason score, bone scan plus MRI followed. My scan and MFI showed that my bones were clear but the cancer had progressed into my lymph glands. The doctor recommended that I start hormone therapy before starting chemotherapy, after 3 months of the hormone therapy.

"On looking on the internet I came across Zeolite Enhance, this I have been taking since the beginning of August at a dose of 120 drops per day. Yesterday the 29th Oct. 3 months after starting to take zeolite I had an appointment with my doctor, only to be told that my PSA was now 4.1 and that I didn't need any further treatment except to continue with the 3 monthly hormone injections with a revisit to the doctors in 6 months. If you wish to use my name and address, please fill free to do so!
Yours, Mike Player

"Great Great news my mum has had confirmation that her lung cancer has gone. Thanks to everyone a miracle has happened.  I will now cut the supplements down, and the remaining supplements I will cut the dosage.
Kind Regards,
Margaret P
(She was using Zeolite Enhanced and about 20 other products suggested in this report for just a few months.)

My dog was diagnosed in August as having a malignant tumour. He had accidentally bumped his head about two weeks earlier, & a large lump had quickly developed. The vet more or less wrote him off, as his insurance would not have covered the large sums of money involved in providing treatment. Also, he's about ten years old, a large dog, & I really didn't want him to have to endure the upset of receiving scans, radiotherapy, etc. In my desperation to help him I searched the internet for something that would treat cancer. I soon found a site which pointed me in your direction. So, I started to treat him with Liquid Zeolite with DHQ on 3rd September. For a few weeks it was difficult to see any difference in the tumour. Although his arthritic condition improved, as well as his chest problems.[ He had begun to cough & splutter during the summer.]

Within the last few weeks however, it has become obvious that the tumour has started to shrink. Although it's difficult to be accurate, I would say that it has shrunk by as much as half. So hopefully, it will be gone by Christmas. I have been giving him 25 drops four times a day.... Perhaps you think that I'm overdosing, but the cancer is so virulent that I thought that a high dosage was best. I have been telling everyone I meet about liquid zeolite, because I can see that it really works. Hopefully, by making people aware of it lives will be saved. I just wanted to let you know what has happened, & to thank you for all your help. I will let you know of any further progress.
John H

"I am delighted to tell you that I have received my order in the post this morning. I am so relieved as I realize that Christmas post could have caused the delay! My father is taking the medication following a course of radiotherapy for inoperable throat cancer. Over the last few days we have noticed that the huge lump on the side of his neck has almost disappeared and yesterday he was able to eat solid food for the first time in a few weeks. We are continuing to give my father the treatment and will update you on his condition. Thank you for your kind and attentive service.
Janice P.

More remarkable results....

"Jeff and I went to Emory yesterday, the 29th for his follow up visit. He had gone from a 12,000 tumor marker down to a 10.2 and they scheduled him to come back in three months for his check up, not every six weeks.
He and I would like to thank you so very much for all your help and recommendations. You have been an answer to many, many prayers. God has blessed you with information that needs to be shared with so many other people around the world. Thanks for all you do and the very much needed help you have provided.... Thanks again, our lives will never be the same !! Jennifer J.

(He had used for about one month Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ and a couple of other supplements recommended here.)

How zeolite works to fight cancer.

According to information in United States Patent 6,288,045, zeolite can, when pulled into cancer cells, activate the P21 gene which tells a cancer cell to die, or literally, according to this patent, destroy the nucleus of cancerous cells.

Zeolite is a negatively charged volcanic mineral that naturally attracts positively charged toxins to it. (All toxins are positively charged.) It traps them in its cage-like structure. In other words, it absorbs toxins. Zeolite's negative ionic charge turns slightly positive after it is full of the positively charged toxins it has absorbed. Normal cells have a neutral charge while cancer cells have a slightly negative electrical charge. So the now slightly positively charged zeolite molecule is attracted to cancer cells.

The energetic frequencies and additional ingredients in Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ increase the ability of the zeolite to find and enter cancer cells.

Once inside the cancer cells, zeolite kills them two ways, according to the Zeolite Patent.

Zeolite activates the p21 gene. The function of the p21 gene is to tell the cancer cell to die. P21 acts as a tumor suppressor as it controls cell cycle progression. The activation of P21 appears to halt the growth of tumors by directly suppressing growth signals. In in-vitro studies, all cancer cells tested were destroyed in 72 hour. There are no side effects because it specifically targets cancer cells as it is not attracted to normal healthy cells.

Even more important, the tri metallic part of the zeolite destroys the nucleus of the cancer cells it enters. Some cancer cells are destroyed in an outward burst of the cytoplasm. In other cases cells are destroyed when their wall and membrane collapse after the nucleus is destroyed.

Most often, after the nucleus and the cytoplasm are destroyed, the entire cellular contents dissipate into the surrounding environment. The membranes of these now dead cancer cells remain intact, but no cellular structures are left.

Because zeolite's ionic charge, when full of toxins, pulls it to cancer cells only, it does not kill healthy cells.

Zeolite improves health in several other ways.

It chelates and removes heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides, and other toxins from your body. It does this in a hierarchical manner. Studies show that it is most attracted to lead, mercury, cadmium, arsenic and other heavy metals.

Once the amount of heavy metals are depleted, it starts to work on getting rid of pesticides, herbicides, plastics, and so forth. It also acts as a natural trap of viral particles which stops production of the viruses.

Because it traps toxins in its molecular structure and carries them out of the body as it is easily eliminated within 6 hours or so, it detoxifies without overloading the detoxification system in your body. It takes a strain off the liver and kidneys.

As toxins are an underlying cause of almost all cancers, taking zeolite on a regular basis is an excellent cancer preventative. Especially as it can kill any cancer cells that may develop.

Zeolite traps free radicals in its molecular structure so it acts as a free radical scavenger.
Zeolite will help normalize pH levels.
And boosts the immune system as it increases levels of CD4 immune system molecules.

One important benefit when the liver is functioning poorly...

Ammonia is a toxin that has no place in a healthy body. Thousands of people with liver and kidney disease die every year from too much ammonia in their blood. The average person can handle low levels of ammonia in their blood, but even a low level adds stress to the immune system, and compromises health.

Most ammonia forms in the body when protein is broken down by un-friendly bacteria in the intestines. It is also produced by parasites, yeasts and molds. These organisms produce ammonia both as a waste product, but also as a mechanism to keep their host (your body) in an unhealthy state. As candida yeast is almost always overgrown and infecting the whole body of someone with cancer, you may well have high levels of ammonia in your body.

A healthy liver converts ammonia into urea, which is then eliminated in urine. A benefit of dietary zeolite is its ability to remove ammonia directly from your body, which means less stress on your liver and kidneys. A big bonus for your health if your liver is weak.

Of course, reduced ammonia is also a bonus for healthy digestion, pathogens and parasites are weakened, and beneficial bacteria can better recolonize.

For this reason the use of dietary zeolite may be very helpful if your liver is not working properly. Ammonia that remains unprocessed because the liver is not working up to par can enter the bloodstream and invade the central nervous system, causing many dangerous effects.

Even your brain can be affected. In advanced cases of liver disease, for example, the ammonia may cause at first a mild mental aberration which can progress to coma, and ultimately, death. Increased levels of ammonia in the blood are characteristic of liver failure.

Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ is a frequency enhanced liquid zeolite, that is, based on our energetic testing and a lot of feedback from users, the most effective zeolite supplement available. The best by a very wide margin.

Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ comes in a 2 ounce spray bottle. It has many additional ingredients to boost its effectiveness. All of these tested as being able to significantly boost the effectiveness of Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ.

In fact, this new version -- in our energetic testing -- tests 150% better than the previous best testing liquid Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ. And many time stronger than any other zeolite product on the market, liquid or powder.

This proprietary blend of additional ingredients that supercharges this zeolite Includes: Dihydroquercetin from Grape leaf. Herbal extracts: Asian Ginseng, Uva Ursi, Gotu Kola. Bach Flower Essences: Star of Bethlehem, Self-Heal and Five-Flower. Amino Acids: Analine, L-Arginine, Aspartic Acid, Glycine, Glutamic Acid, L-Lycine, Leucine, Proline, Serine, Theonine, and Valine. Homeopathic: Bioplasma Cell Salts, Silicea 12X and Arnica. Organic Essential Oils: Rosemary, Orange and Lemon.

Ingredients: K-Natural (LifeHealthSciences), Proprietary Blend as listed above*, L-Ascorbic Acid, Optiblend, Colloidal Silver, Citric Acid, Purified Structured Water.

Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ is superior in three ways.

1. The manufacturing process makes this zeolite the very highest quality zeolite, purified and concentrated.

2. The energetics, herbs and ingredients in it make the zeolite better able to be transported throughout the body and into cancer cells.

3. The vibrational frequencies and all the additional ingredients in it greatly increases its healing power for overall health improvement.

The Frequency Enhancing And Additional Ingredients Story

What actually first made Zeolite Enhanced better than all other zeolites, was that it had been energized or imbued with special vibrational frequencies 8 or 9 different ways. This creates three cancer killing activities, all equally important.

1. The energetic frequencies and ingredients enhance the zeolite's capability to be attracted to cancerous cells. So you get more zeolite to those cells. Making Zeolite Enhanced more effective.

2. These special frequencies and ingredients improve the ability of the zeolite to enter cancer cells. And that's the name of the game when you are fighting cancer with zeolite. You see, these special vibrational frequencies send messages to cells, influencing what they do. They communicate with your cells. The frequencies in Zeolite Enhanced influence cancer cells to take the zeolite into the cell.

3. Finally, the specific frequencies that energize are able to kill cancer cells on their own. Cancer cells have a low vibrational frequency but they naturally must try to match or entrain to the high frequencies in Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ when you get these frequencies into your body. This ends up killing the cancer cell because they don’t operate at those frequencies. The same frequencies make your healthy cells stronger.

The interesting thing about the value of frequency enhancing, or at least the extensive frequency enhancing that Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ has, is how big a difference it made in its potency - according to our energetic testing.

Zeolite manufacturers and distributors naturally try to sell you the product they have and sell. So they tout their cleaned cage, or how they have the real original process, or their nano processing and how they have so much zeolite in their liquid, a little falls out if you let it sit, or their ability to process the zeolite with the humic acid, etc. Yet in my energetic testing, all these zeolites, except the cheap one that sells just on price, though they claim they are the best, were about the same potency.

The original liquid zeolite, NCD energetically tests at 320. There is a SuperZ liquid that comes in at 312, the one that comes from a manufacture that puts the zeolite inside a humic acid molecule is 328. A Trinity liquid is 315. 360 zeolite is 330. Every other one I test is right in the same ballpark, except the ultra liquid zeolite (enhanced with DHQ) from the liquid zeolite company that claims to be the one I recommend. It tests at 270. Their Nano Cellular Zeolite is better, testing at 340. ORME zeolite with monatomic minerals comes in at 320. Even Zeolite powder comes in at 300.

This supercharged Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ is my top recommendation for a zeolite product as it tests at 3400.

The zeolite that is used as its base tests at 470. The huge difference lies in the precise combination of additional ingredients, and the energetics that influence how it acts in the body. That enable more of the zeolite to get into cancer cells. Once in cancer cells, the zeolite shreds up the cancer cells.

As a reminder: We recommend the energized Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ from Get Healthy Again, the supplier given in the resources section of this report. We do not recommend Liquid Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ from the Liquid Zeolite Company or any of its affiliates even though they advertise it heavily and claim it is authentic, whatever that means. At 270, it does not test near as strong.

Clearly, Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ is a remarkable product for fighting cancer. It's non-toxic, a great detoxifier, helps to improve pH levels, and the vibrational frequencies in it along with the many additional ingredients increase the effectiveness of the zeolite at killing cancer cells. If the drug companies had drugs that would come anywhere close to this in effectiveness, they'd have every doctor prescribing them for cancer. There's no reason not to take this powerful cancer fighter.

"Hello my name is Robert and I have ordered Zeolite Enhanced in March for my mother and her cancer disappeared and totally dissolved. I might order again to keep following up, and to help other people . Thank you." Robert C.

It has been successfully used with chemotherapy and radiation - though you must stop it three days before any chemotherapy that uses a heavy metal such as platinum or lithium and wait 3 days after the chemotherapy so that it will not pull out the platinum or lithium. These include Cisplatin, Carboplatin, and Oxaliplatin for the platinum based therapies. Lithium may sometimes be given in conjunction with platinum chemotherapy.

For optimal results, using Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ to fight your cancer, use 2 bottles a month for an early stage cancer, and for an advanced stage cancer, use 3 bottles per month. Up to 6 bottles a month is suggested if you have a late stage cancer and need to do as much as possible.

Nano Red

Nano-Red delivers valuable support for normalization of blood and cell chemistry. Using high-quality, wildcrafted herbal extract of Blood Root, (Sanguinaria Canadensis), Red Root (Amaranthus retroflexus), Dandelion Root, prickly ash, Poke Root and black walnut as well as humic and fulvic acids, Nano-Red is suggested for use in conjunction with specific elixirs to accelerate the elimination of dead and unwanted cells.

In addition to centuries-old treatment for skin issues and diseases, Bloodroot and Redroot extracts, tinctures and teas have been used in treating bleeding lungs, pneumonia, common cold, whooping cough, emphysema, sinus congestion and migraines.

When combined with certain other chemical compounds, bloodroot has been very effective in treating some cardiac conditions by slowing the heart rate. Patients suffering from palpitations have been treated effectively with Bloodroot.

With the many other supporting herbs, essential oils, flower essence, and homeopathic ingredients in Nano Red, it is much more powerful than single ingredient Bloodroot or Red Root extracts. For fighting cancer it tests at 1300, however its main purpose is to open up the lymph system.

2 oz. Bottle
Ingredients: Proprietary herbal blend of super critical extracts: Red Root, Blood Root, Dandelion Root, Prickly Ash, Poke Root, Black Walnut, Humic & Fulvic Acids, Grain Alcohol, Brandy. Larch, Pine and Oak flower essences, homeopathic Calcarea Flourata 200. Organic essential oils of grapefruit, celery seed, ginger and lemon.

Use 1 to 5 bottles a month - especially when cancer is in the lymph nodes.

Other Cancer Killers

There is a cancer killing supplement on the internet that people ask about, a Miracle Mineral supplement great for malaria. Where the minerals may kill cancer cells too. Unfortunately, while it seems to work wonders for malaria, energetic testing puts this at a low 45 for cancer. It just doesn't work that well.

Cesium with some additional potassium and magnesium has been touted for fighting cancer. With some impressive results. It seems to be good but not great. Energetic testing puts it at 324 for fighting cancer. Take it while working with a doctor or naturopath as you can get your mineral levels messed up using it.

Artemisia has been touted by some as a cancer killer. There has been some concern about making sure you don't take too much of this herb. Though certainly it is much much safer than chemotherapy or any drug for that matter. Energetic testing puts its cancer fighting value at 230 when used in correct doses.

An extract from the Venus's Flytrap, is a highly touted cancer cell killer. It dissolves primitive cells including cancer cells but does not harm healthy cells. Energetic testing gives the high quality powder a healing power of 246. The liquid extract is better. It comes in at 327. Unfortunately it tends to be expensive and you need to use a lot of it.

Most chemotherapies, because of the damage they do to the body, and because of their low success rate, energetically test in a range from 30 to 40. Radiation therapy, if properly applied and focused on a tumor, is a 60. If the radiation damages too much other body tissue, it drops to a 25 in our energetic testing.

There are many other excellent cancer killers that focus on the underlying causes of cancer. So let's take a look at the best supplements for another effective cancer fighting strategy, boosting the response of the immune system.


Cancer Strategy #5 - Strengthen the Immune System

Here are a few facts about the immune system and cancer. For most of your life, your immune system successfully fought cancerous cells, killing them as they developed. That's its job. In fact, the only job Natural Killer cells have is to kill cancer cells and viruses.

For cancer to develop, your immune system must either be worn out, ineffective, unable to kill cancer cells as fast as they normally develop, or you must be exposed to a mass of cancer causing toxins, radiation or some such thing, that increase the rate of development of cancer cells to such an abnormally high level that your immune system can't handle it.

Either way, it is vital to strengthen the immune system in your battle against cancer . Especially if you are getting medical treatments that wipe out your immune system.

Many natural supplements support the immune system. This is why so many of them are touted as being able to help you beat cancer. If someone has an immune system that is almost able to handle the cancer, even a poor immune system supplement can be enough to improve the immune system to the extent that it beats cancer.

When a supplement or procedure has been used for years, especially if it is popular, you'll hear how it has beat cancer. But what you don't know is if it worked 2% of the time or 15% of the time. Given the number of people who die from cancer, the success rate of most of these supplements is fairly low. In this report we try to find and recommend the supplements that work the best, so that you have the greatest likelihood of success. It is easy to squander money and more importantly time, on products that won't get the job done.

The other concern is to make sure you do enough to wipe out the cancer. Cancer is not something to pussyfoot around with. While it is always hopeful and great to read about how someone took just one supplement and beat their cancer, and while that could happen to you, your odds of success are much higher if you take many different supplements in order to hit the cancer as hard as you can.

In order to determine which cancer fighting supplements are the most effective ones, we energetically test them for what we call their healing power. We have found this to be the most effective way of determining which supplements are likely to be the best to use. Our experience is that this works much better than taking a guess at what is good, and what isn't as good as it sounds.

When we started doing this we were surprised at how poorly the well known supplements and procedures tested. Many had been around for years and were popular, used by many patients and naturopaths, etc. But they actually weren't highly effective. Though they are good enough to help some people, and thus over time, produced plenty of testimonials, as you see in this report, we've been able to find many stronger products. Most of them new and thus unknown.

We hope you find these testing numbers useful. We retest new supplements after they have been used a while, to check how good they are proving to be after extended use. So numbers will change and emphasis too, based on real life results.

It is all too easy to waste money, taking supplements that are not as good as they seem. This testing and these recommendations will help you determine what is, in our opinion, just okay to take, and what is very good to use. Given that many of the most well known cancer fighting supplements test in the range of 200 to 300, these new supplements are the strongest immune boosting and cancer killing supplements you can get.


Cancer Killing, Immune System Boosting, Super Supplements

Addressing the immune system and cancer, these supplements will be listed in order of their energetic testing healing power. They are much more powerful than the standard immune system supplements.

Some of the better known immune system and cancer supplements are mentioned here, but are not recommended. A surprising number are not that good. Some are good, and we'll cover a few of those. None are great- at least not that we've checked on so far. Mushroom based supplements help to increase Natural Killer Cell activity. However, individual mushroom supplements rarely test strong. And even some of the combination versions did poorly. Beta Glucans which also can come from mushrooms, work on increasing the number of T cells. All valuable things to happen when fighting cancer.

The AHCC mushroom extracts have been around for years and has a good deal of research behind it. I've spoken with mushroom product formulators who say that it is a bit out of date and not that good. They may be right. Energetic testing on this comes in at 330. Not what you'd like to see in a product if you're taking it to beat cancer.

A number of the individual mushroom supplements came in at around 320 in energetic testing. These include good Maitake and Shitake supplements,

Beta Glucans have long been touted for their immune boosting ability. The very best one, with a lot of testing showing it is better than other similar products, however, energetically tests at only 330 for cancer. I suspect that in general products that are isolates just don't work as well as you would like them to as co-nutrients may be needed.

There are a few companies producing Rice Bran Arabinoxylan Compound (RBAC) immune boosting products. MGN... being the most well known. It and Peak Immun... both energetically test good. At 300. Some other off brands, so to speak were less, around 240.

The following immune boosting supplements are among the best there are for fighting cancer. They powerfully support the immune system in a variety of ways.

UltraImmune9 + TotalFlora15 + MetOH

UltraImmune9 tests as being significantly better than AHCC or similar mushroom supplements. It specifically targets, and nutritionally supports, optimal anti-cancer performance. It is based on a little known Chinese Medicine anti-cancer formulation, and is especially good at fighting cancer. It gives you a high concentration of nine established immune boosting mushrooms. These nine mushrooms have historical and modern track records of proven performance. They are the strongest cancer fighting immune formula we have tested.

UltraImmune9 is a proprietary blend of the following medicinal mushrooms. Agaricus blazei (grown on purple corn), Chaga Extract 4:1 (grown on brown rice), Cordyceps militaris, Cordyceps sinensis, Flammulina velutipes Winter Mushroom (grown on purple corn), Ganoderma lucidum (Reishi), Hericium erineceus Lion's Mane (grown on purple corn), Grifola frondosa (Maitake), and Trametes versicolor (Turkey Tail). It also supplies the following synergistic ingredients. Chokeberry (Aronia) PE 4:1, N-Acetyl-Cysteine, Quercetin, Cranberry, CavaMax CoQ10, Aulterra organic seabed minerals.

Energetic testing puts the cancer fighting power of UltraImmune9 at 4800 when used at 2 bottles a month dose. Research has show that this type of cancer fighting supplement works even better at much higher doses. UltraImmune9 tests at 8600 when used at the 6 bottles a month dose for early stage cancer, or 8 bottles a moth dose for advanced cancers.

However testing to be even a stronger cancer fighter is to take a powerful probiotic supplement, TotalFlora15, along with UltraImmune9. TotalFlora15 supplies a blend of 15 different types of friendly bacteria: Bifidobacterium infantis, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Bifidobacterium breve, Bifidobacterium longum, Bifidobacterium bifidum/Bifidobacterium lactis, Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Lactobacillus meticulous, Lactobacillus brevis, Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus plantarum, Streptococcus thermophilus, Lactobacillus salivarius, and Lactobacillus lactis.

Researchers report that 70% to 80% of immune system cells are in the intestines. As a consequence, your friendly bacteria are a huge part of the immune system. So it makes sense that TotalFlora15 would have a synergistic effect with the mushrooms in UltraImmune9. In fact, the effect is so strong, much less UltraImmune9 needs to be used, - 3 bottles a month for early stage cancer and 4 for advanced - along with 2 bottles a month of TotalFlora15. Testing shows this combination increases the cancer fighting effects significantly - going up to 9800. The synergy of these two products must be very strong.

Better still, you can supercharge UltraImmune9 and TotalFlora15 even more. Open up these capsules, and let the powder from them sit in MetOH enhanced water for at least 5 minutes before drinking. MetOH is an OH water concentrate that will greatly enhance the effectiveness of these two formulations. Put 1 1/2 tsp MetOH into 6 ounces of distilled, RO or Mayu Swirled water. Open and empty capsules of UltraImmune9 and TotalFlora15 into this water. Stir in, and let this sit at least 5 minutes before drinking. It is best to drink 30 minutes before eating, on an empty stomach. Can be mixed in fruit juice as needed to both hide the taste and to help them both work better. (When you are also using the elixir BLA, the fruit juice will help BLA cause cancer cell death.) This combination of UltraImmune9, TotalFlora15 and MetOH tests as one of the strongest cancer fighters, coming in at 11,300 in our testing. This is very much worth doing.

The Master Healing Elixir

The instructions in this elixir activate and optimize heart and heart chakra energies to stimulate healing, optimal health and well-being - throughout the body. This gives a fundamental and powerful healing action that is beneficial for everyone, no matter the issue. Whatever you are dealing with, even difficult to resolve ailments like Parkinson's or Alzheimer's, our energetic testing indicates that The Master Healing Elixir may be able to move you towards better health.

It contains in addition, a series of instructions to help the body fight cancer. Based on our testing, the main way it helps your body fight cancer is to significantly improve immune response against cancer. It enhances immune response in two different ways.

Heart energy activation improves the function of immune system cells along with all other cells in the body. This will enable the immune system to better fight cancer. Also, the instructions direct the immune system to eliminate cancer from the body. These instructions activate the immune system response against cancer.

The second way that The Master Healing Elixir helps in the battle against cancer is to stimulate healing of the mitochondria in cancer cells. The first thing a healed mitochondria will do in a cancer cell is turn on activation of apoptosis natural cell death. It does this because it notices, once healed, that the cancer cell has lived longer than it is supposed to live. (The mitochondria is the time-keeper of the cell.)

This action caused by The Master Healing Elixir has a synergy with C-60, Apopto Activation Elixir, Cell Wall Optimization Elixir, Super ProQoQ10 Max, Health First Grape Seed Extract and Omega3Gold. Together, they make up a group of supplements that cause cancer cells to die a natural death.

It is optimal to use a 2 bottle a month dose for early stage cancer and 3 bottles a month for advanced cancers. For cancer prevention, and for overall health, use1 bottle a month long term to stimulate deeper healing of the body. The Master Healing Elixir energetically tests a very strong 8900 for fighting cancer. Looking at its overall health benefits for all your cells and organs, it tests an even stronger 9700.


Honokare is an herbal extract focused on supplying honokiol from the bark of the magnolia officianalis tree along with other synergistic nutrients in a highly absorbable, liquid solution that is frequency enhanced to make it even more powerful. It's energetic test comes in at 8400. It fights cancer in several ways that do not cause an inflammatory response of the immune system's dead cancer cell removal.

Honokare first came to my attention in an article by Michele Cagan describing some of the research that has been done on honokiol. She wrote:

"When it comes to cancer, there’s more than one way to beat it, so honokiol doesn’t stop at one. Instead, it attacks cancer on multiple fronts, fighting tumors head-on. It starts by making sure the tumors can’t supply themselves with the nutrients they need to thrive.... This research also uncovered another anti-cancer power in honokiol’s arsenal: the ability to prevent tumor growth (formally known as anti-proliferative activity) in mice with angiosarcoma, an extremely malignant and aggressive cancer that usually grows and spreads alarmingly fast.

"Another in vitro study2 discovered one of the key ways that honokiol helps conquer many types of cancer. It prevents a cancer-sustaining enzyme called PLD (phospholipase D) from doing its job. Left unchecked, PLD keeps cancer cells from dying off (a process known as apoptosis). So when honokiol blocks it, cancer cells die. Increased PLD activity has been linked to several cancers (breast, kidney and colon, for example) and cancer cell lines (lung, pancreatic, and prostate, to name a few)....

"So researchers investigated honokiol’s effect on one of the most common cancers—colorectal cancer. One group of researchers studied mice with human colon cancer. They injected the mice with honokiol every other day, and the results were stunning. The honokiol blocked tumor growth without a toxic effect on the mice....

"An in-vitro study4 found that honokiol effectively caused apoptosis in several kinds of prostate cancer cells, both androgen dependent and independent, as well as cells with varying p53 status.... Honokiol takes on even ‘incurable’ cancers B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia (B-CLL) is one of the toughest cancers to treat and beat.... a study5 found that honokiol sets off the death cycle of these cancer cells, and that the extract was more toxic toward the B-CLL cells than healthy cells.

"On top of that, honokiol also improved the anti-cancer effects of chemotherapy drugs (fludarabine, cladribine, and chlorambucil).... When researchers tested honokiol against squamous lung cancer cells in an in vitro study, their work paid off. The honokiol treatment set off a chain reaction that led to apoptosis, cancer cell death."

Honokare is a full spectrum, supercritical extract of five organic and wild crafted roots and barks, six organic essential oils with synergistic cofactors all infused into a Humic and Fulvic acid solubilized solution (which increases absorption and bioavailability).

Current medical research focuses on the anti-cancer properties of many of the extracts within Honokare. These include Honokiol, Magnolol, Astragaloside, Gingerols, methoxyisoflavones, beta-lapachone, lapachol, taraxacin, saponins among others.

It also works to balance and help keep stress response and stress chemicals in check. This can be a great assistance when worry blocks relaxation and even sleep. This effect can free up a lot of healing energy. Users report feeling “dark clouds” lifting from their outlook within moments of use. This effect can be tracked not only to the magnolia extracts but also to the high purity essential oil component, which brings with it the nurturing focus of tens of thousands of medicinal flowers.

Medicinal Roots and Barks
A proprietary extraction process is used to create these extracts. The process starts with whole roots and barks. This ensures complete active ingredient levels. The multi-stage extraction captures all the hot water and fat-soluble micronutrients from the five roots and barks chosen for Honokare. The focus is on Magnolia and Astragulus but includes a supportive complement of Dandelion root, Pao D'Arco bark and Ginger root.

Magnolia Bark Extracts Are Safe, Fight Anxiety - Brain Booster - Powerful Anti-oxidant

While magnolia bark has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for over 2000 years, only recently have researchers explored its components. Human, animal, and in vitro studies are confirming what traditional herbalists have already known about its safety and efficacy. Honokiol avoids immediate break-down by the liver - and crosses blood barriers that often exclude other compounds. Recent studies have found validation for honokiol as a treatment option for anxiety, cancer, periodontal disease, stroke, inflammation, and even weight loss.

Magnolia bark is generally used as an anti-stress and anti-anxiety agent. Medical research on two of its bi phenol compounds (magnolol and honokiol), indicates that magnolia’s anti-stress benefits are linked to its ability to control levels of the body’s primary stress hormone, cortisol. Myriad health benefits are associated with normal cortisol levels versus elevated cortisol. Elevated cortisol levels are associated with conditions including obesity, diabetes, osteoporosis, memory problems and suppressed immune function.

Research indicates that honokiol also selectively modulates GABA receptors. GABA (gamma Aminobutyric acid) is the major inhibitory neurotransmitter for nervous tissue. Many sedatives work by targeting and attaching to GABA receptors in the brain. Honokiol has shown anti-anxiety effects while avoiding the side effects of many sedatives.

Research has shown both magnolol and honokiol to possess powerful ”brain-health” benefits via their actions in modulating the activity of various neurotransmitters and related enzymes in the brain (increased choline acetyltransferase activity, increased acetylcholine release and inhibition of acetylcholinesterase). Japanese researchers have determined that the magnolol and honokiol components of Magnolia officinalis can be up to one thousand times more potent than alpha-tocopherol (vitamin E) in their antioxidant activity, thereby offering a potential heart-health benefit and added free radical protection.

Astragulus Root

Astragulus root is one of the 50 fundamental Chinese medicinal herbs. It helps modulate the immune system and strengthens several organs while lowering blood pressure and blood sugar levels.

Astragalus is an adaptogen, antipyretic, diuretic, tonic, uterine stimulant and vasodilator. Astragalus as an adjuvant therapy has been used in the treatment of cancer, prolapse of the uterus or anus, abscesses and chronic ulcers, chronic nephritis with edema and proteinuria. Recent research has shown that the root can increase the production of interferon and macrophages and thus support normal immune function in cancer patients.

Chinese studies show that patients undergoing chemotherapy or radiotherapy recover faster and live longer when given Astragulus root extract as an adjuvant therapy. The roots of 4 year old plants is harvested in the autumn and dried for use in the extraction process. Astragulus extracts are bactericidal, hypoglycemic, hypotensive, cardiotonic and vasodilatory.

Dandelion Root

Dandelion root works by decongesting and restoring the liver. It does this by stimulating the flow of bile. Recent scientific investigation shows that dandelion root improves the body’s ability to eliminate cancer cells. Studies show possible anti-tumor activity and antioxidant action.

Wildcrafted Pau D’Arco Extract

Pau d’Arco is a natural herb retrieved from the inner bark of the Tabebuia Avellanedae or Tabebuia Impetiginosa, known as taheebo. The taheebo tree is grown predominantly in Central and South America, but may also be cultivated in southern Florida. Pau d’Arco, also known as ipe roxo or sometimes lapacho, has been used for centuries by the Indio tribes of South America, as well as the ancient Incas and Aztecs.

Pau D’Arco tea or tinctures have had beneficial effects for the immune system and cancer victims, anywhere from alleviation of chemotherapy symptoms to complete remission of tumors. An article published by Dr. Daniel B. Mowrey on Pau D’Arco stated that “Lapacho has produced clinical anti-cancer effects without side effects.”

Ginger Root Extract

Ginger can help with nausea, digestive problems, circulation and arthritis. Relief of nausea caused during pregnancy or by motion is one of the benefits of ginger root. Ginger is also known to have the ability to calm an upset stomach and to promote the flow of bile. Stomach cramps can be eased and circulation can also be improved. Ginger supports a healthy cardiovascular system by making platelets less sticky, which in turn reduces circulatory problems. Ginger is often included in many herbal decongestants and can help to minimize the symptoms of respiratory conditions, colds and allergies.

The Extraction Process used to make HonoKare

This 12:1 extract involves a multi-stage extraction and concentration process using a time honored Traditional Chinese Medicine approach to give you the benefits of a standardized extract but with the added benefit of the coexisting compounds that may greatly enhance absorption and proper use in your body and provide your cells with balanced nutrition.

“Supercritical” extraction means Super Purity, Super Potency, Broad Spectrum, and No Chemical Solvents. There are no synthesized additives or processing agents. In fact, the supercritical process is the gentlest way to extract these delicate plant compounds to best preserve their potency and stability. Our supercritical extraction process ensures that neither you nor the environment have to contend with chemical solvents.

The Essential Oil component

Essential oils concentrate the therapeutic properties of flowers and plants and can provide therapeutic benefits in very small amounts. Most have anti-bacterial and anti-pathogenic properties and have historically been used for stimulation, relaxation, pain-relief and healing.

These are highly concentrated; it normally takes a few hundred kilos and sometimes a few tons of flowers to obtain a liter of essential oil. Thus pure organic and wildcrafted oils, undiluted, as these are, can be very expensive and of course very effective.

Organic Black Cumin Oil - Recent research has verified claims that it strengthens and stabilizes the immune system and is effective in the treatment of asthma, allergies, and other immune disorders.

Organic Cinnamon Oil – The health benefits of cinnamon can be attributed to its antibacterial, antifungal, anti microbial, astringent and anti clotting properties.

Organic Lemon Oil – Lemon oil is calming in nature and therefore helps in removing mental fatigue, exhaustion, dizziness, anxiety, nervousness and nervous tension.

Organic Lime Oil – Lime is so famous as a cure for scurvy, the disease which is caused due to deficiency of vitamin-C and characterized by frequent infections with cough and cold; cracked lips and lip corners; ulcers in tongue and mouth; spongy, swollen and bleeding gums etc.

Organic Orange Oil – Orange oil is being studied as a possible antibacterial agent to fight against drug-resistant bacteria.

Organic Peppermint Oil – Peppermint oil comprises vitamins A and C, omega-3 fatty acids, and minerals including potassium, manganese, iron, magnesium, calcium, and copper.

Humic and Fulvic Acid Enhance absorption of Honokare's Nutrients – Humic acid, a complex plant-derived energy rich molecule, provides many nutritional benefits. It’s a foundational carbon complex with thousands of negatively charged ion exchange points. Think of it as a train with many cars. These cars are loaded with bioavailable minerals and other plant-derived nutrients (and in this case it carries many of the minerals and active components from the roots and herbs) which are made available to the cells. Upon reaching the cell, the nutrients in the cars are selected as needed, and then, with numerous negatively charged cars empty, it loads itself with metallic, non-digestible minerals, and other toxins which it takes out to the trash.

Fulvic acid molecules, also derived from plants, are known to condition the cell wall increasing its permeability. This automatically boosts nutrient absorption and cellular hydration. Whenever minerals come into contact with Fulvic acid, in a water medium, they are naturally dissolved into an ionic form. Once the minerals meld into the Fulvic acid complex they become bioactive and bioavailable. Unlike Humic acids, whose molecules are large and complex, Fulvic acid is composed of very small molecules which can access tiny deposits of toxicity that the Humic and Zeolite alone cannot reach.

HonoKare works on all types of cancers. It does not directly kill cancer cells, but promotes their natural death through shutting off blood supply to cancer cells and prevent the PDL enzyme from extending cancer cell life. Thus it can be used where swelling of a tumor from inflammation would be a problem.

Honokare has energetic instructions that activate the immune system to identify and attack cancer cells. This action is similar to and complementary to immunotherapies. Instructions also interfere with the ability of cancer cells to deactivate immune cell attacks on them. Both these actions are made more powerful when they are combined with the powerful immune system ingredients in Honokare.

With its energetic testing rating of 8400, Honokare is a top cancer fighter. Optimally use 3 bottles a month for early stage cancer, 4 per month for advanced cancer -- of this 2 ounce dropper bottle.

Optimal Immune 2 and Optimal Immune 1

Optimal Immune 2 an oil based immune formula. Optimal Immune 1 is an immune boosting, medicinal mushroom and herb formula. More than just being immune supplements, these also support the liver and the brain. Clearing pathways in each organ and supporting their function. The enables the liver to better support the brain, and the brain to better control the immune system.

When used in high doses, as is needed to effectively fight cancer with herbs and other nutritional supplements, the combination of Optimal Immune 1 and Optimal Immune 2 is powerful. Used at 2 bottles of each for early stage cancer, or 3 of each for advanced cancers, this combo tests a very strong 8900 in cancer fighting power. Making them among the most powerful cancer fighters, when used together and in these doses.

Support the liver and brain for a more powerful immune response.

Taking the Optimal Immune 1 herbal formula at the same times as Optimal Immune 2 increases the immune system action significantly. The ingredients in Optimal Immune 1 capsules mix with the oils in Optimal Immune 2 so that, when taken on an empty stomach, they are better carried into your cells. In addition...

Faster and deeper healing, with more powerful cancer fighting benefits, occurs when the liver and brain are also supported by an immune supplement. The liver and brain work together closely. The liver supplies nutrients to the brain, and the better it can do this, the better the brain will function. The brain controls the immune system, so improving function of the brain improves immune system response.

Optimal Immune 2 is an emulsified oil and water based formula that is emulsified using a breakthrough process. It significantly increases absorption of the herbs, liquid chlorophyll and structured water mixed in it.

To be more precise, it is made using a proprietary, patent pending, low temperature, emulsification process that is the newest breakthrough in emulsifying oils. This process micronizes, microblends, and activates Parent Essential Oils, other fats with the herbal/nutraceutical ingredients mixed in it. To significantly increase bioavailability. In other words, the nutrients in it can better get into your cells to do their work.

Optimal Immune 2 enhances immune function two ways.

  1. The oils in it calm down an inflammatory response of the immune system. The herbs in it, Ashwagandha, Green Tea Extract and Turmeric, also help reduce inflammation.

  2. Boosts the effectiveness of the immune system.
    Black Cumin Seed Oil is a power immune system supercharging oil. Hundreds of medical studies have been published focusing on its immune strengthening, anti-histamine, anti-tumor, anti-microbial, and anti-inflammatory activity. It and the other emulsified oils in Optimal Immune 2 carry immune enhancing components into cells because they create a liposomal delivery system, absorbing these herbs and nutrients into the oil so that the cells much more readily uptake them. These ingredients include....

    Cordyceps Militaris and Colorius Versicolor medicinal mushrooms. Research shows that C. militaris acts as an anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, anti-tumor/anti-cancer/anti-leukemic, anti-proliferative, anti-metastatic, immunomodulatory agent.

    Colorius Versicolor extracts have a history of helping to fight cancer, especially when used with chemotherapy. In addition, it helps reduce chemotherapy side effects.

Other immune enhancing ingredients in Optimal Immune 2 include the herbs Ashwagandha and Turmeric, both of which supply numerous health benefits on top of improving immune function.

The final ingredient in Optimal Immune 2 is a specially processed Structured Water that has a 25 year history of improving immune response and overall health and well being.

Optimal Immune 2's next most valuable benefit is to enhance brain function.

This helps the immune system work better as the brain will do a better job of directing and controlling the immune system.

It's most valuable brain support nutrients are Phosphatidylcholine and Phosphatidylserine, along with Lecithin. These are lipids or fats vital for brain and nerve function. ProCoQ10, an ester or fat bound CoQ10, helps to protect brain cells from damage, and increases the ability of brain cells to produce energy using oxygen.

Chia Seed Oil, Pumpkin Seed Oil, and Evening Primrose Oil supply the right ratio of Omega 6 and Omega 3 oils to the brain to the brain so the cellular membranes in the brain function better. This enhances communication in the brain and assists in the uptake of oxygen and nutrients into brain cells.

Equally valuable as these oils, are the Liquid Chlorophyll and Structured Water in Optimal Immune 2. These also help get more oxygen and other nutrients into brain cells.

And finally, the herbs Ashwagandha, Green Tea Extract and Turmeric will, among other things, help clear pathways in the brain, and reduce brain inflammation.

Liver cleansing and support is the other significant action Optimal Immune 2 will produce.

Liquid Chlorophyll and the Structured Water act as powerful liver detoxifiers. They grab hold of toxins and carry them out to be eliminated by the kidneys.

The Structured Water, Green Tea Extract, Turmeric and ProCoQ10 and antioxidants in Optimal Immune 2 neutralize free radicals in the form of toxins in the liver and elsewhere. This helps to eliminate toxins from your body, and improves the liver's ability to detoxify.

Finally, Ashwagandha, Green Tea Extract and Turmeric clear pathways in the liver as they do the brain.

Optimal Immune 2 also enhances hormonal function.

The Evening Primrose Oil, Ashwagandha, and medicinal mushrooms in it all enhance hormonal function. A strong hormonal system makes for a strong immune system, so this benefit, while minor in the whole context of Optimal Immune 2, is significant.

Optimal Immune 2 comes in an 8 ounce bottle. Use 1 and 1/2 teaspoons once a day for one bottle to last a month. When fighting cancer, use 2 or 3 doses a day for significantly great cancer fighting ability.

Optimal Immune 1 is built around four medicinal mushrooms well known for their immune boosting capabilities, along with a combination of nine important herbal extracts.

The mushrooms are Reishi, Cordyceps Sinensis, Turkey Tail and Mitake. They are among the most valuable of extracts for improving immune system function.

Several herbs in Optimal Immune 1 work together to fight cancer. Some kill cancer cells directly, some help the immune system to do so. These include Astragulus, Burdock Root, and Mangosteen Extract.

All the herbs in Optimal Immune 1 help improve the function of the brain. This enables the brain to better direct and control the immune system to fight cancer, pathogens and remove toxins.

Other benefits include liver support, antioxidant free radical scavenging and anti-inflammatory actions.

Optimal Immune 2 and Optimal Immune 1 improve the effectiveness of chemotherapy. They help the immune system do a much better job of dealing with the chemo. And help the liver to do the same. They improve the likelihood of success when using chemotherapies, and will reduce the negative side effects of chemotherapy. And even on their own, they are among the top group of cancer fighting supplements.

High Dose Vitamin D and K with Vitamin D Activator

This everyday vitamin, when used in high doses, (along with the appropriate amount of vitamin K to prevent excess calcium in the blood) is one of the most powerful cancer fighters. This is especially so when Vitamin D Activator is also used. This elixir increases production of vitamin D transport proteins so more of the vitamin D gets to where it needs to go.

Vitamin K prevents vitamin D toxicity which is actually excess calcium in the blood. Vitamin K2 sends that calcium out of the blood to the bones. Taking it has enabled many people to utilize high dose vitamin D to fight cancer, to heal autoimmune diseases, prevent colds, flu and other viral infections, and more without experiencing any "vitamin D toxicity" even when vitamin D levels became much higher than the upper range suggested.

Vitamin D has long been known for being important for the optimal functioning of the immune system. It is an immune system modulator. This means it calms down an over-responding immune system response. This reduces inflammation. In addition it activates components of the immune system that enable the immune cells to better identify and kill cancer cells, viruses and other pathogens.

Vitamin D is more than an immune system modulator and an immune system activator. It is a hormone, and a gene regulator. It is used by every cell in your body. A lack of vitamin D in cells likely contributes in one way or the other to the development of most chronic health issues and illnesses.

The relationship between Vitamin D and cancer has been confirmed in more than 200 epidemiological studies. The understanding of how it works stems from more than 2,500 laboratory studies, according to epidemiologist Cedric Garland, professor of family and preventive medicine at UC San Diego School of Medicine.

Dr. Garland is regarded as the top epidemiologist on vitamin D and its relation to health. He led one of the studies on vitamin D for cancer prevention. Its results, which were published in the Annals of Epidemiology, were nothing short of astonishing. Garland wrote:

"It is projected that raising the minimum year-around serum 25(OH)D [vitamin D] level to 40-60 ng/ml would prevent approximately 58,000 new cases of breast cancer and 49,000 new cases of colorectal cancer each year, and three quarters of the deaths from these diseases, in the US and Canada."

He proposed a new model of cancer development -- dubbed DINOMIT -- that is centered on a loss of cancer cells' ability to stick together. According to Dr. Garland:

"The first event in cancer is loss of communication among cells due to, among other things, low vitamin D and calcium levels. In this new model, we propose that this loss may play a key role in cancer by disrupting the communication between cells that is essential to healthy cell turnover, allowing more aggressive cancer cells to take over."

Alternative health practitioners commonly recommend 4000 to as much as 10,000 units a day on an ongoing basis. However some recommend as much as 500,000 IU a day for short periods of time combined with 10,000 IU daily most of the time in order to cure serious health conditions.

Most people don't get enough vitamin D from the sun, even in the south. We are inside too much. And if the skin is dark, less vitamin D is metabolized. For that reason sun exposure is not going to supply you with the high doses of D that have the greatest therapeutic benefits.

One well known MD suggests use 500,000 IU of D3 a day for 3 days, then 10,000 IU a day of D3 daily for 90 days. Then repeating this regime as much as is needed - in order to cure autoimmune diseases. Other doctors suggest similar type dosing. So high dose vitamin D has been used extensively. It is safe as long as you also take vitamin K2.

In our energetic testing a different amount tests optimal for fighting cancer...

Take 90,000 IU of vitamin D3 a day for a week. Then drop down to 10,000 IU a day for 90 days. Then repeat the 90,000 IU of D3 for a week, 10,000 IU a day for 90 days, and continue this cycle ongoing.

If you weigh less than 100 pounds, reduce the 90,000 IU to 60,000 IU. If you weigh more than 250 pounds increase to 100,000 IU a day. The 10,000 IU can stay the same.

Any D3 can be used. Vitamin D Mulsion Forte is a good D3 supplement because it is emulsified. This increases absorption and assimilation. Also, it is very easy to take. One drop supplies 2000 IU. There are 750 drops in a bottle so it lasts 3 months at this dosing.

A third of people with cancer have too high levels of calcium in the blood. And this can cause problems. Vitamin K2 will move the calcium out of the blood and into your bones. Vitamin D helps more calcium get absorbed from the food you eat. So it is vital to supplement with vitamin K when using high dose vitamin D. Especially for cancer.

If you have cancer, because it causes more calcium in the blood, the amount of vitamin K that is optimal is much higher than normal. If you are on blood pressure meds, use vitamin K2 only. It does not have an effect on blood clotting as K1 does. Optimal dosing, in our testing is to use 600 to 1200 mcg of MK-7 K2 a day - every day, whether you are on the 90,000 IU of D3 a day for a week, or 10,000 IU a day the rest of the time. The MK-4 form of K2 is not nearly as powerful as the MK-7 form.

If not on blood pressure meds, what tests significantly stronger is to use vitamin K1 too. Vitamin K1 will convert into vitamin K2 in the body. There are 15 forms of K2. Your body needs them all. Not just the MK-4 or the MK-7 forms of K2. You can only get these 13 other forms by taking K1 so that your body will convert it to these forms as needed. Consequently, the product testing optimal to use, much stronger than K2 MK-7 only products, is Bio-K Forte Caps. While less could be used, what tests by far the best is to take 4 capsules a day ( 2 bottles a month) of Bio-K Forte Caps. Each capsule supplies 500 mcg of K1 and 50 mcg of K2 MK-7. Use this daily.

Two ways to increase the effectiveness of high dose vitamin D3 and K2...

One basic is to be taking extra magnesium - about 600 mg a day. Magnesium is needed to get calcium into the bones. If you have too much calcium and not enough magnesium, it becomes much more difficult to get calcium back into the bones. Magnesium also has been shown to help vitamin D work better. Of course, if you are not getting enough calcium in your diet, you may need to supplement with some calcium too. Look for food based calcium, like algae calcium.

The most valuable enhancement...

Vitamin D is carried into cells by vitamin D transport proteins. Without those transport proteins, vitamin D cannot get to or into cells.

Unfortunately, toxins damage the genes that control production of transport proteins. Because of this, there may be a lack of vitamin D transport proteins.

So even if you have good levels of vitamin D in the blood, chances are great that you are not getting enough vitamin D into your cells. (If our energetic testing is accurate, about 90% of the population has very low levels of vitamin D transport proteins.)

Fortunately, there is a way to increase production of vitamin D and vitamin K transport proteins. Use...

Vitamin D Activator

This remedy is a frequency enhanced water elixir delivering a set of instructions to your body. These instructions tell your body to turn on production of optimal amounts of vitamin D transport proteins. Whatever is needed for optimal health. Vitamin D Activator, in a sense, takes the place of the damaged genes that are supposed to be turning on this production.

Its instructions also direct your body to repair these damaged genes. Better still, instructions tell the body to repair the often damaged vitamin D receptors on cells. This action also enables vitamin D to better get into your cells.

Vitamin D Activator also turns on production of vitamin K transport proteins to optimal levels so that vitamin K2 can also do a better job of moving calcium to the bones.

When Vitamin D Activator is used as part of this high dose vitamin D and K2 protocol, it energetically tests as increasing the effectiveness of this protocol by 30%. This whole protocol tests a very strong 8100 for fighting cancer.

Use two bottles a month of Vitamin D Activator for early stage cancers, and three bottles a month for advanced cancers. Use one bottle a month for prevention or health maintenance.

One of the best aspects of this high dose D and K protocol is that as you use it and get your D levels very high, you will be greatly protected from catching colds, flus, and other viral infections. Along with greatly reducing inflammation in your body. This helps to reduce autoimmune diseases, allergies, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, arthritis, and even dementia, all known to be significantly caused by excess inflammation. And of course it is highly cancer preventive at the same time.


GlioX is a frequency enhanced elixir delivering instructions that enable the immune system to better seek out and destroy cancer cells. It also initiates actions that prevent the cancer cells from repairing themselves -- and from hiding from the immune system.

GlioX activates production of antibodies that locate and attach to receptor tyrosine kinase (ROR1) proteins that are present on the surfaces of most cancer cells. The antibodies identify cancer cells to immune system cells. This action greatly improves the ability of the immune system to identify and kill cancer cells.

Other instructions do the same with the CD19 proteins that are on the surface of many blood cancer cells.

These two actions alone make GlioX a very strong cancer fighter. In addition.....

A second set of instructions, based on Nobel Prize winning work. deactivates the CTLA-4 signaling molecule. This molecule, produced by cancer cells, stops T-Cell activation. Deactivating these signaling molecules enables T-Cells to do a much better job of attacking pathogens and cancer cells.

A number of aggressive types of cancers have ways to protect themselves. Glioblastoma brain tumors and sarcomas consistently return because of these protective actions. GlioX works to stop them.

These cancer cells have the ability to produce or turn on production of the QRPT enzyme. This enzyme breaks down quinolinic acid into NAD+ which is vital for DNA repair of damaged cells.

When more QRPT is produced, more NAD+ is made, and these cancer cells can thus repair themselves more effectively. Researchers have noted that after anti-cancer therapies have been used, there is more QRPT then normal in tumors. This enables the cancer cells in these tumors to better survive these therapies.

GlioX carries a set of instructions into the body to stop the production of QRPT in tumors.

Another mechanism that helps insure the survival of cancer cells is increased production of metalloprotease (MMP) enzymes. These enzymes facilitate the development of blood vessels to feed the cancer cells. The activity of various MMPs has been found to be up-regulated in virtually every type of cancer. Increased activity correlates with advanced stage, invasive cancers in particular.

The more MMP there is, the worse the prognosis is.

GlioX carries instructions to stop the production of MMPs by cancer cells, and also by microglial immune system cells that can be tricked into producing MMP.

Toll-like receptors (TLRs) are immune system components that help identify viruses and bacteria, and recruit other immune system cells to deal with these pathogens -- using an inflammatory response.

Unfortunately, when it comes to cancer tumors, high levels of TLR activity and expression help cancer cells survive. Although TLR is useful for fighting pathogens, over-expression of TLRs has been found in many tumors. In fact, it has been demonstrated that TLR-mediated signaling promotes tumor growth, and helps the tumors escape detection by the immune system.

GlioX delivers instructions to the body to reduce the amount of TLRs in tumors.

GlioX interferes with three mechanisms that enable cancers to more aggressively develop and survive. By activating the creation of antibodies to proteins found on the surface of cancer cells, it enables the immune system to identify and kill these cells,

GlioX instructions tell the body to take the same type of actions that immunotherapy treatments activate. This provides strong support for immunotherapies. GlioX energetically tests 7400 for fighting cancer.

Hormone Transport Elixir

This elixir turns on optimal production of the many different hormone transport proteins. This is needed because the genes that control production of hormone transport proteins become damaged by pathogen toxins. Because of this damage, not enough hormone transport proteins are produced. So not enough are available to move hormones to where they need to go. (Every hormone in the body must have a specific type of transport protein to move it throughout the body. And when a hormone has done its job and needs to be recycled, a transport protein must carry it to the liver to be processed.)

Hormone Transport Elixir tells the body to increase production of hormone transport proteins if they are low. Additionally, it instructs the body to optimally balance hormone levels for the best health and wellbeing. These actions provide powerful health benefits. Your glands will work better. Your body will become more healthy. Bone density will increase because the hormone that turns on the process of building bones will be able to get to the bones to do its job. And so on. Every hormonal function in your body could improve.

For fighting cancer the most important benefit of Hormone Transport Elixir is its ability to increase the effectiveness and strength of the immune system. Hormones play a major role in the functioning of the immune system. Turning it on, turning it off, and more. Taking something that will balance and optimize hormones, while greatly improving their ability to get to where they need to go, significantly improves the immune system's ability to fight cancer.

In fact, Hormone Transport Elixir, in our energetic testing, comes in as one of the more powerful elixirs for fighting cancer. It rates 6200 in cancer fighting power. It is even stronger for hormonal based cancers. This is because of its ability to balance out hormones, decreasing too high levels, and increasing levels that are low. For hormonal cancers it tests at 7300.

Use 2 bottles a month for early stage cancers and 3 bottles a month for advanced cancers. Because instructions in the elixir turn on repair of the genes, in approximately 6 months this elixir should no longer be needed. Your hormone transport protein genes should be repaired and doing their job.

Carbon Transport Elixir

While this elixir is most often suggested to be used along with C-60 as it greatly enhances the effectiveness of carbon 60 molecules, it is very useful on its own.

Carbon Transport Elixir instructions activate production of the transport proteins for carbon molecules. Specifically, these are for transport proteins for amino acids, protein molecules and enzymes. Not only do these transport proteins carry proteins, amino acids and enzymes into cells, but they move them inside cells to where they need to go. Increasing transport protein levels significantly improves the function of cells. As such, using Carbon Transport Elixir improves the function of the immune system cells to fight cancer cells.

There are two ways it helps the immune cells fight cancer.

Carbon Transport Elixir helps antibodies more efficiently attach to cancer cells. In our energetic testing, we test there may be a 200% increase in efficiency. This enables the immune system to better attack and kill cancer cells. The antibodies identify cancer cells so that other immune system cells know to kill them.

This action gives a significant boost to the immune system's ability to fight cancer.

Carbon Transport Elixir's ability to get more proteins and enzymes to and into cells has a synergy with MetaCell Elixir. It gets more vitamins and minerals, oxygen and glucose, into cells. Their actions activate mitochondria function in cancer cells.

This activation does not cause an increase in the growth or power of cancer cells. Here's why.

The first thing a just activated mitochondria does in a cancer cell is to tell that cell to die. It turns on the apoptosis process of natural cell death because the cancer cell has lived too long.

Carbon Transport Elixir energetically tests 6600 for fighting cancer. Use 1 bottle a month for cancer prevention, 2 bottles a month for and early stage cancer and 3 per month for an advanced cancer. It is best used with C-60 or MetaCell Elixir.

Radiant Care 11:1

Radiant Care, when used topically over areas of pain, is excellent for relieving pain. It can be used internally to increase hydration of organs, lessen inflammation and to improve healing. It is a special formulation of a specific ratio of oil and water with additional ingredients that promote healing, reduce inflammation and pain.

Pain relief instructions are encoded into Radiant Care to additionally improve its effectiveness at removing pain. For pain relief, use as needed, up to 4 or more times a day. Apply it topically over the areas of pain. It is especially valuable when used during radiation therapy. It will reduce radiation side effects, and its damage to the skin and internal organs too. This is particularly important when radiation may damage sensitive areas like the throat, neck or mouth.

Other Herbs That Fight Cancer

I've had too many people tell me what nutritional supplements they were taking for their cancer. Where the supplements they mention, to my consternation, just weren't strong enough to vigorously fight cancer. A lot of those supplements were herbs, vitamins and minerals. Some juices. We'll start out this section by giving you the Energetic Testing results for a lot them. So you'll have a better idea what may work better, and what isn't so effective.

Some good quality herbs known to boost the immune system response do not test all that strong individually for cancer. In the 300 range of the energetic testing were Golden Seal, Pau d'Arco or Teehebo, Echinacea, Green Tea and Green Tea Extract. Cat's Claw comes in just a hair better. Still nothing to get excited about.

PawPaw comes in at 350. Graviola used therapeutically at 370. Gerson protocol at 390. Hoxley tonic at 420. Essaic teas varied in quality from 320 to 460. The best Chinese herbs for fighting cancer, if you are fortunate enough to run across someone who knows what they are doing, energetically test at 470 for fighting cancer. The highly touted fermented wheat germ product is also good, a 480.

Whole Super Foods

Years ago one of the first supplements I heard stories about knocking out cancers was the Super Blue Green Algae. Only when used in super high doses. I recommended it for years and it did help many people when used along with other supplements. When we finally began to do energetic testing to help determine what was great and what was just okay, the algae turn out just to be okay, with an energetic reading of 370.

Currently there are folks promoting the ability of stem cell enhancing algae extracts with a few other nutrients to fight cancer. Unfortunately, energetic testing rates their cancer fighting ability a little lower than the high dose whole algae, at around 280.

Other folks have been promoting the anti-cancer effects of the next life just a hair higher up the food chain, marine phytoplankton. Unfortunately, the original version and a version that combined a bit of the marine plankton with a host of other nutrients in a liquid form, have fairly low doses of the plankton. Energetic testing puts them at around 440.

Health Juices. There have been several medicinal juices that have been touted as being great for boosting the immune system response and fighting cancer. Unfortunately while the best of them may be good, they are not great. Energetic testing for therapeutic amounts of the best Mangosteen juice comes in at just an okay 250. This has been touted as being especially powerful for cancer when you drink super high doses of a bottle a day. And it is better. 430 Good but not anywhere near great. And very expensive for what you get.

Another well know competitor, Goji Juice, didn't fare as well in the energetic testing. It was only a 260 for therapeutic amounts. Acai Juice, at least the best one, was slightly better than the Mangosteen. 270 for the usual therapeutic amount. 440 when drinking a bottle a day.

Next we take a look at fungus and cancer, and products that can help eliminate them.

Cancer Strategy #6: Eliminate Candida Yeast Infections

Eliminating These Fungal Infections Is Vital For Getting Rid Of Cancer

Some doctors theorize that candida or other systemic fungal infections cause or at the very least contribute to the development of cancer. When you examine the link between fungus and cancer further, this makes sense.

A body wide candida infection plays havoc on the immune system. Not only does the immune system become overwhelmed and worn out from fighting the infection, but candida (or other fungus) excrete toxins that further weaken and harm the body.

The major waste product of candida is acetaldehyde, which produces ethanol. Ethanol may be great in cars, but in your body it causes excessive fatigue, and reduces strength and stamina. In addition, it destroys enzymes needed for cell energy, and causes the release of free radicals that can damage DNA.

Ethanol also inhibits the absorption of iron. Because iron is one of the most important oxygen supports in the blood, ethanol in your body creates low oxygen levels. And you know what happens when your body can't oxygenate well. Deal with candida if you want to beat cancer.

There is a simple test to tell if you have candida overgrowth.

First thing in the morning, before you put ANYTHING in your mouth, get a clear glass of water. Better still; leave it by your bed the night before. Work up a bit of saliva, and then spit it into the glass of water.

Check the water every 15 minutes or so for up to one hour. If you have a candida yeast infection, strings (like legs) will travel down into the water from the saliva floating on top, or "cloudy" saliva will sink to the bottom of the glass, or cloudy specks will seem to be suspended in the water. If nothing develops in 30 to 45 minutes, you are probably candida free.

Some doctors implicate fungi as a cause of leukemia. In 1999 Meinolf Karthaus, MD, watched three different children with leukemia suddenly go into remission upon receiving a triple antifungal drug cocktail for their "secondary" fungal infections.

In 1997 Marc Bielski stated that leukemia, whether acute or chronic, is intimately associated with the yeast, Candida albicans, which mutates into a fungal form when it overgrows.

Researcher Milton White, MD. believed that cancer was a chronic, infectious, fungus disease. He found fungal spores in every sample of cancer tissue he studied. Other doctors agree with him. Such as the Italian doctor who had his patients take bicarbonate of soda, baking soda, in water so that it would help eliminate candida.

Almost everyone with cancer, diabetes, dementia, Alzheimer's, autoimmune diseases, allergies, asthma, acid reflux, and we could name a dozen more ill health situations, has candida overgrowth.

Do the test described at the top of this page. If you find you have candida overgrowth, and take steps to deal with it, you'll go a long way towards preventing the development of Alzheimer's or cancer in old age.

For more information on candida overgrowth and what to do about it, go to

Dealing With Candida When You Have Cancer

The best supplements for fighting Candida fungal overgrowth when you have cancer are Silver GlucoPlus and Alka Super C.

Silver GlucoPlus is covered in the Cancer Killers section. This is a colloidal silver bonded to sugar molecules. Both cancer cells and Candida gobble up the sugar and take the silver into them. Silver interferes with their metabolism and kills them. Alka Super C is equally powerful for fighting candida.

Silver GlucoPlus and Alka Super C are the strongest cancer fighters we have tested. When you use them you will be dealing with Candida too.

In addition, consider adding in C and P Removal Elixir. It works in a unique way that reduces the amount of toxins released by the Candida when it is eliminated.

Candida die off toxins put a huge load on the liver. If you have candida, candida toxins have put a burden on the liver for perhaps decades or even a lifetime. Your liver already is in poor shape from years of constantly dealing with these toxins.

And now the liver is trying to deal with chemotherapy or medicine toxins, with toxins from killed cancer cells. It can't handle more overload of toxins being released by you going in and killing a bunch of candida -- creating a load of toxins being release by the dead candida.

Even if candida is in your cancer tumors, helping to protect them from the immune system, your liver may not be able to handle the stress of those additional toxins. So what can you do?


C and P Removal Elixir

C and P Removal Elixir is a powerful cancer fighter that is covered on the Foundations of Cancer page. It tells the lymph system to identify cancer cells in the body and to package up these cells and carry them out of the body through the skin or the colon wall.

It also activates this same process for Candida and other pathogens including cancer causing viruses. This take a load off your liver and detox system because the Candida and their toxins aren't being processed through the liver.

Removing Candida, viruses and other pathogens will help prevent the return of cancer because it is often Candida and viruses that are the underlying cause of the cancer. That made the cancer develop in the first place. From our research, C and P Removal Elixir works as well at eliminating Candida as the remedies we have previously suggested, CandXpel and CandElim. Like them it will also be removing Candida spores from the body so that the Candida won't come back when they bloom -- after you think you've got it licked.

It is by far stronger to use when you are also dealing with cancer, or are wanting to prevent a cancer from coming back, because C and P Removal Elixir sends any cancer cells the lymph system finds out of the body. So you have a very strong cancer fighter in addition to the best Candida fighter, all in one elixir.

You may need to use two bottles a month of C and P Removal Elixir for six months and then a bottle a month for at least another six months to eliminate Candida. This may seem long, but candida is very tough to get rid of. In addition to removing pathogens that may contribute to the development of cancer, its cancer fighting ability tests at 6300.

When you have cancer, use 2 bottles a month of C and P Removal Elixir for early stage cancers and 3 bottles a month for advanced cancers. Keep using this amount till the cancer is eliminated. Then continue using it for cancer prevention and to finish eliminating the Candida.

Dealing with candida is an important part of the battle against cancer for most folks.

Do that "spit" test to check if you do have Candida overgrowth.

Lack of friendly bacteria allows the candida to quickly and easily regrow. Friendly bacteria may be involved in as much as 70% to 80% of your immune system response. Getting these friendly bacteria back into your system is important. The probiotic we like the best is...


This probiotic, unlike most probiotics, is able to kill Candida, and does an excellent job of recolonizing the intestinal tract with 15 billion friendly bacteria per capsule. Even in the presence of candida. There are estimated to be one hundred trillion bacteria living inside the human intestine including 500 different species. This number amounts to more than TEN TIMES the number of cells you have in your whole body. These bacteria together weigh two to three pounds and could be considered your first organ of defense against disease.

Most of these bacteria are referred to as "good" but others provide little or no benefit. The ideal balance between them is 85% good and 15% "other". If the "others" numbers grow too large, you're not going to feel great and candida yeast or other harmful bacteria will overgrow and cause all types of health issues. This is why it is so important to help the “good” numbers stay high.

TotalFlora15 brings together two of the most widely accepted groups of probiotics - the Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium species. They work together to maintain a balance of "good" bacteria within your digestive tract.

Also added to this combination is the Streptococcus Thermophilus, a highly versatile fast acting strain of friendly bacteria that also acts as a free radical scavenger.

This additional strain works hand in hand with the 10 strains of Lactobacillus and four from the Bifidobacterium family to kick start a good bacteria bloom that promotes healthy intestinal function. It works with your immune system to inhibit candida overgrowth and helps your immune system better fight your cancer..

To fight candida and help your immune system better fight cancer, use two bottles a month, 4 capsules daily. Energetic testing puts TotalFlora15 at 670 for its ability to support your fight against candida and cancer.

Next we go over what would be beneficial in supporting detoxification of your body.


Cancer Strategy #7 - Reduce Toxicity & Support Detox Organs

On chemicals and cancer, an eminent German oncologist says that cancer is caused by environmental toxins. Others agree. While there are obviously other issues, fungus, viruses, genetics, etc., the major change in the world that could have lead to the explosion of cancer over the last 100 years has been the introduction of tens of thousands of chemicals into the environment. Chemicals that we had never been exposed to before. Ones that our bodies don't know how to handle. The link between toxic Chemicals and Cancer becomes clearer the longer we are surrounded by them.

They overwhelm the defenses of your body and cancer develops. Unfortunately, if industry and the government they control have their way, it may even become worse.

Biotech companies have been aggressively promoting the use of genetically modified food. It's a financial goldmine for them. Unfortunately, there are several problems with genetically modified food. Even the scientists at the FDA resisted them till political pressure from the top approved it. Every independent study has shown problems with the eating of genetically modified food. Abnormal cell growth being high on the list. And no wonder.

Jeffrey Smith, author of Seeds of Deception writes on SeedsOfDeception.com:

"More worrisome is that the "promoter" used inside GM foods could get transferred to bacteria or internal organs. Promoters act like a light switches, permanently turning on genes that might otherwise be switched off. Scientists believe that this might create unpredictable health effects, including the potentially pre-cancerous cell growth found in the animal feeding studies mentioned above.

"Milk from rbGH-treated cows contains an increased amount of the hormone IGF-1, which is one of the highest risk factors associated with breast and prostate cancer, among others. Soy allergies skyrocketed by 50% in the UK, coinciding with the introduction of GM soy imports from the U.S."

Foods are not required to be labeled as GM foods. The only way to make sure you are not eating food that has been genetically modified is to eat organic food or food labeled non-gmo. Eating organic food will also reduce the amount of chemicals you are ingesting.


Types of toxins in your body

There are several types of toxic buildups in the body that need to be dealt with when addressing the chemicals and cancer link to fight cancer. First there is cellular toxicity caused by the shunting of toxins into cells due to excess acidity in the blood, and the inability to release toxins in the cells for that very same reason.

Next is heavy metal and chemical toxicity coming from years of exposure to highly toxic heavy metals and chemicals. While many come from the environment, silver amalgam fillings, many vaccines and some other drugs put mercury and other toxins into our body. Most large fish have elevated mercury levels. Elevated levels of heavy metals disrupt the immune system, and must be dealt with when fighting cancer.

And then there is the toxic buildup in the colon of undigested foods and hardened fecal matter. Nutrient absorption is disrupted, and toxins sitting in that decaying mess are reabsorbed back into the body. This creates a constant stress on the immune system, and a further load on the body's detoxification systems. Colon cleaning needs to happen on the journey to good health.


The Chlorinated Water and Cancer Connection

Pathogens in water have led to many diseases. But did you know that what's put in your water to purify it may be causing your cancer (and heart disease)?

The French, with their lower cancer rates from consuming OPC's and resveratrol in red wine, have made red wine famous for its health benefits. There is another side to their lower cancer rates that most people don't know...

The French do not drink chlorinated water. They ozonate their water to purify it.

Does this make a difference? Absolutely.

"We are quite convinced... that there is an association between cancer and chlorinated water."
Medical College Of Wisconsin research team

We don't use the chemical chlorine because it's safe, we use it because it is cheap. We essentially still pour bleach in our water before we drink it. The long-term effects of chlorinated drinking water are a disastrous example of the chemicals and cancer link.


According to the U.S. Council Of Environmental Quality, "Cancer risk among people drinking chlorinated water is 93% higher than among those whose water does not contain chlorine."

It may cause much heart disease too. Dr. Joseph Price wrote a highly controversial book in the late sixties titled Coronaries/Cholesterol/Chlorine, and concluded that nothing can negate the incontrovertible fact that the basic cause of arteriosclerosis, heart attacks and stroke, is chlorine.

Dr. Price later headed up a study using chickens as test subjects, where two groups of several hundred birds were observed throughout their span to maturity. The chemicals and cancer link was about to be put to the test...

One group was given water with chlorine and the other without. The group raised with chlorine, when autopsied, showed some level of heart or circulatory disease in every specimen, the group without had no incidence of disease. The group without chlorine grew faster, larger and displayed vigorous health.

This study was well received in the poultry industry, and is still used as a reference today. As a result, most large poultry producers use dechlorinated water.

When chlorine is added to our water, it combines with other natural compounds to form Trihalomethanes (chlorination byproducts), or THMs. These chlorine byproducts trigger the production of free radicals in the body, causing cell damage, and are highly carcinogenic.


"Although concentrations of these carcinogens (THMs) are low, it is precisely these low levels that cancer scientists believe are responsible for the majority of human cancers in the United States". The Environmental Defense Fund

Dr. Robert Carlson, a highly respected University of Minnesota researcher, sums it up by claiming, "Chlorine is the greatest crippler and killer of modern times!"

Breast cancer, which now affects one in every eight women in North America, has recently been linked to the accumulation of chlorine compounds in the breast tissue. A study carried out in Hartford Connecticut, the first of it's kind in North America, found that: 

"Women with breast cancer have 50% to 60% higher levels of organochlorines (chlorination byproducts) in their breast tissue than women without breast cancer."

It is not just drinking chlorinated water that is the problem.

Up to two thirds of our exposure to chlorine is due to inhalation of steam and skin absorption while showering. A warm shower opens up the pores of the skin and allows for accelerated absorption of chlorine and other chemicals in water.

The steam we inhale while showering can contain up to 50 times the level of chemicals than tap water due to the fact that chlorine and most other contaminants vaporize much faster and at a lower temperature than water. Inhalation is a much more harmful means of exposure since the chlorine gas (chloroform) we inhale goes directly into our blood stream.


"Showering is suspected as the primary cause of elevated levels of chloroform in nearly every home because of chlorine in the water."
Dr Lance Wallace, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

If you take showers using chlorinated water and are dealing with cancer, clearly installing a shower filter to dechlorinate your shower water makes good sense.


Other Toxin Sources

In the process of eliminating as much toxic exposure as possible for sake of the chemicals and cancer link, you need to limit exposure from the chemicals in your carpets and walls of your home. Unless you've already taken special efforts to have a chemical free house, formaldehyde and many other chemicals have been out gassing toxic fumes in yours for years. Hulda Clark, in her books on fighting cancer and other diseases, recommends that all carpeting be pulled up, paneling and walls taken out and replaced, and so on - if you want to beat cancer. Pretty drastic stuff. A less overwhelming solution would be to get a photo catalysis air cleaner. Using technology developed by NASA, it puts out molecules that interact with VOCs, the chemicals put out by carpets, etc. and changes them into harmless carbon and water molecules.

Personal care items like shampoo, conditioner, or skin lotion often contain ingredients that add to the overburden of chemicals your immune system must get rid of. Try to use as natural and pure personal care items with as few chemical listed in the ingredients as possible to reduce that overload. The less overwhelmed your immune system is, the better it can fight the cancer.

The buildup of toxins in your body reduces cell oxygenation and toxins will damage DNA, causing cell mutation. The key is to protect your cells by making sure you are taking plenty of antioxidants, stop drinking chlorinated water or taking showers in it, and get rid of the buildup of toxins in your body using safe and natural detoxifiers.

There are three types of detoxification to be done, cellular detoxification, intestinal detoxification and a more general body detoxification in which we will include heavy metal detoxification. There is some crossover here, any detoxifier will work in more than one way. And remember, it is very important to alkalinize the body as that must happen before a great deal of detoxification can be done.

Supplements That Detoxify The Body Or Support Detox Organs

Toxicity is certainly one of main underlying causes of cancer. If fact, if you have cancer, your body is toxic. Dead cancer cells are highly toxic. To protect your health, ease detoxification symptoms, and to better fight cancer, you need to detoxify and to support your detoxification organs so they don't get overwhelmed.

As with the candida strategy above, a couple of the top cancer fighters in this report happen to be excellent detoxifiers. That would be the OxyDHQ and Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ. OxyDHQ creates oxygen which is a powerful detoxifier. In fact its detoxification power is the main reason you need to start taking OxyDHQ in smaller doses and gradually increase dosage size till you get to the full dosage.

And the very core of what zeolite does is that it first absorbs toxins, including the hard to get rid of heavy metals. It grabs hold of them and carries them out of the body without your liver having to handle them. As OxyDHQ an Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ are two of the most important supplements to use for fighting cancer, this section is going to focus more on detoxification organ support, helping your body deal with the dead cancer cells, which are highly toxic, and the toxic overload from chemotherapy.

Let's start by suggesting a supplement for cleaning out the colon. This is especially important for colon cancer. It was first mentioned in the Oxygenation Strategy. O3Right. Not only does it create oxygen in the colon which can help with the fight against colon or rectal cancer, but it softens any crud on the intestinal wall so that the magnesium in it can move it out of the body. Use a bottle a month.

PapayaPro, covered in the enzyme section, is the best product to use to help the body deal with dead cancer cells. It helps to digest these dead cells so that the liver, kidneys, and lymph system do not have to do so. In addition, it will help to bring down tumor size more quickly as it digests the dead cells in the tumors. (It digests live cells too.) PapayaPro works even more effectively when Proteolytic Boost is taken, as the body will be instructed to take the enzymes to the cancer.

It also contains modified citrus pectin which will absorb toxins and other junk in the blood. This alone has a powerful detoxification action. Use 2 to 4 containers a month of PapayaPro to more rapidly detoxify and to bring down tumor size faster without overloading the liver.


C-60 + Carbon Transport Elixir, UltraLiver 12, Liver Balance Plus, Kidney Rescue,
Intestinal Rescue, Glutathione Force II, Toxin Elimination Elixir,
Blood Support Elixir,
& Nano Red

C-60 + Carbon Transport Elixir

C-60 (Carbon 60) is an oil based supplement that is infused with unique Buckminster Fuller dome-like structured carbon molecules. Each molecule has a cage-like structure with 60 electrons attached to it. These electrons neutralize free radicals without making the C-60 another free radical as happens with normal antioxidants. This make C-60 an exceptionally powerful antioxidant, at least 50 times more powerful than normal antioxidants.

While C-60 has immune system boosting benefits for fighting cancer, its main action is its ability to repair the apoptosis mechanism in cancer cells. Once repaired and activated, this apoptosis mechanism tells the cancer cells to die. C-60, when used with the Carbon Transport Elixir becomes one of the strongest cancer fighters.

However, we talk about C-60 in this section because of its strong support of the liver, kidneys and colon, and its detoxification abilities. It turns good detoxification support supplements into great ones.

C-60 is a strong detoxifier, attracting toxins into its cage like structure. Because of this, it will literally carry chemotherapies into cancer cells. Once there, it releases the chemotherapy. It does not do so in normal sells. This is because the ionic charge inside cancer cells pulls the chemo out of the cage. Normal cells do not have the same ionic charge that pulls out the chemo so it stays inside the cage and does not harm the cells. As a consequence, C-60 significantly increases the effectiveness of chemotherapy, getting more of it into cancer cells while not amplifying chemotherapy effects in normal cells.

C-60 becomes a great cancer fighter and an excellent detox organ support supplement when used with Carbon Transport Elixir. This elixir activates production of carbon transport proteins that will increase the effectiveness of C-60 by approximately 50% by carrying more of these molecules into cells.

Carbon Transport Elixir is an elixir that activates production of transport proteins for carbon. These protein are needed to carry carbon into cells, and everywhere else carbon molecules needs to go. This elixir increases the transport of amino acids, protein and enzymes into cells. This greatly increases the ability of cells to repair themselves. It's most important action is to increase the effectiveness of C-60.

C-60 on its own will supply many more carbon molecules than your body is prepared to handle, so many of those molecules don't get to where they need to go. The increase in effectiveness of C-60 when Carbon Transport Elixir is also used, is astounding, especially when used in combination of herbal formulas that support the liver, kidneys or colon.

For an early stage cancer it is optimal to use 3 bottles a month dose of C-60 and 2 bottles a month of Carbon Transport Elixir. With an aggressive advanced stage cancer (with a lot of cancer) it is optimal to use 4 bottles a month dose of C-60 along with 3 bottles a month of Carbon Transport Elixir. If you don't have cancer, and happen to be reading this, you can use 2 C-60 and 1 Carbon Transport Elixir for support of the liver, kidneys, colon and other organs in your body.

The combination of C-60, Carbon Transport Elixir with UltraLiver12, Liver Balance Plus, Kidney Rescue or Intestinal Rescue produces the strongest ratings I have tested for support for the liver, kidneys or intestines. To give you an idea as to how powerful this combination is, I will use a testing scale from 0 to 1000. (So as not to be confused with the open ended cancer fighting scale used throughout this site.)

For support of the liver, kidneys or colon, C-60 on its own tests in the mid 550 range, which is a very good rating. Adding in Carbon Transport Elixir increases the effectiveness to the lower 700, excellent range. (Most good herbal formulas test in the 300 to 500 range.) Adding in 1 bottle a month of Liver Balance Plus or UltraLiver 12 along with C-60 and Carbon Transport Elixir test a great 970. Using 1 bottle a month of each of them tests about as high as the testing gets, 988. Use one of these herbal formulas if on chemotherapy or immunotherapy, and both if you also have cancer in the liver or if your body needs a lot of support.

If cancer is in the kidneys, or if the kidneys have been stressed by previous chemotherapy or immunotherapies, adding in 2 bottles a month of Kidney Rescue tests an very strong 985. And adding in 2 bottles a month of Intestinal Rescue when there is cancer in the colon or when surgery or radiation have been done in the colon, tests 980.

We have not ever tested anything anywhere close to being this strong for supporting the liver, kidneys or colon. The combination of C-60 with Carbon Transport Elixir (which will also be a great cancer fighter) with these herbal formulas will significantly increase your ability to handle chemo and immunotherapy.

UltraLiver 12

This herbal formula builds upon the established antioxidant combination of alpha-lipoic acid, silymarin and selenium originally developed by Burt Berkson M.D. He use this combination for the highly successful treatment of acute liver degeneration.  It brings together therapeutic levels of these three much researched liver protective nutrients in their most effective and absorbable forms -– and additionally provides many other liver protective nutrients including a patented CoQ10 from Germany.

In addition to antioxidants, UltraLiver12 provides cell membrane stabilizing agents, bile secretion enhancing compounds and nutrients that prevent depletion of cell made antioxidants such as glutathione. Best results come from taking it along with taking C-60 and Carbon Transport Elixir. And if needed, also using Liver Balance Plus which has a completely different set of liver support nutrients. As with all herbal formulas, it is best to take it with meals, but it can be taken anytime.

Liver Balance Plus

Liver Balance Plus is an herbal formula providing strong liver support. Its two most fundamental actions are to stimulate a deep cleaning of the liver and to stimulate repair of the liver. It is especially strong with used with C-60 and Carbon Transport Elixir as these provide antioxidant protection to the liver.

The active ingredients in Liver Balance Plus include: Bupieurum Root, Dong Quai Root, Tribulus Terrestris, Dandelion Root, Atractylodes Root, Peony Root, Ginger Root, Poria Cocos Selerotium Root, Licorice Root, Chinese Mint Leaf, Hyssop Leaf, Chamaelirum Luteum Root, Cayenne Fruit. Use 1 or 2 bottles a month of this 240 tablet bottle.

Kidney Rescue

Kidney Rescue is an herbal formula that we have seen consistently produce remarkable results improving kidney functioning. It always seems to help, and quickly at that. For therapeutic situations when the kidneys or a kidney is not working well, it is best to use 2 or 3 bottles per month. Again, it works great with C-60 and Carbon Transport Elixir.

Ingredients include: Cinnamon (Bark), Borage Oil Powder, Lycii (Berry), Damiana (Leaf), Juniper (Berry), Red Raspberry (Leaf), Rhodiola (Root), Red Clover (Flower), Fenugreek (Seed), Pygeum Extract 4:1, Basil (Leaf), Cayenne (Fruit).

Intestinal Rescue

Intestinal Rescue (180 tablets) is a powerful blend of herbs, nutrients, and prebiotics designed to support and restore the optimal functioning of the intestines. Overgrowth of Candida, along with other pathogens and parasites, and toxins, damage the intestinal walls. Surgeries and radiation also are a source of damage. The ingredients in Intestinal Rescue work synergistically to accelerate healing and repair of your intestines - especially when used with C-60 and Carbon Transport Elixir. For all intestinal issues this provides powerful support and produces an acceleration of healing. Use 1 or 2 bottles a month dose for 3 to 6 months, depending on how much damage there is.

Ingredients include: Thyme, Rosemary, Buckthorn Bark, Oregano Leaf, Sodium Caprylate, Bismuth Citrate, FOS, Tangerine Fiber, Orange Fiber, Fennel Seed, Peppermint, Spearmint, Cayenne Pepper, Cinnamon Bark.

Glutathione Force II

When you have a build-up of toxins in your body, as you do with cancer - and especially if you have had or are receiving chemotherapy, the glutathione levels in your cells (and liver) become depleted, and toxins build up in your body. This is because glutathione is your body's primary cellular detoxifier and antioxidant. Your liver uses it too. Depleted levels always occur with chronic ill health situations especially ones linked by toxins like chemicals and cancer are.

Glutathione is an amino acid, and thus is available in vitamins. Unfortunately, especially for something this important, free glutathione as a supplement is not absorbed by your cells. Whether you take it in pill form or via injections, almost none gets into your cells or the liver. For years health practitioners have tried to come up with a way to get glutathione into cells. The only solution available before Liposomal Glutathione, was to consume undenatured whey protein. The amino acids in this type of whey can be used by the body to make glutathione. However, this process works slowly and requires that you be able to properly digest the proteins.

Glutathione Force has changed all this. The glutathione is hidden inside healthy fat molecules that the cells love to consume. Consequently, glutathione gets pulled inside the cells without being broken down, where it can do its work of neutralizing toxins. I consider it a real breakthrough in detoxification, for any situation where toxins must be eliminated from the cells like autism, Parkinson's, MS, and other autoimmune diseases. Using Glutathione Force, you can more rapidly and effectively detoxify your cells then you can with any other product.

Using Glutathione Force is most important if you are suffering from nausea and other side effects of chemotherapy.

The more you use, the faster the results. Usually 2 bottles a month is enough.

Toxin Elimination Elixir

The lymph system normally carries toxins to the liver to be processed and removed from the body. If directed to do so by the body, it sometimes carries them to the skin to be pushed through skin pores and eliminated through the skin. In order to help reduce the load on the liver, and to enable more toxins to be eliminated when the liver is overloaded, the Toxin Elimination Elixir instructs your body to send more toxins to be eliminated through the skin. Instructions tell the lymph system to package up toxins and take them to the skin to be removed, rather than carrying them to the spleen and liver.

It also has instructions to the lymph system to carry toxins directly to the colon wall and push them through the wall into the colon to be removed through bowel movements. By doing so, many toxins will be removed from the body that would not have been removed otherwise because of a poorly functioning liver or kidneys.

The ability to remove toxins efficiently when the liver is no longer able to properly process and remove them is highly valuable, especially when chemo side effects have developed. Toxin Elimination Elixir is one of the most important detoxification supplements to be using whenever this is an issue. Use 2 to 3 bottles a month for therapeutic use.

Blood Support Elixir

This elixir optimizes blood function in order to get your blood working as efficiently as possible. If primarily does so by providing detailed instructions to the liver, spleen and bone marrow which optimizes their ability to make, filter and enable the blood to carry as many nutrients and as much oxygen as possible to your cells.

This provides powerful support to you when you are dealing with cancer and chemo. It is especially good for blood cancers as the bone marrow is not working well when there is a blood cancer and needs support. In addition, both the spleen and liver become stressed dealing with blood cancers and benefit from the support of this elixir.

Other instructions in Blood Support Elixir turn off blood flow to tumors. Cancer tumors have a great need for blood and cause the creation of many blood vessels going to it. Blood Support Elixir turns off this process. It tests 4400 on our scale for fighting cancer tumors and 6200 for fighting leukemia and other blood cancers. These cancer have damaged bone marrow and Blood Support Elixir helps improve bone marrow function. Use 2 bottles a month for early stage cancer and 3 per month for advanced cancers.

Nano Red

This liquid herbal formula is a valuable lymph system supplement. It is a liquid herbal formula that uses a combination of herbs, minerals and energies to open up the lymph system, support the lymph system, and to also reduce tumor size. The herbs include blood root, red root, dandelion root, prickly ash, poke root and black walnut.

Nano Red is one of the main supplements to be using when you need to more rapidly bring down tumor size. And is the top supplement for opening up the lymph system that we have tested. Use 3 to 5 to even 10 bottles a month. With herbs, quantity matters. The more the better.

Glymphatic Support Elixir comes in 2 ounce dropper bottles which supply energetic frequencies which signal your body to improve and balance the flow of your lymph system, especially the glymphatic lymph system of the brain. But it does more. It delivers energies to your body that improve the efficiency of the lymph system. That increase its ability to detoxify, and to get rid of more toxins. Use 2 to 3 bottles a month for best results.

Nymsar is a frequency enhanced elixir that supports both the liver and kidneys. It can help reduce inflammation too. Originally developed to help reduce candida die off and allergic responses, it is useful when you must use a liquid supplement for support of either of these organs. And of course, if inflammation needs to be reduced.

Supporting the liver and kidneys will help to minimize detoxification side effects and be a significant help in detoxifying your body. The kidneys flush waste toxins from the body. Every muscle, organ, bone and tissue you have depends on the kidneys to keep them free from corrosive salts and chemicals. The liver filters and cleans the blood, breaks down toxic substances including dead cancer cells, and tries to deal with the overwhelming amount of chemicals and toxins we are exposed to when battling cancer.

Now that we have taken a look at the chemicals and cancer link, next we'll examine free radical scavengers which will include a unique elixir that is testing as one of the most important cancer fighter there is.

Cancer Strategy #8 - Free Radical Scavengers

When talking about using antioxidants for cancer, here are a few things you should know. One of the causes of cancer is excessive free radical damage in your cells that harms your DNA and results in some cells mutating into cancerous cells.

Antioxidants get rid of free radicals. Every chemical and toxin in you body causes free radical damage. The carcinogenic toxins cause even more damage. Combined with high acidity and low oxygenation, you've got a prescription for cancer.

Another cause of free radical damage and thus too much cancer, is that processed foods generate more free radicals than whole foods, and have fewer nutrients to act as free radical scavengers to help protect you from those free radicals.

On top of this, you are exposed to 70,000 chemicals in your food, water, air and in your home and place of work -- 20,000 of which are known cancer-causing agents. These all cause free radical damage too, and help to cause cancer in yet another way.

Free radical damage from toxins plays such a fundamental role in the development of cancer, it is no wonder some of the first supplements people think of taking for fighting cancer are free radical scavenging vitamins. Unfortunately, we believe that most of them are just okay at best.

Energetic testing comes in at 43 for high dose Vitamin C as an antioxidant for cancer. Super high doses where you take as much as bowel tolerance allows come in a bit better at 64. A course of intravenous vitamin C sessions at much higher doses does better, 340. Good, but not near as good as many of the supplements covered in this report.

By the way, another popular vitamin treatment for cancer vitamin B17 or Laetrile energetically tests very close to this, at 320, when used in the correct dosages. Eating optimal amounts of apricot pits comes in at 250.

When used in therapeutic doses, Vitamin E energetically tests at 300 for its value as an antioxidant for cancer fighting. Vitamin A - 260. The commonly sold grape seed extract is around 240 also. Alpha Lipoic Acid - 270. Resveratrol - 330. Selenium, which acts both as a free radical scavenger, and as a mineral that helps prevent cells from turning cancerous is stronger at 370. Many of these vitamins are in Ellagic Formula with Graviola covered in the immune supplements.

There is a well known cancer supplement whose claim to fame is its high value of antioxidants for cancer fighting. Again unfortunately, energetic testing puts Proto... or Can... at a good but not great level of 370. High quality pycnogenol energetically tests at, 370. These scores are high enough to knock out some cancers, but overall are not strong enough to even be very good cancer fighters.. Now, let's get to some top antioxidants for fighting cancer.

However, the top antioxidant supplements works in a different way and much more effectively than antioxidant vitamins do in the battle against cancer.

C-60 + Carbon Transport Elixir

C-60 (Carbon 60) is an oil based supplement that is infused with unique Buckminster Fuller dome-like carbon molecules. Each molecule has a cage-like structure with 60 electrons attached to it. These electrons neutralize free radicals without making the C-60 another free radical as happens with normal antioxidants. This make C-60 an exceptionally powerful antioxidant, at least 50 times more powerful than the strongest normal antioxidants.

While C-60 has immune system boosting benefits for fighting cancer, its main action is its ability to repair the apoptosis mechanism in cancer cells. Once repaired and activated, this apoptosis mechanism tells the cancer cells to die. C-60, when used with Carbon Transport Elixir, is one of the strongest cancer fighters we have tested, coming in at 9300.

It has a strong synergy with Apopto Activation Elixir which activates apoptosis in cancer cells. And also with the way Health First Grape Seed Extract kills cancer cells.

In addition, C-60 is a strong detoxifier, attracting toxins, including chemotherapies, into its cage like structure.

Once it captures chemotherapy, it will carry it and immunotherapy meds into cancer cells. Then it releases the chemotherapy. It does not do so in normal sells. This is because the ionic charge inside cancer cells pulls the chemo out of the cage. Normal cells do not have the same ionic charge that pulls out the chemo - so it stays inside the cage and does not harm the cells. Because of this, C-60 significantly increases the effectiveness of chemotherapy, getting more of it into cancer cells. At the same time, it helps protect your normal, healthy cells from the effects of chemotherapy.

C-60 becomes a great cancer fighter and an excellent detox organ support supplement only when used with Carbon Transport Elixir. It increases the effectiveness of C-60 by approximately 50% because it gets more C-60 into cancer cells and normal cells.

Carbon Transport Elixir is an elixir that activates production of transport proteins for carbon. These protein are needed to carry carbon into cells, and everywhere else carbon molecules needs to go. This elixir increases the transport of amino acids, protein and enzymes into cells. This greatly increases the ability of cells to repair themselves. It's most important action would be to increase the effectiveness of C-60.

For an early stage cancer it is optimal to use 3 bottles a month of C-60 and 2 bottles a month of Carbon Transport Elixir. With an aggressive advanced stage cancer it is optimal to use 4 bottles a month of C-60 along with 3 bottles a month of Carbon Transport Elixir.

For cancer prevention use 2 C-60 and 1 Carbon Transport Elixir. This is the minimum dose for optimal support of the liver, kidneys, colon and other organs in your body.

Health First Grape Seed Extract

At providing antioxidants for cancer, this grape seed extract is 40 to 50 times more potent than the typical grape seed extract sold everywhere. This is because it is made using Masqueleir's third and final patent which utilizes expensive vacuum and low temperature processing to protect the anti-oxidant capabilities of the grape seed. Masqueleir was the researcher who discovered the OPC's in grape seed extract, and researched the many health benefits they provide.

It is highly anti-inflammatory, great for pain relief, the cardiovascular system and cancer. OPC's have a history of being powerful cancer fighters as they protect cells from free radical damage and boost immune response. As reported in PubMed, the conclusion of one study on OPC's and colorectal cancer is: "These data indicate that OPC caused cell death by apoptosis through caspase pathways on human colorectal cancer cell line, SNU-C4."

Most people don't get powerful results using grape seed extract because the extract they use has not been processed correctly so it is largely impotent. The heat used to process it, and the exposure to oxygen, degrades the ordinary grape seed extracts.

Even the highly potent Health First Grape Seed Extract is not a strong cancer fighter until you also use C-60 and Carbon Transport Elixir. When used together, Heath First Grape Seed Extract enhances the actions of the C-60 and becomes one of the stronger cancer fighters. Using it increases the cancer fighting power of C-60 and Carbon Transport Elixir to 10,400.

Use 3 bottles a month for an early stage cancer, 4 per month for an advanced stage cancer.


These are two frequency enhanced elixirs that in powerful and altogether unique ways cause free radical damage to cancer cells. At the same time they work to prevent free radical damage to healthy cells. The highest rated one is....

Optimal C Elixir

Humans, along with some other primates, bats and guinea pigs, are not able to produce vitamin C, as other mammals do. At some time in our past, the gene needed to turn on production of the gulonolactone oxidase enzyme mutated, and humans lost the ability to produce this enzyme. Gulonolactone oxidase is used by the liver to make vitamin C from glucose.

Mammals who make their own vitamin C produce massive amounts of vitamin C compared to what we humans get in our modern diet. For example, a 156 pound goat, unstressed and healthy, produces on average about 13,000 mg of vitamin C a day. This is over 200 times more than the current RDA of 60 mg a day for humans.

What is even more impressive is that when a 156 pound goat is sick or stressed, it can produce up to 13 times more vitamin C, approximately 170,000 mg per day.

Vitamin C IV therapies, used as an alternative treatment for cancer, are less than a third of this, 50,000 IU. Plus the vitamin C used in them is synthetic and thus not near as healthy for the body.

Researchers say that the ability to produce vitamin C gives those mammals that naturally produce it a powerful healing tool that enables them to live much longer than they would otherwise.

The Optimal C Elixir takes the place of this missing gene. It instructs the body to make the gulonolactone oxidase enzyme needed to make vitamin C -- in large enough quantities so that optimal levels of vitamin C can be produced just as they are in other mammals.

We have noticed that the frequency enhanced elixirs covered in this report do a very good job of telling the body to make specific enzymes. Consequently, the instructions in Optimal C would be able to take the place of this missing gene and turn on L-gulonolactone oxidase production. And the body of anyone taking the Optimal C Elixir should be able to produce optimal levels of vitamin C. 

Optimal C tells the body to produce similar quantities of vitamin C to what other mammals make, appropriate to their weight. People using this elixir will produce, after it ramps up production, extremely high levels of the most optimal form of vitamin C there is, the kind the body makes.

Being able to make your own vitamin C, in huge quantities compared to what we can take as supplements or through IVs, has many health benefits. For starters, vitamin C is used by your body for wound healing, repairing bones and teeth, and helps your body absorb iron.

Once Optimal C turns on and increases production of vitamin C to optimal levels, inflammation would be greatly reduced. Cells would be detoxified. Blood would be cleaned. The adrenal glands would work much better. Your brain would have less inflammation, be cleaner and function better, reducing the likelihood of developing dementia, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease.

There would be a vastly decreased chance of stroke or heart attack.

In a large, decade-long study run by Dr. James Engstrom at UCLA, men who took 800 mg of vitamin C per day had less heart disease and lived up to six years longer than those following the conventional guideline of 60 mg/day.

Just think what protection you'd have if your body produced optimal levels of vitamin C naturally at over 10,000 mg/day.

Blood sugar levels would be much better controlled by vitamin C's ability to clean cells, reduce inflammation, improve the function of the pancreas, and by all the blood sugar that will be used to convert glucose to vitamin C by the liver.

One of its strongest benefits lies in the ability of large amounts of vitamin C to cause cancer cell death.

Vitamin C actually acts as a Trojan horse to cancer cells.

Here's the story behind this.

Decades ago a researcher, Dr. Riordan, discovered that most cancer patients are deficient in vitamin C, especially those in advanced stages of cancer. Dr. Hunninghake, a researcher who worked with Dr. Riordan explained in an article on Orthomolecular.org why this happened.

Turns out cancer cells, because they get most of their energy from glucose, may mistake vitamin C for glucose because vitamin C is made from glucose so their structure is similar. In any event, they gobble up as much vitamin C as they can. Causing low levels in people with advanced cancer.

But what happens if you are giving someone with cancer very high doses of vitamin C, through IVs? Cancer cells absorb a large amount of this vitamin C. Once in the cancer cells this vitamin C interacts with copper and iron, and produces small amounts of hydrogen peroxide.

When hydrogen peroxide builds up in cancer cells, it eventually kills the cancer cell.

This is the basis of the elixir PrugX covered in the Antioxidants for Cancer section of this site. Turns out cancer cells continually pump out small amounts of hydrogen peroxide, and PrugX stops this process. Causing hydrogen peroxide to build up in cancer cells.

Especially when taking PrugX, the massive amounts of vitamin C produced by the body when Optimal C Elixir is used, is highly effective at causing cancer cell death.

All that vitamin C causes a great deal of hydrogen peroxide to build up in cancer cells. Eventually this destroys the cancer cell from the inside out.

According to the National Cancer Institute, ten studies have shown high-dose vitamin C can help slow the growth of prostate, pancreatic, liver, and colon cancer cells.

Imagine how much more powerful it would be, with vastly improved results, if three times the amount of a vitamin C that is in an IV was produced daily by your own body. And this is daily, not a few days a week as with vitamin C IVs.

This is the power of Optimal C Elixir, especially when used with PrugX.

There are human studies showing high dose vitamin C can help improve symptoms associated with cancer and cancer treatment including fatigue, nausea, vomiting, pain, and loss of appetite. This would be another benefit from taking Optimal C Elixir.

In our energetic testing, vitamin C IVs test very good in healing power for dealing with cancer. Good enough to help some people beat cancer. The Optimal C Elixir, if used in the suggested doses, tests at 5300 in cancer fighting power.. It provides much more benefit.

Makes sense, as much more vitamin C would be produced. This vitamin C would be all natural, exactly what the body needs, not the synthetic vitamin C made from GMO corn that is in vitamin C IVs. And the much greater amount of vitamin C that would be taken up by cancer cells would cause much more hydrogen peroxide to be produced, causing many more cancer cells to die.

When PrugX is taken along with Optimal C Elixir, to stop the cancer cells from releasing the hydrogen peroxide buildup, their combined healing power is very strong, coming in at 6100.

Ronuv and OxyDHQ are two supplements that get oxygen produced in cells. Ronuv focuses oxygen creation in cancer cells and help OxyDHQ produce oxygen in cancer cells too. This oxygen causes free radical damage in cancer cells just as the oxygen from hydrogen peroxide does. Their action further enhances the damage that hydrogen peroxide causes in cancer cells. The combination of Optimal C Elixir, PrugX, Ronuv and OxyDHQ has a powerful cancer fighting action, coming in at 7300, while at the same time they support the health of all non-cancerous cells.

For the best results use 2 or 3 bottles a month of Optimal C Elixir, 1 or 2 of PrugX, and 2 or 3 bottles a month of Ronuv and OxyDHQ.


Research done by Michael Lisanti MD at the Kimmel Cancer Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania found that cancer cells produce and release a lot of hydrogen peroxide, which damage nearby healthy cells in the tissues called fibroblasts. Hydrogen peroxide causes free radical damage which destroys their vital mitochondria enzymes so they can no longer produce energy using oxygen and must switch to using glycolysis or fermentation of sugars to produce energy.

Cells are known to produce hydrogen peroxide, for example, to signal the immune system to heal wounds. However cancer cells keep producing hydrogen peroxide and don't turn off.

When Dr. Lisanti and his team cultured breast cancer cells alongside fibroblasts for five days, they spotted the cancer cells releasing hydrogen peroxide on day 2. By day 5, most free radicals generated by the hydrogen peroxide were found inside the fibroblasts. After that, the team found there was a reduction in mitochondrial activity in those fibroblasts, and an increase in glucose uptake by the fibroblasts – a sign of glycolysis.

While there are several theories as to the reason why cancer cells produce and release this hydrogen peroxide, the simplest explanation is that the cancer cells are using hydrogen peroxide to cause healthy cells to become cancerous. This may be one way that cancer spreads.

At the very least, these damaged fibroblasts would be producing more lactic acid so that the micro-environment around cancer cells is more favorable to the development of cancer.

Another way to look at it is that cancer cells are seeds that need the correct micro-environment in which to grow. “What we’re now saying is that the hydrogen peroxide is the fertilizer,” says Lisanti.

PrugX was developed to take advantage of this hydrogen peroxide production and release that Dr. Lisanti observed. Just as the energies in BLA are able to tell cancer cells to stop the elimination of lactic acid, the energies in PrugX tell the cancer cells not to release the hydrogen peroxide they produce. This causes the hydrogen peroxide to build up in the cancer cells. And as it builds up, it kills them. PrugX on its own rates in our energetic testing at 2100. Use 1 or 2 bottles per month.

A Remarkable Cancer Fighting Synergy With Optimal C Elixir

In the Foundations of Cancer Healing section of this site the many benefits of using Optimal C Elixir are described. This is an elixir that turns on production of massive amounts of vitamin C by your own body. Humans don't have the ability to produce vitamin C because they are missing the gene needed to turn on production of the enzyme needed to produce vitamin C in the liver.

Optimal C Elixir tells the body to produce this enzyme. Turning on production of enzymes is something that these frequency enhanced elixirs do very well. Other mammals that produce their own vitamin C, most do, make huge amounts of it. The enzyme enables the liver to make vitamin C from glucose.

Cancer cells readily uptake vitamin C because it looks like glucose to them. Vitamin C, once it is in cancer cells, causes hydrogen peroxide to be produced. This hydrogen peroxide will eventually kill the cancer cell if enough is made.

PrugX significantly and greatly increases the effectiveness of this process by inhibiting the cancer cells ability to pump out or get rid of the hydrogen peroxide that build up in them.

This synergy make PrugX one of the most important supplements to use when Optimal C Elixir is also taken. The combination of both tests at 6100 in cancer fighting power. Add in equal amounts of Ronuv and OxyDHQ and the testing improves to 7300.

Next some other powerful ways to fight cancer.

The Foundation Of Cancer Healing

The fundamental cause of cancer is the inability of your body to kill cancer cells as fast as they are being created.

The foundation for healing cancer is to get your body healthy and functioning better so that it can take all the actions needed to prevent the development of cancer, to knock out any cancer already developed, and to create and maintain a healthy, cancer free body.

Throughout your life, cancer cells continually develop as some of the trillions of cells in your body mutate and turn cancerous. The number of years you live before a cancer diagnosis is about the length of time your body is able to successfully get rid of these cancer cells. If you now have cancer, this process broke down, and allowed cancerous cells to multiply and grow.

There are quite a few reasons why this can happen. In this report we give you details on the many causes that all contributed (to one extent or another) to the development of your cancer. You will get suggestions on how to correct each cause and how to kill enough cancer cells so that you can once again be cancer free.

On this page we are going to cover some of the most fundamental and powerful ways to deal with cancer. First, a unique way to fight cancer.


C and P Removal Elixir

C and P Removal instructs the body to activate the lymph system to carry cancer cells and pathogens out of the body by taking them to the skin to be eliminated, or pushing them through the colon wall to be removed along with other toxins in the stools. This action is directed at both live cancer cells and dead cancer cells. In addition, the most important energies that were in T Ban have been added to C and P Removal, making it significantly stronger than before. It also will now activate the immune system to remove cancer cells from the body, both live and dead ones.

Activation of this novel approach to dealing with cancer and pathogens significantly increases the speed at which cancer can be eliminated from the body. It takes stress off the liver and the usual detoxification processes needed to handle dead cancer cells, and more importantly activates two powerful systems to remove cancer from your body.

We have also seen excellent results with this same activation of the lymph system for removal of toxins from the body using Toxin Elimination Elixir. C and P Removal Elixir does the same for cancer cells and pathogens, and rates in our energetic testing, at a very healthy and powerful 6300 in healing power for dealing with cancer. Use 2 bottles a month of C and P Removal Elixir for an early stage cancer and 3 bottles a month for an advanced cancer.


Optimizing Tumor Suppressors

Genes produce a number of proteins that act as tumor suppressors. Some of them stop damaged, poorly functioning cells from reproducing. Others repair damaged DNA in cells, while sister tumor suppressors will, if that DNA can't be repaired, cause the cell with the mutated DNA to die. Some prevent cancer cells from dispersing, stopping the spread of cancer.

All in all, these tumor suppressors, and the genes that produce them, play a pivotal role in preventing the development of cancer. Improving the quantity and activity of the tumor suppressors that deal with the kind of cancer that you have, greatly increases the ability of the body to eliminate that cancer.

Tumor suppressor  genes, and the proteins they control the production of,  include some of the more well known genes that can cause the development of cancer.

One of the more important tumor suppressor genes is the TP53 gene that encodes the p53 tumor suppressor protein.

Low levels of the p53 protein is found in 65% of colon cancers, 30–50% of breast cancers, and 50% of lung cancers. As you can see, it is hugely implicated in the development of some of the most major cancers. Mutated p53 genes are implicated in the development of leukemias, lymphomas, sarcomas, and neurogenic tumors.

Mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 tumor suppressors play a major role in the development of breast cancer in women from families carrying this mutation. When women choose to have their breasts removed to prevent the development of cancer, it is for this reason.

Families that carry the mutated APC tumor suppressor gene are much more likely to develop colon cancers. This gene is responsible for suppressing tumors in the colon, for producing the proteins that suppress these tumors.

Even if someone does not carry this mutation, low levels of APC and low levels of p53 are found in a majority of colon cancers.

It may well be that cancer don't develop until the tumor suppressors in the become low. Tumor suppressors or more precisely, the lack of them, are indeed a foundation in the development of many if not all cancers. Especially so if you carry a mutated tumor suppressor gene that does not produce or encode adequate amounts of tumor suppressor proteins.

Fortunately, now there is now a solution for persons carrying the mutated tumor suppressor genes. One that doesn't involve removing breasts, colons or other organs. And even better, it optimizes the amount of, and function of, all the other tumor suppressor genes and proteins.
It is the....

T Suppressor Elixir

The energies in the T Suppressor Elixir instruct the body to optimize the function of, and increase the amount to optimal levels, of all the tumor suppressor proteins in the body. This will help prevent low levels of tumor suppressor proteins allowing cancers to develop.

It will also enable the body to better eliminate the cancer that has developed. Obviously, if you have a lot of cancer in your body, you would much more likely be able to get rid of this cancer if you had more tumor suppressor proteins.

The T Suppressor Elixir tells your body to produce the optimal amount of tumor suppressors needed to beat a cancer, or to prevent cancer from developing.

Better still, for persons who have mutated tumor suppressor genes, this elixir will tell the body to produce optimal amounts of the tumor suppressor proteins that the genes fail to encode. In a sense, using the T Suppressor Elixir takes the place of a mutated gene -- as long as you are using it.

So if you know you carry a tumor suppressor gene mutation that can lead to the development of breast, colon or some other cancer, the most important action you can take to prevent the development of that cancer may be to use the T Suppressor Elixir --  for as long as you want to prevent the development of that cancer.

The second action T Suppressor Elixir initiates is to increase production as much as is possible, in cancerous cells only, of PJ34 and other signaling molecules. The function of these molecules it to tell cells that need to die, to do just that. They initiate apoptosis.

This process is largely disabled in cancer cells because the signaling molecules involved with this function are missing or in low supply. T Suppressor Elixir now corrects this dysfunction in cancer cells, turning on instruction for them to die.

Some research has shown that increasing PJ34 in cancer cells has a powerful ability to cause cell death in them. This elixir initiates this action, and more. It also works by increasing other signaling molecules and preventing dis-regulation of replication controls in cancer cells allowing them to live longer than they should.

The third action initiated by T Suppressor Elixir is to increase production of killer T-Cells (cells that search out and kill cancer cells). The instructions accelerate production of T-Cells that have receptors for the MR1 protein. This is a protein that is on almost all cancer cells.

The MR1 receptors enable these killer T-Cells to identify and then kill cancer cells displaying MR1 on their surface. It's ability to boost production to high levels of killer T-Cells with this receptor creates a powerful cancer killing action. This significantly improves the cancer fighting ability of T Suppressor Elixir.

With these three sets of instructions in the T Suppressor Elixir, it is one of the top cancer fighting supplements. In our energetic testing it comes in at 6800 for fighting cancer. Use 2 bottles a month for early stage cancer, 3 bottles a month for advanced cancer, and 1 bottle a month for cancer prevention.


TGF Optimization Elixir

There has been a great deal of research on Transforming Grow Factors (TGF's, also known as Tumor Growth Factors) and other growth factors, and their impact on the growth of cancer. It turns out they play a big role in the development of cancer. In quite a few ways.

TGF's can tell a cell to turn into a cancerous cell. In fact, tumors produce TGF's to grow. They send them out to signal surrounding non-cancerous cells to turn cancerous. They facilitate the ability of cancer cells to migrate to other parts of the body, and travel there themselves to turn cells cancerous. Growth factors also create more blood vessels feeding a tumor to further accelerate growth of the tumor.

Some growth factors will just turn on the growth of cancerous tumors. Worse still, some of them will help cancer cells develop resistance to chemotherapies and even natural therapies. They may also turn on production of certain enzymes that are sent into nearby cells to turn them cancerous. At the same time, they turn off production of protease inhibitors to prevent your body from controlling these enzymes.

Cancer cells can use growth factors to turn off attempts by the body to tell these cancer cells to die. Some work to hide cancer cells to prevent Natural Killer cells from finding them. Others help cancer cells stick to blood cells so that they can be safely carried to other parts of the body.

Not all transforming growth factors are bad when it comes to cancer. TGFbeta will work to prevent cancer in its early stages,so more of this is desirable if the cancer is just developing. But in the later stages of cancer, it will act as a cancer promoter and must be reduced.

TGF Optimization Elixir carries instructions that specifically down-regulate or reduce the production of growth factors being used to transform healthy cells into cancer cells, to speed up the growth of tumors, and to help cancer spread throughout the body. Instructions stop or reduce the effectiveness of every action taken by TGF's and other growth factors to promote cancer.

It also will increase or up-regulate TGF's or other growth factors that function to prevent the development of cancer when that is appropriate.

TGF's and other growth factors play such a big role in the development and spread of cancer that TGF Optimization Elixir, by reversing their actions, is an extremely efficient cancer fighter. In our energetic testing it comes in at 5400 in cancer fighting power. Use 2 bottles a month for early stage cancer and 3 per month for advanced stage cancers.


Mutation Prevention Elixir

Cancer is often caused by mutations to cells. (About a third of the time according to our energetic testing.) The mutations happen mostly in the mitochondria of the cells. Toxins and free radicals damage the genes controlling production of energy by metabolizing oxygen in the mitochondria. This sets the stage for the cell to turn cancerous.

The Mutation Prevention Elixir instructs cells that have mutated in this way, and cells that have already turned cancerous from a mutation, to die. It also activates the body's ability to target and kill these cells.

However, the mutation issue with cancer cells goes much deeper then this. Just as bacteria actively mutate to prevent being killed by an antibiotic, cancer cells can rearrange DNA and mutate to help them better handle a particular chemotherapy or even an herb that attacks cancer cells. This ability of the cancer cells to actively fight for survival by creating mutations makes it much harder to eliminate cancer. It contributes greatly to the number of deaths cancer causes.

Instructions in Mutation Prevention Elixir reduce as much as possible these mutations. Literally, its frequencies are telling the cancer cells not to rearrange DNA or mutate. This action is so important, in our energetic testing Mutation Prevention Elixir tests at 6300 for fighting cancer. Use 2 bottles a month for an early stage cancer and 3 bottles a month for an advanced cancer.

Next, a unique way to reduce cancer cell energy production.

Cancer cells metabolize glucose as their main energy source as they cannot use oxygen to produce energy as normal cells do. This frequency enhanced elixir disrupts the ability of cancer cells to produce energy using glucose.

Pentose Phosphate Pathway Elixir

The Pentose Phosphate Pathway (PPP) performs a number of actions in cells. Important for cancer cells, it is part of the process to metabolize glucose into energy. Cancer cells primarily use glucose for energy as their mitochondria are not longer effective at making energy from oxygen. So there are as many as 50 times more pentose phosphate pathways in cancer cells than in normal cells.

This pathway uses enzymes to do its work. As the frequency enhanced elixirs do an excellent job of turning on or turning off enzyme function, instruction in the Pentose Phosphate Pathway Elixir turn off the enzymes in this pathway (in cancer cells only). It is able to stop or at least greatly reduce the ability of cancer cells from producing energy from glucose.

Shutting down the Pentose phosphate pathways in cancer cells slows down the growth of cancer cells, makes them less aggressive, less vigorous, and makes them easier to kill.

Even better, shutting down this pathway will help the Optimal C Elixir kill cancer cells faster. Or more specifically, help the hydrogen peroxide formed in cancer cells from interactions with vitamin C -- produced because of the Optimal C Elixir instructions -- kill cancer cells more effectively.

Here's why.

The pentose phosphate pathway is responsible for making NADPH which is used in cells to reduce glutathione. This reduction make the glutathione active and capable of neutralizing free radicals like hydrogen peroxide. In fact, one of its functions is to neutralize the hydrogen peroxide that is normally produced in small amounts in cells.

The Pentose Phosphate Pathway Elixir has instructions to stop the production of NADPH in cancer cells only. Stopping NADPH production in cancer cells is yet another way of preventing cancer cells from neutralizing the buildup of hydrogen peroxide caused by the Optimal C Elixir.

As such, the Pentose Phosphate Pathway Elixir works in synergy with PrugX, PrugX Enhancer, Glutam and the SOD Production Boost Elixir, all elixirs that shut down ways the cancer cells would normally be using to avoid being killed by the hydrogen peroxide building up in it because of the action of Optimal C Elixir.

One final way the Pentose Phosphate Pathway Elixir causes cancer cells to die faster is...

The primary function of the mitochondria in cells is to produce energy aerobically, using oxygen. Because its functioning has been damaged in cancer cells, the cells primarily produce energy from glucose, and as a consequence, turn cancerous.

And the mitochondria is basically shut down.

Another function of the mitochondria is to tell the cell to die, a function called apoptosis. If the mitochondria was functioning properly, it would notice that the cancer cell was misbehaving and living too long and replication too fast, and tell it to die.

But it can't do that because it isn't activated enough to do so. Instructions in the PPP Elixir tell the mitochondria in cancer cells to activate. And then to give instructions for the cancer cells to die.

This action is especially effective after the pentose phosphate pathway has been turned off and the cancer cell has become more dormant.

The Pentose Phosphate Pathway Elixir is a powerful cancer fighter. In our energetic testing it comes in at 3200. It should also be used with CMSD Elixir, and Dtosin.

Use 2 bottles a month for early stage cancers and 3 per month for advanced.


Dtosin is a frequency enhanced elixir that stimulate quite specifically cancer cell death in six different ways. It carries instructions to increase production of the Mdm2 protein which is the apoptosis inducing communication protein that tells cancer cells to die. To further fight cancer cells, production of the MMP (TIMP) protein and the PCNA antigen, both working in different ways to cause cancer cell death, is increased by this elixir.

Dtosin also reduces expression and production of the vascular endothelial growth factor, the PMOR enzyme, the hepatocyte growth factor (HCF) protein, the matrix metalloproteinases, and the CD31 protein.  The deactivation of the production of these growth factors and metabolic enzymes reduces the ability of cancer cells to thrive and survive.

Dtosin has a synergy with CMSD Elixir and Pentose Phosphate Pathway Elixir. These elixirs turn off metabolism pathways in cancer cells. Dtosin, by signaling apoptosis or natural cell death to metabolically weak cancer cells, significantly speeds up their death.

On its own, Dtosin has a cancer fighting power of 3400 in our energetic testing. When used with CMSD Elixir and Pentose Phosphate Pathway Elixir, 2 bottles a month of each for early stage cancers and 3 bottles a month each for advanced cancer, this combination has a healing power of 8400. 

Next, a f fundamental breakdown that set up the growth of cancer.

Too Rapid Cell Replication

The series of actions which control how fast cells replicate can get damaged, and a cell starts to replicate too fast and too often. Excessively rapid replication is an underlying feature of cancer cells. The breakdown in the cell replication process is a fundamental step in the creation of cancer.

There is a series of enzymes that transfer the instructions in a cell telling it to replicate. This is the RAS–RAF–MEK–ERK–MAP series. Genes control the production of each of these enzymes. If any of these genes mutate and start signaling the cell to replicate too often, then the remaining enzymes in the series will transfer this too rapid replication message on down the line and the cells replicate too often and turn cancerous.

This process is so fundamental to the development of cancer, researchers have been looking at it and trying to prevent it for a long time. They have identified some mutations, like the BRAF gene mutation, that are a significant cause of melanomas.

However, it doesn't matter whether a specific gene has been identified as being a potential cause of a particular cancer, or not. When there is cancer, something in the process of cellular replication has gone wrong.

There is a solution to help stop too rapid cell replication. It helps whether there is a genetic cause turning on too rapid replication, or whether other reasons lead to this action.  It is....

Cellular Replication Control Elixir

This is a frequency enhanced, energized water elixir that transfers to the body instructions that tell the body to optimize and normalize replication of cells. It doesn't matter whether there is a genetic cause of this or not, cells that are replicating too rapidly, cancerous cells, either must slow down their replication or die.

The Cellular Replication Control Elixir....

Tells the body to repair damaged and mutated DNA and genes.

Tells the body to turn down the speed of replication in cell that replicate too rapidly.

Tells the body to destroy mutated genes causing too rapid replication if the genes can't be repaired.

Tells the body to destroy cells that replicate too rapidly if they cannot be repaired.

There are a number of genes that are specified in these instructions. To either be repaired if mutated, or destroyed. Probably the most famous of these genes are the HER2 genes connected up with breast cancer -- followed by the AR (androgen receptor) gene for prostate cancers.

If your cancer is HER2 positive, then the activity of this gene (stimulating too rapid cell replication), is implicated in the development of your cancer.

And almost all prostate cancers seem to be connected with androgens, implicating the AR gene as a key factor in the growth of this cancer.

This makes Cellular Replication Control Elixir an important supplement  for HER2 positive breast cancers and for prostate cancers, It has instructions to repair these genes, or to destroy them. If the too rapid replication of the cancer cells cannot be stopped, then the body is told to destroy the cell.

Other genes covered in the instructions include B-raf and other RAF genes, RAS genes, EGFR genes, MEK and ERK genes, Myc genes, Skp2 genes and ZNF703 genes.

Cellular Replication Control Elixir tests at 2700, and is well worth using when you have one of these mutated genes contributing to the development of your cancer.

It is also important supplements for cancer prevention -- or to keep a cancer from coming back. Especially if you are HER2 positive, or to prevent prostate cancer.

The Cellular Replication Control Elixir is dealing with one of the fundamental or foundational issues that allows for the development of hormonal cancer.


Cancer Strategy #9 -

Enzymes for Cancer: Low Enzyme Levels Are Always Found In Cancer...
Boost Your Own Enzymes To Kill Cancer Cells

Researchers have noted for years a correspondence between low levels of enzymes and cancer. In fact enzyme therapy has been used with good results against cancers in Europe, and by some doctors in the United States. To literally digest cancerous cells.

In the early 1900's a doctor in Wales, John Beard discovered that pancreatic enzymes destroyed cancer cells. Making some brilliant observations, he deduced that cancer cells come from stem cells that become uncontrolled stem cells. He noticed that the fetal pancreas starts working and secreting enzymes at the 56th day of gestation. Fetuses don't digest anything till they are born. Beard wondered why did the pancreas in the fetus start working so early? He noticed that the day the pancreas started producing enzymes was the day the placenta stopped growing. The enzymes stopped this rapid growth.

His theory about enzymes and cancer was that many placental cells remain in our body. When these misplaced placental cells get lost and can start growing, turning cancerous if you don't have enough pancreatic enzymes. (By the way the medical community thought Dr. Beard was crazy. Now a hundred years later, technology has confirmed there are these cells.)

In 1911 he tested pancreatic enzymes for stopping cancer in mice and it worked. Naturally and unfortunately, he was blackballed and died in obscurity. Decades later Dr. Kelly read about his work, and cured himself of cancer using pancreatic enzymes and started treating and curing many cancer patients using pancreatic enzymes. Dr. Gonzales, sent to investigate Dr. Kelly, liked what he saw so much that he also treats cancer using pancreatic enzymes.

Unfortunately, very high amounts of supplemental enzymes must be used to have much effectiveness. And enzyme therapy, even in the over 120 capsules a day range only tests good to use on our testing scale, coming in at 350 for fighting cancer in general.

The major reason enzymes levels become depleted is that we eat mostly processed, irradiated and cooked food.

The digestive system was designed to process raw food. Raw food, when it is picked ripe, has enzymes in it that help break down that food in the upper stomach where it sits for 30 to 45 minutes. The enzymes in the food predigest that food. Then in the lower stomach the pancreas excretes more enzymes.

When you eat cooked, irradiated and processed foods, the enzymes have been killed; the food does not predigest in the upper stomach. So when it reaches the lower stomach two things happen. The pancreas must make extra enzymes to try and break down the food.

And often the food is only partially digested.

The pancreas, after years of producing excessive amounts of digestive enzymes, gets its enzyme production signaling out of balance and doesn't produce enough of the proteolytic enzymes that are used to digest cancer cells, pathogens, toxins, fibrin in the arteries, and scar tissue.

In addition, food that is not completely digested all too often makes its way into the bloodstream. Especially if you have leaky gut syndrome from candida overgrowth. This partially digest food is treated as a toxin, and the immune system has to get rid of it. This puts an additional strain on the already overworked immune system.

Taking a good quality enzyme supplement with meals, like the P-A-L Digestive Enzymes, which has high levels of protease to digest protein, lipase to digest fat, and amylase to digest carbohydrates, helps break down food in the upper stomach. So that the pancreas doesn't have to produce extra enzymes, and food will be better digested.

According to our testing, the major reason taking massive amounts of supplemental enzymes has been only somewhat successful, testing only at 350 on our scale, is that the enzymes are not 100% identical to human enzymes so they just don't work as well in the body.

In addition, when you take supplemental enzymes, there is not as good a delivery system to direct the enzymes. They float around the body and digest whatever they run into. When your pancreas makes proteolytic enzymes, the immune system is there to take the enzymes where they are supposed to go.

When we tested an elixir that both turns on production by the pancreas of proteolytic enzymes to digest cancer cells, candida, toxins, unwanted fibrin, scar tissue and to reduce inflammation also, it was no surprise that this elixir tested much stronger than using massive amounts of supplemental enzymes to fight cancer.

Also useful, it seems to help supplemental work better too. It is called....

Proteolytic Boost

It is a frequency enhanced elixir that tells your body, and specifically your pancreas, to make optimal amounts of additional proteolytic (protein digesting) enzymes to deal with all the various ill health situations that there are in your body.

Your body is told to prioritize what needs to be focused on first. For example, the enzymes would be taken first to digest cancer cells rather than digesting scar tissue as it is more important to deal with the cancer.

The instructions tell the body to make enough enzymes to digest all the cancer in the body and to direct supplemental enzymes to the cancer. It tests at 3300 in cancer healing power.

The proteolytic enzymes will digest the fibrin coating on tumors, exposing them to the immune system. They will then digest the cancer cells, and also the candida that is in tumors.

With the selection of supplements that make up the protocols we suggest, killing the cancer does not seem to be a problem. It tends to happen fast, within 4 to 6 months if a significant protocol is being used. Getting rid of those dead cells is a much slower process with tumors reducing in size very slowly all too often. The torrent of dead cancer cells the body must deal with when there is a lot of cancer being killed quickly can cause an increase in pain from lymph nodes swelling with dead cancer cells and pressing on nerves. And the liver, if it is in poor shape, can be stressed.

The proteolytic enzymes will be digesting these dead cells too, and hopefully will be significantly increasing the speed of dead cancer cell destruction and removal. This action could increase the speed of tumor shrinking, and decrease the load on the liver as the enzymes will both be digesting the cancer cells and the toxins in them. The lymph system would have less to handle as the cancer cells are being digested on the spot. You can't do much better than this when it comes to both fighting the cancer and supporting the body.

If you are not digesting protein well, you may need to supplement with a product like Fulvitea which has predigested protein peptides as a main ingredient. Your body can use these peptides to make enzymes -- which are made from proteins. Amino acids can be useful too.

You could also take the P-A-L Plus, or other digestive enzymes high in protease, with meals, to improve protein digestion. Consider using Betaine HCL with meals to improve your protein digestion in yet another way.

The best enzyme formula we've tested for working in synergy with Proteolytic Boost is PapayaPro. It has protein digesting enzymes in mature green papaya powder, toxin and junk absorbing capacity from wild crafted citrus pectin, and supports the anti-inflammatory action of Proteolytic Boost with several powerful, anti-inflammatory herbs.

Typically use 2 or 3 bottles a month of Proteolytic Boost. However if you are suffering from pain or dysfunction, then increase the dosage to 4 to 6 bottles a month to more rapidly digest tumors and reduce inflammation.


The main ingredient in this formula is mature green papaya powder. Papain is the principal and most active enzyme in this powder. Papain possesses a very powerful digestive action superior to pancreatin, or pancreatic enzymes. Changes in intestinal alkalinity or acidity do not interfere with the unique digestive activity of papain. Taken on an empty stomach, it will work more aggressively than even the pancreatic enzymes in attacking and destroying cancer cells.

Taken with a meal, it will also help digestion. Papain, one of the most powerful plant proteolytic enzymes, will aid in protein digestion in an acid, alkaline or neutral medium. This is of vital importance if you are enzyme deficient or have low hydrochloric acid output in the stomach. The pepsin produced in the stomach for protein digestion is activated only in an acid medium. This requires a healthy output of hydrochloric acid which is insufficient in most people. Due to the powerful proteolytic action of papain, a more active digestant than pepsin, a major digestive problem for most people will be helped by the daily ingestion of mature green papaya powder.

The second major cancer fighting ingredient in PapayaPro is Citrus Pectin. It has the potential to prevent metastasis, or the spread of cancer. Modified citrus pectin’s small molecules enter the bloodstream and act as decoys for lectins (cancer cell surface proteins), which are seeking the sugar galactose in cells. When lectins encounter the pectin, which also contains galactose, they attach to it as they would to a cell. Once bound to the pectin, lectins are unable to attach to other sites in the body and start new cancer colonies. Thousands of research studies have demonstrated citrus pectin's cancer fighting abilities.

PapayaPro also contains other immune boosting and cancer fighting ingredients such as Mangosteen powder that act synergistically with the papaya powder. Use one to two of the 300 gram containers monthly on an empty stomach to fight cancer. Get an extra container if your digestion is poor and you want help breaking down protein. Its papaya enzymes will, on an empty stomach, get into the bloodstream and work to clean it up. Most importantly, it will digest dead cancer cells that the other cancer supplements are killing. This will take a big load off the detoxification system and help to reduce detox symptoms and inflammation of the tumors. This will also help to reduce tumor size faster, another benefit from using enzymes for cancer.

Their extremely high levels of protease will digest both live and dead cancer cells inside the tumors, helping to bring down tumor size faster. This is a much more powerful supplement when also using Proteolytic Boost. There healing power/cancer fighting power when using both is 5200.

Use 2 to 3 containers for early stage or advanced cancers, depending on how much cancer there is. Use 4 containers a month if you have cancer that are causing a great deal of pain or dysfunction.

    P-A-L Plus Digestive Enzymes

Use a bottle a month to aid your digestion, For this, take it during meals. It can also be used in place of PapayaPro or Red 65.

A stack of research shows that enzymes, when taken on an empty stomach, will go into the bloodstream and clean it up. They will also digest and kill any cancer cells they run into. P-A-L Plus Enzymes a plant based digestive enzyme that can be taken with meals to digest food, and on an empty stomach in higher doses, like 4 to 6 bottles a month dosage, to digest tumors.

This will also unstick clumpy red blood cells. Sticky, clumped up red blood cell clusters clog up capillaries and reduce circulation. So that cells cannot oxygenate properly. Which as you have gathered by now, contributes to cancer.

Cancer tumors produce a thick fibrin protein to help protect them from the immune system. This also helps to stick the cancer tumor to wherever it is.

Enzymes in the bloodstream can digest and dissolve the fibrin coating. Large amounts of enzymes would need to be taken, and they would need to be enzymes high in protease or nattokinase to break down the fibrin.

Here is what you need to use if you are suffering from muscle mass loss caused by catabolic wasting.

Catabolic Wasting Protocol

Catabolic wasting can occur in the end stages of cancer, aids and other serious illnesses. It is a major cause of death in cancer. No matter how much someone eats, how much nutrition they get, they lose weight and muscle mass. They are not able to metabolize or make protein. Recently scientists have figured out why this happens.

Dr. Chojkier and Martina Buck, Ph. D., of VA, UCSD and the Salk Institute for Biological Studies, described the steps by which tumor necrosis factor (TNF) alpha, an immune-system protein, prevents the production of albumin. Low levels of albumin, a critical protein made in the liver, is a keynote of wasting.

Drs. Buck and Chojkier showed that TNF alpha causes oxidative stress in the liver cell and also causes the addition of a phosphorous molecule to a protein called C/EBP beta, which normally joins together DNA in the nucleus of the cell to make other proteins, such as albumin.

This extra phosphorous causes the C/EBP beta protein to leave the nucleus and go into the cytoplasm, where it can no longer make the albumin."We found that this phosphorylation makes the C/EBP beta exit the nuclear area and go into the cytosol, where there is no DNA for it to bind with. This means it can no longer produce the protein," said Dr. Chojkier. And this inability to produce albumin leads to the muscle wasting and weight loss.

The researchers found several ways of stopping the downward spiral caused by TNF- alpha. One way was to use antioxidants, especially ones that focus on the liver. This blocked the chain of events leading to the export of C/EBP beta from the nucleus of the liver cells. "If we block oxidative stress, we normalize everything," explained Dr. Chojkier. "C/EBP beta remains in the nucleus, it contacts the DNA, and proteins are produced.

As you can see, protecting the liver and normalizing liver function is vital to reversing or stopping wasting. If you don't stop wasting, you won't make it. You'll basically end up being killed by the wasting before the cancer kills you.

Fortunately, there is a protocol to stop catabolic wasting. You can notice improvement in a couple of weeks. Follow this protocol for at least two months to completely stop the wasting. Continue to take other anti-cancer supplements in advanced stage dosages while using this protocol. There are two products in this protocol.

The most important supplements needed for dealing with wasting are C-60 + Carbon Transport Elixir when use with UltraLiver 12 and Liver Balance Plus, covered in the Chemicals and Cancer page on this site. IN addition, you need...


This is the next important supplement you need to use to reverse catabolic wasting and to start gaining some weight. In fact, in is one of the most important products to use whenever to liver is poorly functioning. And whenever the cancer is so bad that you are essentially starving to death. The predigested protein it supplies is usable by the body without the liver having to convert amino acids to protein. And the regenerative factors in it help to stimulate repair. As the liver is so vital to health, if the liver is poorly functioning, the body uses the nutrients in Fulvitea to repair the liver. It does an excellent job. We have heard consistently successful reports of it stopping catabolic wasting and improving liver function - even with cirrhosis. In a life and death situation, be sure and use Endocar elixir to more rapidly improve liver function.

Fulvitea has two basic functions. First it is a source of pre-digested protein that your body doesn't have to process to use. So you can actually start making muscle again. In addition it contains RNA and DNA repair factors to stimulate repair of the liver and also of cancer cells. It helps to normalize cancer cell function so the cancer cells die a normal death, apoptosis.

This 1 pound container of powder contains Hydrolyzed Marine Collagen from wild fish which is  95% pure protein in a hydrolyzed (broken down) amino-acid form. In addition it has Fulvic Acid powder which intensifies the metabolism of proteins, increases DNA content in cells and increases the rate of RNA synthesis. The Green Tea Extract in it helps to drive the nutrients into the body. And does have anti-cancer benefit.

It contains freshwater Diatomaceous Earth which will aid the detoxification process and fight cancer. Whole Colostrum powder (Grade A Bovine) supports the regeneration process and boosts immune system response against cancer. Small amounts of Vitamin C, Zinc, ProCoQ10, Manganese, Vitamin B6, Niacinamide, Selenium, Molybdenum, Chromium, and Vitamin E a blend of herbs that also support the regeneration process.

Fulvitea also contains NutraFlora - a short-chain Fructooligosaccharide assisting in the absorption and utilization of minerals and amino acids. It passes, intact, through the stomach and small intestine to the colon, where it is fermented by beneficial bacteria into short-chain fatty acids. These lower intestinal pH to an optimal level for keeping calcium, minerals and amino acids in solution for a longer period of time, making them much more absorbable. Absorption is further enhanced by Aulterra magnetic powder from an ancient seabed mineral deposit. Aulterra supports the utilization and effectiveness of nutraceuticals and herbs in the diet. And Pascalite - a rare, calcium bentonite/montomorillonite, non-swelling clay, which has a long history of health uses.  Pascalite provides trace minerals in oxide form, so they are easily assimilated.

Use 2 containers a month if you are not in too bad a shape, and 3 containers a month for more serious nutrient support and liver repair. Its energetic testing for helping stop catabolic wasting is 1700.

We find it works best to shake or blend the powder into a smoothie or some sort of drink -- but not a protein drink as it is best absorbed on an empty stomach without other proteins.

There is a well-known product that has been fighting cancer and used for wasting for years. It is a fermented soybean protein drink. For wasting and advanced cancers you need to drink a bottle a day of this bad tasting drink. Quite expensive too at $50 a bottle. For catabolic wasting this fermented soy drink comes in at 1500, not much less than Fulvitea's 1700, but much more expensive.

Healing Rescue

Healing Rescue is a vibrational, energetic, frequency enhanced water elixir that supports the body and helps to reduce symptoms that occur during both mild and acute ill health situations. This can be something as simple as decreasing the symptoms of colds and flu. Or as serious as helping to support the body when in catabolic wasting or to better deal with chemotherapy.

Healing Rescue is in the same category of support as are products like Rescue Remedy or Acute Rescue. However, the technology used to make it is much more powerful and it contains many specific instructions that can produce superior results for many more ill health situations.

It is designed to start working immediately to help you get through a physical or psychological health crisis. It works on reducing symptoms, increasing a sense of calm and wellbeing, and more importantly supporting the body so that it can better handle the health crisis that is happening.

For catabolic wasting or to deal with the ravages of cancer, use 2 bottles a month of Healing Rescue. If you with to use it to prevent colds or deal with an injury, just use it as needed. In our energetic testing Healing Rescue comes in at 880 for supporting your body while dealing with cancer, chemotherapy or catabolic wasting.

Endocar Elixir

Three bottles of this frequency enhanced water elixir is a month's supply. It stimulates cells to repair themselves and more as it supports the body several ways. Endocar has been energy infused with instructions to support the body when it is in extremely poor health -- at the end stages of life.

These instruct the body to optimize function of all detoxification organs, to stop catabolic wasting, to increase nutrient absorption, to fight infections more effectively, to increase cellular life force energy and more. It's base of Regenerative Elixir stimulates regeneration of cells and organs.

When someone is in catabolic wasting, the fundamental action to get out of it is to repair the liver so that it can start processing proteins again. Endocar turns on this repair process as its Regenerative Elixir base carries specific energetic vibrational frequencies that signal or turn on the regeneration and repair process in your body.

In addition, Endocar supports the overall health of the body and help to prevent some of the other causes of death that happen in end stage cancer. When using 3 bottles a month of Endocar, you will take 4 squeezes of the dropper bulb in the morning and 3.5 squeezes in the evening. On its own, this quantity of Endocar tests at 620 for helping stop catabolic wasting.


C-60, Carbon Transport Elixir, UltraLiver12, Liver Balance Plus and Fulvitea as the basics for catabolic wasting. You should see results quickly, and be able to successfully stop catabolic wasting in its tracks.

One of the more common recommendations for catabolic wasting is t the drug hydrazine sulfate. There is some evidence that it can help cancer patients gain weight and improve the cachectic state. The drug is by prescription and should be given by a physician familiar with its use, as it can be toxic. Do not use narcotic painkillers or benzodiazepine anxiety-reducing agents at the same time. In our energetic testing, hydrazine sulfate tests at 550 for helping with catabolic wasting.

Being toxic, hydrazine sulfate puts more stress on the liver which is fundamentally not the right action as the liver is already too stressed to work properly

Metabolic Energy Boost

This elixir optimizes function of cellular metabolism processes to improve and optimize metabolism by increasing cellular energy to the greatest possible levels, while also improving detoxification of cells.

What is especially valuable about Metabolic Energy Boost are its instructions to enable your body to process and burn fats more effectively, rather than relying on blood sugar for energy. This will significantly increase the amount of energy your cells can produce as fat holds much more energy than other sources.

Metabolic Energy Boost is a highly valuable elixir for anyone experiencing low energy and fatigue. It will help keep your body going when it is doing poorly.

Having covered Enzymes for Cancer, next we will explore how energy can lead to cancer, or help you beat cancer.


Cancer Strategy #10:  Energetically Fight Cancer

When we started writing this report years ago, work on energetically enhancing your body's ability to fight cancer and improve health was in its infancy. As a consequence, fighting cancer energetically seemed something useful to do, but not vital. Though it made sense. Quantum physics had proved that everything was essentially energy so why not deal with the basics. Visionary health professionals talked about how in the future energetic medicine would be the strongest form of healing. Now this vision is coming true.

At that time we recommended products like an energized water pitcher that increased the vibratory energy of the water you drink. As cancer cells have very low vibration, the high energies could disrupt the cancer cells. These products were good, but not great, and when we test them energetically now, they come in at 200. The granddaddy of energetic devices, a Rife Machine, tests energetically for fighting cancer at 120. Better is the Vibe Machine which comes in at 233. Some Indian Healing Stones with low dose radiation test even better at 310.

With the development and release of a series of powerful frequency enhanced elixirs starting in May of 2008, using energetic frequencies to fight cancer is now possible. The Elixirs we are going to tell you about are proving to be powerful healing supplements and cancer fighters.

The principle they work on is simple. Research has shown that water will vibrate at the energetic frequencies they have been exposed to. The developer of these elixirs has been able to concentrate and stabilize these frequencies so that when you take a little of these elixirs, the fluid in your cells also picks up this vibration and respond to it. The elixir is essentially delivering a message to your cells. Depending on the vibrations being delivered, the cells will be stimulated and influenced to respond in a variety of ways. This is essentially what homeopathy does. The difference lies in how the elixirs are energized, and in the fact that the energies use have great ability to stimulate healing in the body.

Before vitamins, minerals, and enzymes, before tissue pH, before any molecular component can play a role in facilitating human health, your cells are reliant on electricity. The human body generates 3 volts of electricity. This energy is used by the brain to send signals, by the heart to respond to stimuli, and is used by every cell to communicate with each other in order to facilitate cellular change. A drop in electrical activity is most noticeable in terminal patients that are "wasting away".

These Energy Elixirs enhance and energize your body's electrical activity with the energetic frequencies that they transfer to your body when you take them. They literally send messages to your cells, telling the immune system to turn on, or elicit some response in your body. Plus these energies can disrupt and kill cancer cells and other pathogens.

The Other Foundation of Cancer Healing

There are many alternative MD's, health practitioners, and even physicists who say that every ill health condition is fundamentally caused by a disruption of energy flow in the body. This disruption can come from present circumstances. Such as current stress.

It also comes from patterns established in the body from early childhood. And some even talk about there being genetic memory where health issues your parents or grandparents experienced are passed on through the DNA energies.

One of the more understandable ways to understand how these energies may affect you is to think of your subconscious as a computer. It controls your body to a much larger extent than your conscious mind does. If your subconscious mind and conscious mind are in conflict, it is the subconscious mind that will come out on top.

As computers are controlled by software, the subconscious is controlled by instructions and intentions that are fundamentally energetic in nature. Whether that energy is coming from long ago, passed down from your ancestors, or from emotions and reactions that happened, or are happening in this life, these all take the form of energies. Subtle energies that form the programming telling the subconscious what to do.

Just like computer software can have bugs and viruses disrupting its function, the software running your body, the underlying energies programming your subconscious, and have the same. This malfunctioning will cause ill health, cancer, and many other problems. So, among the most advanced practitioners, energetic medicine is in the forefront when it comes to looking at what really is causing your poor health. Or is at least a major piece of the puzzle.

This supplies the reason why two people may eat the same lousy diet, be exposed to the same excessive amount of toxins and even stressors, but only one develops cancer.

Or why there is no such thing as one remedy or even a few, that help everyone get over cancer. The variable is the subtle energies controlling the body that either are promoting health or they are not.

Deal with these issues and you significantly improve your likelihood of regaining your health, of beating your cancer.

One supplement that works on this issue, using energies to deprogram and reprogram negative subtle energies controlling your subconscious is....


Whole Body Wellness Elixir

Whole Body Wellness is one of many frequency enhanced water elixirs covered on this site. They all have the same base of structured water with a trace amount of two essential oils. Each has encoded into the water different sets of instructions in the form of vibrational frequencies. Something like homeopathy uses vibrational frequencies from nature.

These elixirs are more powerful than homeopathic remedies as they carry specific sets of instructions that are communicated to the body. These instructions are encoded into the elixir water using a unique technology unit that is able to amplify the very subtle energies of specific written out instructions. These energies are amplified with this technology to be strong enough to be picked up by the water, and strong enough for this elixir water to be able to communicate these instructions to your cells when you take small amounts of it.

The Whole Body Wellness Elixir works on the overall energy patterns affecting your hardware, running your subconscious. If there is cancer, there will be energy patterns programming your subconscious to act in ways that help create ill health and cancer. If those instructions weren't there, you'd be one of the group who can eat a lousy diet, live an unhealthy lifestyle, and don't get cancer.

The instructions in Whole Body Wellness clear or deprogram, to the extent that they can, the bad, virus infected energetic programming -- whether from the past, present, or even genetic memory, and replace it with love based, health promoting energetic programming.

This elixir has the potential to help anyone be more healthy. To help anyone feel better. In the case of someone with cancer, it is helping to deal with what is potentially the major cause of the development of cancer.

We are not saying, as some proponents of energy medicine do, that stress caused faulty instructions to the subconscious are the only cause of ill health and disease. We say that in all cases these participate in the development of cancer, and in persons where this is a major issue, it will be much more difficult to eliminate cancer without doing something about this bad programming. It tests at 2400 for helping the fight against cancer.


Cellular Healing Elixir

The Cellular Healing Elixir deals with negative cellular energies that contribute in one way or another to the development of cancer and other ill health situations.

The instructions in this elixir work to remove or reprogram the energies of negative cellular memories. Science is now finding that cells have a memory of events and traumas in our life, and that the body responds to current situations with these memories.

In fact, because the cells passed on by the parents to make a baby contain the cellular memory of the parents, the traumas and significant events affecting the cellular memory of the parents are passed on to the child.

Cellular Healing Elixir works to release and remove negative, disease causing cellular energies. In addition it instructs cells to reproduce as healthy cells. Not to reproduce as continued unhealthy cells. To the extent that cancer cells can reproduce as health cells, cancer will be reduced or stopped.

The Cellular Healing Elixir healing power tests at 2200 when it comes to dealing with cancer. As with the Whole Body Elixir use two bottles a month, one per month if on a tight budget.

These two elixirs will help you deal with the other cause of the development of cancer in your body. Now, back to other causes of cancer.

Energies To Avoid

It is also important to avoid energies that disrupt the natural energies in your body. These have been shown to lead to cancer.

Electromagnetic Fields (EMF's) do so. You are exposed to them by electronic appliances. Cell phones, computer screens and microwaves are among the biggest offenders, but even the clock radio by the side of your bed is putting out unhealthy levels of EMF's for a foot or two. Your car puts out quite a bit of it.

Radiation from cell phones can literally eat holes in your blood brain barrier, which functions to prevent toxins from entering the brain. When it is full of holes, toxins get into brain, causing much damage. A Swedish study has found that heavy users of cell phones had a 240 percent increase in brain tumors on the side of their head that the phone was used on. The study defined 'heavy' use as more than 2,000 total hours, or approximately one hour of use per workday for 10 years.

There are two ways you can deal with EMF's You can try to avoid exposure to them, or you can wear or use an energized product that counters the effect of that radiation to your body's energy field. For example, you can choose to not use a cell phone or any portable phone. But if that is not possible, put a cell phone tab on the phone to neutralize the radiation.

Geopathic stress has been implicated by many alternative health practitioners in Europe as a cause of cancer. Simply put, geopathic stress is unhealthy energy coming from the earth. One cause is underground streams that creates friction that produces the wrong type of energy. Two developers of energized products both had cancer that would not resolve until they were told to check and see if they slept over geopathic stress. They did, changed their sleeping arrangements, and then were able to get well.

A study in England noted that gypsies, even though their diets and smoking habits were poor, were not near as likely to get cancer because they were always moving so were not likely to have been sleeping in an area of geopathic stress for years at a time.


Healing Energies That Will Help Your Fight With Cancer

Focused Life Force Energy

We have tested a lot of frequency producing machines and devices over the years. While the best of them tested good, none were good enough to warrant a recommendation in these pages.

Focused Life Force Energy (FLFE) is powerful enough to warrant a recommendation. FLFE comes in at 2730 in healing power in our energetic testing. This is after support for brain and intestinal health was added to their frequencies.

FLFE is not a unit. It is a service that sends healing, high consciousness energy to your home, or to your mobile phone.

The energies can be sent to you because of the unified energy field. This field underlies reality, according to physicists. This enables the frequencies to be delivered anywhere in the field. Throughout the world. A business, a home, even your cellphone.

The frequencies help raise the level of consciousness wherever they are sent. They make things feel a little more smooth. They reduce stress a bit. Arguments may be not quite as bad.

The healing effect is significant. So much so, the developers recommend drinking more water when you start using it. (When healing accelerates, more toxins are released from cells. This is part of the process of healing. As a consequence, urination increases to remove these toxins. So drinking more water is necessary to prevent dehydration. Add a little sea salt to that water.)

Perhaps the most important benefit of Focused Life Force Energy is EMF mitigation . We are bombarded with EMF's these days. Not only from our cell phones, but from the wifi going throughout our house. While of course the industry says this has no negative effects, research has shown subtle ill health effects. And some not so subtle. In some people they would contribute to the development of cancer.

FLFE's EMF mitigation is strong. People sensitive to EMF's report significant improvements in symptoms when they use FLFE.

The Cell Phone Tabs recommended below are excellent for cell phone EMF mitigation. But they do little for the constant exposure to wifi and other EMF's.

The ability of FLFE to reduce the effects of EMF's may be the most important benefit it provides. Though having a little less stress is certainly nice...

5G wireless is coming to the world. It is much more powerful than current cell phone technology. Thousands of doctors and alternative practitioners are protesting its introduction. Instead of using cell phone towers, small 5G antennas will be place all over a city. This will bombard the building it is near with 5G radiation. But there may be a way to avoid 5G's negative effects.

Using energetic testing, the developers of FLFE discovered that it transforms 5G. FLFE turns 5G into something positive. 5G's high energy, when mitigated by FLFE, becomes a healthy EMF. Our energetic testing gets the same results. FLFE mitigating 5G make the 5G good for you. How great is that?

No need to wait till 5G comes to get the benefits of Focused Life Force Energy. Not when you can create a healing sanctuary in your home right now.

Another thing we like about FLFE is that there is nothing you have to do. There is nothing to remember. No sessions with a frequency unit, no vitamins to take. FLFE is going all the time, day and night. Without you having to think about it. Helping to make your home, or the area around your cell phone, calmer, healthier, giving it a higher vibe.

Click Here to learn more about EMF mitigation with FLFE, and to get a free 15 day trial to see what it can do.


Cell Phone Tabs

The best thing to do regarding Cell Phones is to stay away from them. But if you must use them, use one to three Cell Phone Tabs on each cell phone. This may give as much as 97% protection, according to our energetic testing, from harmful electromagnetic radiation.

Even casual use of a cellular phone can damage the DNA in your brain. A study conducted by Dr. Henry Lai of the University of Washington showed that at low levels, exposure to electromagnetic fields and radio frequencies caused DNA damage to brain cells of rats resulting in loss of short and long-term memory and slower learning. He noted that DNA damage in cells is cumulative.

A study done at Penn State University concluded that EMF exposure produced no effect for the “first few minutes . . . then a cascade of microbial destruction occurs." The levels at which damage occurs have been shown to be as low as .024-.0024 W/kg -- much lower than any cellular phone. Some well known alternative health doctors claim that over time, the wide use of cell phones is going to lead to an epidemic of brain cancers. Dr. Mercola feels they are contributing to the continued epidemic of autism among our children.

Using an earpiece will not keep you out of danger from EMF exposure. Earpieces can act almost like conduits to funnel as much as three times the harmful radiation to your brain. And it turns out the portable phones and their bases can actually produce more EMF's than cell phones.

Put one to three Cell Phone Tabs on each cell phone and cordless phone you have and on the cordless phone base. Stick one or two on your computer and screen or any other electrical device you may be exposed to over a period of time such as a clock by your bed. The tab is a tiny ceramic button. Put them close to the antenna if possible.

According to our latest energetic re-evaluation of the Tabs, using one Tab gives 55% protection from cell phone radiation. Putting two on your phone gives 95% protection from the harmful effects of cell phones. Energetic testing puts the value of using Cell Phone Tabs, 2 on a phone, at 1400. They won't cure a cancer, but may well help prevent you from getting a brain tumor. Use of these tabs is especially valuable for children who are more harmed by the EMF's. Their skulls are much thinner and do not provide as much protection to the brain.

Quantum Touch Hands On Healing

The Quantum Touch classes, or their DVD Workshop and Book, teaches anyone how to do hands on healing quickly and easily. Everyone can do it. You learn techniques that have been used and refined for several decades to do hands on healing or even distant healing. You can literally be doing it within an hour or less.

On the first DVD you will hear stories of doctors seeing a white glow around a tumor while Quantum Touch was being done on it. Tumors have been known to literally disappear through the use of this technique. Doing Quantum Touch helps put you in charge of the healing process.


Long Distance Healing

If you would like a traditional long distance healer to send you strong healing energy, contact Michael Limacher at 907 299-5508 or threecircle.org. He found as a child he had the gift of healing and has been using this gift all his life. He is one of the best, coming in at a remarkably high 880 on a log scale that stops at 1000. In our testing, the vast majority of energy healers come in at about 200. He's been healing for 60 years. With some people he has worked on, long distance and in person, cancers just disappeared. Here are a couple of testimonies.

"I practiced an eclectic mix of body and energy work for many years. I have trained, and interacted with, many top level practitioners of these arts. I must say, Michael operates in a rarified zone of energy work that few practitioners inhabit. He has been practicing for more than 40 years and there is no doubt that he is a master of his art."

"I can't really explain his technique because it is rooted somewhere between this world and the higher worlds. I find his work to be remarkably healing. I highly recommend Michael's services."
Dr. Bruce Berkowsky, N.M.D., M.H., HMC, President Joseph Ben Hil-Meyer Research, Inc.

"Dear Mr Limacher,
"... I'm very happy to know that you are helping me. My cancer is in remission. I never before could imagine that through a different approach of medicine the cancer can go in remission... For now, this is all I can tell you, but it is a little difficult to write in English, I try my best. "Muchas gracias. Buenos dias. Saludos."
Thais F.

You will find information on how to contact Jenny or Michael in the Resources section of this site. Next we are going to cover that other important but hard to pin down issue that effects your ability to beat cancer, the psychological factor.


Cancer Strategy #11 - Get A Handle On Stress

Researchers have found that a psychological profile contributes to the development of cancer. This personality causes cellular changes that seem to enable cancer growth. Making it more likely that a person with this personality develops cancer.

It is hard to change a personality, but there is something that can help. If you have this personality, this would be an important action in the battle to defeat cancer. If you don't have cancer, but have this personality, it may help prevent the development of cancer.

In general, people with this cancer miasma personality profile are extra sensitive to the plight of the world and others. This sensitivity may exhibit as anxiety for others and for events in general. It may exhibit as an obsession with news and world events. They also tend to be extra sensitive to criticism.

People with this profile tend to live outside themselves. They may give more worth to others than to themselves. A saying that goes with this profile is that cancer is the ultimate penalty for the un-lived life.

Offering help in reversing this is the Release Elixir.

It is only useful for someone who fits this profile. The frequencies it transmits to the body tells the body to reverse these tendencies. It is not going to change your personality. What it does is work to reverse the effects of that personality on your cells. Especially on changing cell responses that may contribute to the development of tumors.

Release Elixir reduces the possibility that this personality enables cancer growth. It may also prevent cancer from coming back or developing in the first place.

Release Elixir tests at a significant 7500 in our energetic testing. Again, if you don’t have this personality type, you don’t need Release. If you do, Release would be an important part of an arsenal to stop your cancer, and to keep it from coming back.


Dr. Hamer, a German oncologist, developed cancer in the late 70s, shortly after his son's untimely death. Theorizing there was a connection between stress and cancer after the stress of his son's death was followed by his development of cancer, he began to investigate his cancer patients' histories, and found that they too had experienced an unexpected shock or trauma shortly before their cancer.

Next, he analyzed his patients’ brain scans and compared them with the corresponding medical and psychological records. Amazingly, he found a clear correlation between shocks, specific areas of the brain damaged by certain types of shocks, and particular organs where cancer developed depending on the type of trauma. The stress and cancer link was looking stronger...

Based on over 40,000 case studies, over a number of years he developed a theory that every disease originates from a shock or trauma that catches us by surprise. The moment the unexpected conflict occurs, the shock strikes a specific area in the brain causing a lesion (called Hamer Focus), visible on a brain scan as a set of sharp concentric rings in MRI's. The brain cells that receive the impact send a biochemical signal to the corresponding body cells causing the growth of a tumor, a meltdown of tissue or functional loss, depending on which brain layer receives the shock. Stress and cancer are linked.

He theorized that specific conflicts are tied to specific areas in the brain because, during evolution, brain areas are programmed to respond instantly to conflicts that could threaten survival. For example, let's say that a woman is walking with her child. Suddenly the child runs into the street, and is struck by a car. The moment a mother sees her child injured she suffers a mother-child-worry-conflict, and in a split second the special biological program for this particular type of conflict is switched on.

This always impacts in the brain area that controls the function of the breast glands. This is because, in biological terms, an injured offspring recovers faster when it receives more milk, extra milk production is immediately stimulated by increasing the number of breast gland cells. Even if the woman is not breast feeding, this event is still triggered. As long as the child is in the hospital, the breast cells will keep dividing and multiplying, forming what is commonly called a glandular breast tumor. When the child recovers, the mother will start to heal.

So you correct the problem that is causing the stress, like getting a new job if you have been fired, or a new spouse if there has been a divorce. Or you psychologically learn to deal with the issue so that it no longer is causing stress. Either is vital for healing from cancer. Done in conjunction with conventional treatments, the results for stress and cancer have been exceptional.

Dr. Hamer suffered over the years for his controversial theories on stress and cancer. One prosecutor pulled his records, and went through patient after patient. Out of 6500 patients with terminal cancer, 6000 were alive. Pretty impressive.

Cancer has many more causes than only being initiated by stressful events. But it does look like they are much more important in initiating cancer than anyone had previously thought. What is undoubtedly true is that stress knocks down the immune system significantly, which could certainly translate into accelerated growth of cancer cells. Continued stress from unresolved traumatic events must inhibit your body's ability to fight cancer.

Stress wipes out the immune system, and as Dr. Hamer has so clearly discovered, undealt with emotional issues may well lead to stress and cancer. In fact he claims that some undealt with issue is always involved in the development of cancer. These could be a loss of a child, close family member, or spouse, loss of a job, divorce, moving, retirement. And more. If you or any person with cancer has experienced any of these events, then you should seriously consider the following course of action. If Dr. Hamer is right and all cancers have this emotional content, then everyone with cancer should consider it.

Dr. Hamer recommended psychotherapy for his patients. However, there are now ways of dealing with, and releasing, events and problems that cause stress which work much faster and more effectively than traditional psychotherapy.

The top rated supplement to help you deal with stress, and you do have extra stress if you have cancer, is the...

Stress Reducer Elixir

This is an elixir supplying a set of vibrational instructions to your body. These instructions tell your subconscious and autonomous control systems to reduce to optimal levels ALL stress producing hormones.

To put this in another way, it works to bring down elevated levels of stress hormones that are releasing stress causing chemicals in your body.

At the same time it has a set of instructions telling the body to increase production to optimal levels of ALL feel good hormones in the body.

In other words, the Stress Reducer Elixir instructs the body to reduce stress and anxiety, and to feel better fast. Better still for dealing with cancer, the hormonal system has a powerful effect on the immune system.

Stress wipes out your immune system. It can't do its job. Colds develop. Cancer can develop. It's the reason why Dr. Hamer's combination of cancer therapies and psychotherapy worked so impressively. The long term stress from psychological loss or anxiety was being resolved.

Stress hormones dropped. The happiness hormone levels increased. The brain was able to better control the immune system, to help it fight cancer.

Consequently, the optimization of the hormonal system caused by the Stress Reducer Elixir has a powerful and positive effect on immune system function, significantly improving its performance.

Serotonin and oxytocin levels are told to increase, creating feelings of love, connection, trust, wellbeing and happiness.

Flow of healing energy to and from the heart is improved.

The function of an area of the brain -- the claustrum, is optimized. The better it functions, which happens when over-stimulation of the claustrum is reduced, the more personal self-awareness improves.

Use Stress Reduction Elixir to reduce anxiety and stress by literally changing your hormone levels. No therapy needed. As you do so, your immune system function will improve too. And your cancer may begin to melt away. It tests at 2600 in cancer healing power.

Use 2 bottles a month as long as you have cancer.

Cancer Neuroliminal Training (NT) CD

One way to reduce stress is with the Cancer NT CD. In fact, in general for cancer, energetic testing puts its healing power for helping to beat cancer at 1200, especially valuable for someone who knows that stress or loss played a role in their cancer, or at least if you know that you had loss and or a lot of stress before you developed your cancer. This one time purchase is much more cost effective than multiple sessions with therapists. And it will work to make sure the supplements you take to beat your cancer aren't being negated by unresolved stress and loss issues.
The Fight or Flight response is intended to give us a fighting chance in desperate situations where we are (or think we are) in danger. Obvious examples are if we are being chased by a wild animal or go out of control in a fast moving car. Less obvious examples are wherever we interpret that we are going to lose something – for example, we hear that our company is laying-off employees, or someone close to us gets sick or leaves our life.
In these situations something called the HPA axis kicks in. The hypothalamus (H) tells the pituitary (P) that we are in danger. The pituitary notifies the adrenals (A) to go on danger mode and the adrenals flood the body with stress hormones including adrenaline and cortisol.
This immediately causes 3 physical responses that over time, even a short time, can have disastrous consequences.
1. The immune system is shut off. (In fact patients receiving organ transplants are given stress hormones specifically to block their immune system from rejecting the new organ).
2. Blood vessels to the digestive system and organs are restricted – blood is diverted to the limbs and major muscles.
3. Blood to the forebrain (intelligence) is shut off in favor of the hindbrain (reflex reaction).
1. It is widely acknowledged that each of us is exposed to almost every kind of pathogen almost all the time. Cancer cells, viruses, bacteria and yeasts are everywhere; outside of us, on our skin and in our bodies. These “bad guys” are kept at bay by normal immune response and only grow when an opportunity arises. For that reason they are called opportunistic pathogens. Thus when the immune response simply goes away, these organisms can move-in, throw a party and leave our body in a mess.
2. When blood to the gut is restricted, normal repair and replacement of cells cannot continue. Hundreds of thousands of cells naturally die every minute and need to be replaced. As this replacement process slows down, important tissues such as the gut lining becomes more and more vulnerable to attack from both parasites and bacteria. Further, with less blood, less nutrients are available to make important agents like stomach acid and mucous – two major protective factors in proper function and defense of the gut. And of course as this process continues less and less nutrients are available anyway. Normal processes such as peristalsis are impaired and toxicity builds up in the system.
3. In this process rational thought and long term planning goes out the window and we become more reactive and impulsive. Sticking with a plan or eating program, even one we know to work, becomes very difficult. We find ourselves easily distracted and tend to interpret events around us as threats which keep this viscous cycle in place.
4. As the stress response continues, the waste products from muscles (on high alert) build up because the digestive and immune system are not functioning well enough to break these down and eliminate them. This leads to inflammation and pain throughout the body, with chronic spasms in overworked muscles - often showing up as neck and back pain and/or headaches.



How to break the viscous cycle of stress and cancer.
It's easy to see how this situation is a lose-lose scenario. Internally you are growing weaker, you are less protected from infections and diseases of every type AND you are literally less intelligent. On top of that you feel bad - though to many people under chronic stress - all this may feel normal.
Breaking out and back to real health and growth is not easy. It is a process of release and retraining - that without the right support and tools unfortunately won't happen. We have a quest to find tools that would support our nutritional supplement recommendations - and enable a higher degree of success for everyone with stress and cancer.
Pretty soon we understood that the transformation/repair had to happen on the same level, or a deeper level, than the problem originated on.

We suggest adding the Cancer NT protocol to a recovery plan. It's simple and fosters ongoing changes. Get the Cancer NT CD and play it in the background, throughout the night, every night. Everyone within earshot benefits - and sleeps better.
Here's a report from Kitty: "For the first time in maybe four years, I woke up and looked out the window and just thought, oh, looks like a nice day. What? No anxiety thoughts. I don’t even remember not waking up without a huge agenda going for the day, including negative stuff. This is fascinating." K.S. Oregon

Something else well worth considering for stress and cancer is....

NeuroModulation Technique (NMT)

Practitioners of NeuroModulation Technique have found that nearly any illness can be improved, and many completely resolved with NMT treatments. By correcting faults in the body's regulatory systems, NMT restores the body's innate capacity to heal. Your nervous system is separated into conscious/voluntary, and autonomic/unconscious control systems.

We aren't aware of the Autonomic Control System (ACS) that functions in the background of our nervous system – otherwise our conscious mind would be so distracted by body processes that we could not do anything.

NMT uses Muscle Response Testing (MRT) to communicate with the ACS, to find the faults in ACS function that are responsible for an illness. Then it uses a system of questions and statements to push the control systems of the body towards normal function.

Questions are used to find control system errors, as shown by the muscle testing. Then the NMT practitioner uses specific corrective statements to train the ACS toward normal function – the first step in the return to wellness. A brief tapping and breathing pattern is done after each statement to set the ACS function.

A NMT treatment can be performed long distance via the phone, or one on one. It has proven to be very effective for everything from autoimmune diseases to allergies to pain relief. Many users have reported success with cancer too.

Now, the NMT practitioner is not treating cancer. He or she is merely correctly the faults in the autonomic nervous system so that the immune system can better handle whatever happens to be wrong with you. It would make sense that Dr. Hamer’s stressing events, that he has identified as leading to the development of cancers, have caused faults in the ACS.

NMT also deals with faults or errors in the sensitivity setting of sensors that tell the nervous system what is happening in the body, and in the processing of information from these sensors.

They have found that NMT often provides quick and powerful pain relief by correcting these errors. NMT can also help the body to recognize external toxins and chemicals. NMT treatment gets the body to purge these harmful substances from the tissues, and eliminate them.

For people with cancer who have been under high stress, have suffered loss of family members, job loss, or other issues which cause this type of high stress, energetic testing puts the value of using NMT for stress and cancer, at a very strong 2400 in our energetic testing.


Even one cancer fighting supplement could get the job done, but more is better.

When you or a loved one is battling cancer, you need access to every single weapon available. 11 Natural Strategies To Defeat Your Cancer is the most comprehensive and up-to-date information on natural supplements for fighting this issue. Below you will find a quick, easy-to-read review of the supplements suggested.

Cancer can be beaten. Never doubt that. We hear from people who have succeeded all the time. Soon your story could read like these…

"Just to let you know that about 2 mos ago I got the full set of elixirs for a friend's husband with esophageal and stomach cancer. She has been sneaking a few of each into his health drink because he is very close-minded about natural remedies. After radiation and one short round of chemo, his PET scan is clear and he is eating normally. She will continue with her stealth program, including adding Zeolite DHQ. "
Sue Y.

One man wrote in saying his mother had been taken off chemo three weeks before because it wasn't working. Doctors told him there was nothing else they could do and to look into hospice solutions for her as she was in bed all the time and didn't have long to live. Shortly before that, she had started taking Oxy E. A week later her energy had improved so much she was up and active all day long, going out shopping and feeling good. Hospice was not needed.


More is better when it comes to fighting advanced cancer.
You can only do too little... not too much.

All of the products mentioned in the report are valuable. Some are more potent than others, and you certainly want to concentrate on using those top products in order to most effectively fight the cancer. Every person’s chemistry is different, so the required products and amounts will vary.  You shouldn’t feel afraid to try multiple natural supplements, they can only help the healing process.

Oncologist Charles Simone, MD has written several books and scientific papers about the hundreds of studies involving thousands of patients that show that a broad range of nutritional supplementation, including antioxidants, protects you from the ravages of chemotherapy and radiation therapy. That in fact, as we tell you in this report, they do much more, as the studies show that use of nutritional supplements is consistently associated with improved outcomes. If your oncologist is telling you that antioxidants and other nutritional supplements shouldn't be taken with chemo or radiation therapy, or that they are a waste of money, he or she is dead wrong. The research shows otherwise.

We received great news from our oncologist yesterday after viewing Nikki's CT scan. Yes, she is responding very well to the treatments and yes, her remaining tumors are shrinking.

Compared to the CT scans done three months ago, they have shrunk by at least 80%. As such, Jenny and I have agreed to her continuing four more treatments. But it is my firm belief that our holistic approach is working and I must thank you all for contributing in one way or other to her recovery.

It will take another three months before the chemo regime finishes. Another CT scan will be held after that. Hopefully, by then, nothing is left of whatever tumors in her lungs and liver. Of course, we shall be ever so careful not to fall back on previous 'lifestyles' but to continue the new one into the future with fine tuning along the way. D. K.


You may very well be thinking…
"I'm completely overwhelmed. There are so many products that sound good, what should I be taking?"

Remember, you don't have to make an either/or choice about whether to take chemo or radiation, or go with an alternative approach to cancer. These products have all been successfully used while undergoing chemotherapy and radiation -- in fact they even help chemotherapy or radiation be more effective. You will have better results because the supplements attack cancer in ways that chemotherapy and radiation can’t. They will also help you deal with the side effects of chemotherapy.

These supplements are effective cancer fighters even on their own, without chemotherapy.  They are natural and safe, and you can take high therapeutic amounts with no side harmful side effects. (With some you do have to start with small amounts and work up, or you may experience detoxification or healing reactions as described above.)

Even if chemo and radiation alone are initially successful, far too often cancer comes back within two months to two years. Chemo puts quite a strain on the body, and does nothing to improve the internal environment to make the body healthier. So the cancer can and often does come back quickly unless you take action to improve the internal environment of your body. Cancer is usually worse and tougher to beat the second or third time. This doesn't have to happen.

Supporting your body with supplements before, during and after chemotherapy will help you reverse the underlying causes of cancer, and strengthen your immune system to keep you cancer-free for good.

Using chemotherapy or radiation therapy or even getting surgery, without also using supplements is like fighting someone trying to kill you with one hand tied behind your back.

It doesn't make sense. They can do no harm, and have been shown again and again, in study after study, to produce better results than doing chemotherapy or radiation therapy alone. Plus, side effects are greatly reduced.

A healthful diet gives your body the healing tools it needs.

If you read the Cancer Diet page, you will understand that a low carb diet is not good for fighting cancer. It causes inflammation, reduces immune system response, and flips cellular metabolism to make cells more likely to turn cancerous. And if you use BLA, you can turn carbs into cancer killers as lactic acid builds up in them because BLA blocks their release from cancer cells.

However, there are foods to avoid. Eating poor quality, heat processed or cooked / baked vegetable or seed oils damages the oils. In your body they can clog up cells which reduces cellular metabolism and can lead to cells turning cancerous. Cook with saturated fats like coconut oil or animal fats that are not as damaged by heat.

Research indicates eating too much animal protein, more than your body can utilize in a day, may be one of the causes of cancer. One study injected mice with aflatoxin, one of the strongest carcinogens there is (it’s a mold often found in peanut butter). Some were given low doses of aflatoxin, some high doses. At the same time, their diet included a range of a milk protein.

Researchers found it didn't matter how much of the aflatoxin the mice were injected with. Mice whose diet included over 12% milk protein (more then their daily dietary needs) got cancer. Mice whose diet included less protein did not. Even the mice given high doses of aflatoxin did not develop cancer if the amount of protein was low.

The study suggests too much animal protein acts as a cancer promoter.
Cancer promoters are substances in our diets that can trigger the growth of cells that have been damaged by carcinogens and are present in the body. Without these promoters, those cells which have mutated will likely remain inactive. So it is a good idea to reduce amounts of animal protein (meat, milk products and eggs) and eat more vegetable protein like nuts, beans, etc.

Eliminate environmental toxins to give your body a fighting chance.

Cancer is not some mysterious disease that just happens to you. It has definite causes, and when you correct those causes, you get well. Natural treatments work remarkably well.

If the powers that be were to work on prevention of cancer by reducing our exposure to the huge number of toxins and other cancer causing environmental issues like electro-magnetic fields (EMF's,) we would win the fight against cancer. Unfortunately, cancer is very big business, with huge profits, and preventing cancer is not profitable. So you will continue to see more toxins in our environment, more genetically modified organisms (GMO's), and more cancer.

Eliminating environmental toxins from your diet (by eating organically grown foods and avoiding chlorinated/fluoridated water) and your surroundings (by using non-toxic, natural cleansers, cosmetics, furniture, building materials, and clothing) will go a long way toward eliminating cancer from your life.

There has recently been more research pointing to the fact that cancer is indeed man made. The Daily Mail in summarizing this study reports:"Tumors were rare until recent times when pollution and poor diet became issues, the review of mummies, fossils and classical literature found... Despite slivers of tissue from hundreds of Egyptian mummies being rehydrated and placed under the microscope, only one case of cancer has been confirmed. Dismissing the argument that the ancient Egyptians didn't live long enough to develop cancer, the researchers pointed out that other age-related disease such as hardening of the arteries and brittle bones did occur.

" Fossil evidence of cancer is also sparse, with scientific literature providing a few dozen, mostly disputed, examples in animal fossils... Even the study of thousands of Neanderthal bones has provided only one example of a possible cancer."

Professor Rosalie David, a co-author of this recently published study stated: 'There is nothing in the natural environment that can cause cancer. So it has to be a man-made disease, down to pollution and changes to our diet and lifestyle."

Read the book Cancer-Gate by Dr. Samuel Epstein for a full understanding of this. He explains how the National Cancer Institute and the American Cancer Society have betrayed us, spending tens of billions of dollars of taxpayers and charity money primarily targeting silver-bullet drugs while ignoring strategies for preventing cancer in the first place.

Lifestyle change is one of the most basic cancer-fighting strategies.

With this advanced understanding of how cancer works, you do not need to fall victim to cancer. You can take action to prevent cancer or to beat cancer, even in the later stages of the disease. A comprehensive approach, doing as much as possible, is best.

The only reason not to use a multiple supplement approach is cost. Some of the best products are expensive, but there are plenty of relatively inexpensive ones among the top tier products. The more angles you attack from, the better, so in making a decision as to what to get, choose a variety of the top products, if possible.

One of the best ways to learn about using diet to fight cancer is to read up on the Gerson Diet. It has been used for decades to fight cancer. It incorporates organic foods, a vegetarian diet, raw juices, and organic coffee enemas. Can be used with the supplements suggested in this report if you want to be more vigorous in supporting your body and fighting cancer through diet.

Simple lifestyle changes to help you win the fight:

Natural Cancer-Fighting Strategies: Product Overview

You can't do too much when you're fighting cancer, only too little. The more you're doing, the more ways you're attacking cancer, the greater your odds of success.

Even if you are taking a supplement that has helped many people, it may not be all you need because you have other issues that supplement doesn't address. A broad, wide-ranging approach to supporting your health and fighting cancer always works best.

Continuing your natural treatments for up to a year after you are cancer-free will give your body the time and energy it needs to fully recover. Consider getting some NMT treatments to clear up unresolved stress that disrupts your immune response and could prevent you from beating cancer.

INSIDE TIP:  Even if you are taking a number of supplements in moderate doses, you need to use high therapeutic amounts of at least one or two of the top-tier cancer fighting products discussed in this report.

All of the products can be used with each other, and don't have negative interactions with medications you may be on - other than zeolite. Zeolite pulls platinum out of three chemotherapy treatments that use platinum. Cisplatin, Carboplatin, and Oxaliplatin. You must stop zeolite supplements 1 day before chemo treatments with these three, and wait 3 days after to restart.

If you use supplements in addition to what your doctor recommends, you will amplify the benefits of the chemotherapy.

Remember, the more ways you attack cancer, the better your chances are of beating it. The best alternative cancer clinics in the world use multiple supplements and holistic treatments. They don't do just one thing. If possible, do the same yourself.

These cancer fighting strategies do work. We hear reports all the time of people getting over tough cancers using these strategies and supplements. Hit cancer as hard as possible with a variety of cancer fighting products and diet improvements. It makes no sense to do less.

What To Do? Where To Start?

We have covered a large number of supplements in this online ebook. As this can be a bit overwhelming, we have put together a series of protocols of what we consider the top products to use for many different cancers. We put them in what we consider to be their order of importance.

That said, folks have beaten cancers using just about any of the supplements covered on this site, so you feel free to go with what you feel is best for you.

Before these protocols, here is a summary of some things to do if you feel you can't afford to purchase much. These suggestions have more value than many expensive supplements being used to fight cancer.

Low Or No Cost Suggestions

Do the Budwig flax seed protocol. Grind or blend up flax seeds fresh every day or stored in refrigerator, as they are much less expensive than flax oil. Eat a cup a day blended in with cottage cheese or yogurt to enhance absorption. You can make a smoothie with this if you want. Berries are good to use as they are not as sweet as other fruits.

Make this better by doing a combination of Omega 3 and Omega 6 oils or seed meal in the right ratio. Use 3 teaspoons of Flaxseed Oil, organic, cold processed from the refrigerated section of the health food store, or less expensive, 3 tablespoons of Flaxseed meal that you grind yourself and store in the refrigerator. Combine with 5 tsp. cold pressed unrefined Sesame Oil or 5 tablespoons ground up sesame seed meal. Also refrigerate after opening. To help with pain and inflammation, you could double this dosage. Eat throughout the day.

Vitamin D at 50,000 units a day becomes a strong cancer fighter.

Follow the basic tenants of the Gerson Diet focusing on lots of raw juices, a vegan diet, and organic coffee enemas. This could end up being more expensive than eating your normal diet, but as it is replacing your normal diet, it may not cost much if you already have a juicer or can borrow one. Tests stronger than most usual supplements and treatments, at 800.

If there are relatives or friends willing to do hands on healing on the person with cancer, get the Quantum Touch book and learn how to do it. The DVD course with the book is better, but more expensive. Still it is just a one time purchase. Energetic testing put this at 397 if it is done twice a day on the person with cancer. About 15 minute sessions each time.

Something the person with cancer can and should do is the Louise Hay healing affirmation for cancer. People have beat cancer using this affirmation.

"I lovingly forgive and release all of the past. I choose to fill my world with joy. I love and approve of myself."

Say the affirmation 10 times a day, in one session is fine. Energetic testing puts this affirmation, when done, at a strong 310.

A "Low Budget" Suggestion

If you can only afford to get a couple of the cancer fighters, the ones to get are...

Narigrav   This liquid herbal formula is the highest rated cancer killer we have tested. It uses a citrus extract and graviola that have been supercharged in a unique process making them much stronger than normal extracts. By far. We are hearing stories of it beating cancer on its own in a relatively short time. If just using Narigrav, use 3 or 4 bottles a month.

BLA   This elixir prevents cancer cells from releasing the lactic acid they produce when they metabolize glucose. BLA will help attract more Narigrav into cancer cells. This gives it a strong synergy with Narigrav. BLA works better the more carbohydrates that you eat. The buildup of lactic acid makes the cancer cells more and more acidic - till they die. This enables you to eat a 40 to 60% carb diet. This is optimal for increasing cellular metabolism. This higher carb diet reduces inflammation. This is important as cancer is an inflammatory disease. A higher carb diet reduces cortisol levels which enables the immune system to work better. A low carb diet causes an increase in inflammation and reduces the immune system response. This negates all the benefits from not feeding carbs to cancer cells. BLA enables you to eat those carbs without stimulating cancer growth. Use 2 bottles a month.

What To Do For End Stage Cancer

An end stage cancer is when a body is breaking down, and is in very poor shape, being in a process leading to death. While it is far less likely that they will survive, compared to someone with cancer who is in relatively good shape, it is still possible to reverse this process and beat the cancer. Or at least to improve quality of life.

Fundamentally, do not try to kill a lot of cancer cells. A body would not be able to handle the work of eliminating dead cancer cells. You must first focus on getting the body, and especially the liver, healthier so that it can survive. This may take a couple of months. Then you can start to focus on eliminating the cancer.

Listed in order of importance, here are the best supplements to use or actions to take. The more that can be done, the better, but the first 5 remedies are the very most important ones to use if you can't get them all.

C-60 plus Carbon Transport Elixir –– use 4 bottles a month of C-60 and 3 bottles a month of Carbon Transport Elixir. These will support the liver and whole body, plus supercharge UltraLiver12.

UltraLiver12 -- use 1 bottle a month. This formula is a powerful liver support supplement that supports regeneration of the liver. Liver support is fundamental in end stage cancers as it is usually the liver that breaks down from the effects of extensive cancer in the body and from the chemotherapies and meds being taken.

Liver Balance Plus -- use 1 bottle a month. This herbal formula works synergistically with UltraLiver12, C-60 and Carbon Transport Elixir for the strongest possible liver and overall body support.

Specially Processed Non-GMO Corn Starch -- Read more about this in the Resources links at the bottom of this page. It feeds you, and not the cancer, with a slow sustained release of glucose that is directly absorbed into cells without using insulin receptors. Take as much as 8 servings a day and you may have enough cellular energy to be feeling much better.

Fulvitea -- This is a protein powder packed full of protein peptides and other nutrients that support the body without requiring a great deal of energy to process. Your body will use its nutrients to repair whatever organs most need repair.

The main protein used by the body to neutralize toxins and free radicals, both in cells and in the liver, is glutathione. Someone in end stage cancer would have very little left as it would have been used up long ago. So, as the fastest way to get glutathione into cells is to use a liposomal delivery system, the next product on this list is....

Glutathione Force II -- use 2 bottles a month for end stage cancer. This is a liquid and very easy to take. We suggest taking even more when dealing with vomiting and nausea. It can be rubbed directly on the liver if you are not able to hold anything down.

Endocar -- use 2 bottles a month. This elixir is designed to support someone with end stage cancer. The energies in Endocar support the detoxification organs, increase nutrient absorption, help stop catabolic wasting by stimulating liver regeneration, fight infections, increase cellular life force, and more. Endocar works on issues that often are the actual cause of death in end stage cancers.

OxyDHQ -- use 2 bottles a month. Creates oxygen in cells which can produce noticeable improvement in energy levels. Will help detoxify the body and fight cancer too.

Three situations that require extra help...

1. Vomiting and Nausea. When you have had enough chemotherapy to completely overload your liver's ability to get rid of the chemo toxins, those toxins build up in the cells in your body. Depending on the toxicity of the chemotherapy, on the shape your liver was in before chemo was started, and whether cancer in the liver is interfering with the ability of liver to function, this can happen right away or after several rounds of chemo.

The best course of action would have been to support the liver before and during the chemo with supplements like Liver Strength and Immune Force. However if you are at the stage where you are experiencing vomiting or nausea, then more drastic action needs to take place.

Medical marijuana is said to help with this, and it tests at 230 for this. And organic coffee enemas may also be valuable in this situation.

The best supplement for reducing nausea is testing as being...

Specially Processed Non-GMO Corn Starch -- Read more about this in the Resources links at the bottom of this page. It feeds you, and not the cancer, with a slow sustained release of glucose that is directly absorbed into cells without using insulin receptors. Take as much as 8 servings a day and you may have enough cellular energy to be feeling much better. Next in importance is...

Glutathione Force II. This is an energy infused liposomal glutathione. Glutathione is the single best cellular toxin neutralizer in the body. It is very poorly absorbed into cells -- except when taken in a liposomal delivery system where it is hidden inside phospholipids. The additional energies and nutrients in Glutathione Force II help it work better. The idea is to as quickly as possible neutralize and eliminate the chemo toxins that are stuck in cells to such an extent that they are causing nausea and vomiting.

You need to use a lot of it. Up to 4 or more bottles over the course of about 3 weeks. The more you do, the faster the toxins are neutralized, and the faster the chemo induced vomiting and nausea will stop. It tests at 770 for helping with vomiting and nausea.

2. Catabolic Wasting -- If you are losing muscle mass, even though you are eating well, most likely your liver is functioning so poorly it is notable to convert amino acids to protein. So the body steals protein from muscles to get the protein it needs. This is known as catabolic wasting. If someone is not eating much, and getting skinny, they may or may not be in catabolic wasting. They could just be not getting enough calories.

The three most important supplements to reverse catabolic wasting are....

The most important supplements needed for dealing with wasting are C-60 + Carbon Transport Elixir when used with UltraLiver 12 and Liver Balance Plus, covered in the Chemicals and Cancer page on this site, in addition to Fulvitea.

Fulvitea. This powder supplies predigested protein peptides and contains other regenerative ingredients that support healing. One of the common characteristics of a body in distress is that the energy required to recover is no longer available. Fulvitea provides energy without taxing your system - making it the perfect choice for recuperation. It's an all-natural essential protein food supplement that is fully absorbable.

Your body will use the protein peptides in Fulvitea to repair the liver as the liver is the most important organ to fix. Especially for catabolic wasting.

Typically using two containers a month of Fulvitea along with other liver support will reverse catabolic wasting in two months. If the body is in a very depleted state, with a great deal of muscle loss, then using more Fulvitea will support the body more completely. Depending on how poor your health is, you may need to use as much as six containers a month for a few months. The worse off you are, the more you need.

Add on Endocar if possible to further accelerate liver regeneration. Two bottles a month. It will take two months, most likely, to get your liver producing protein again.

3. Pain -- use 4 bottles a month of Super PEO essential fatty acid oil blend. It has the right ratio of parent essential oils to reduce inflammation, and in high doses, pain. Plus it helps to heal cancer as it improves oxygenation of cells.

Even better for pain, though both can be used, is applying Radiant Care 11:1 topically over the pain. Apply at least 3 times a day. It hydrates the area, reduces inflammation, and has pain relieving instructions in it.


General Protocols To Help You Decide What To Get

If you can't find your exact cancer below, pick something similar, or an organ close by.

Most protocols are about the same as these supplements work on all types of cancers. They deal with the fundamentals of cancer.

The most important supplements are listed first, taking into account synergies between supplements. We call these first supplements the Budget Protocol, not because they are poor quality, but because they are the most valuable ones for your money. So if you are on a budget, these are the ones to focus on.

The protocols are just an attempt to help you figure out what might be best, based on the research and feedback we have heard. People have had success with all types of combinations and products not mentioned in these protocols. In our opinion, the likelihood of success is higher with these.

The more you are able to do, the better or the faster results tend to be.

The worse the cancer is, the more valuable it is to do more.

That said, many many times just one supplement can make a huge difference, even in what seems to be a hopeless situation.

Click on the name of the cancer that you are dealing with to see a protocol suggested for that type of cancer.

The link takes you to the protocol page on our sister site, CancerFightingStrategies.com which is easier to navigate.

Bladder Cancer  Bone Cancer  Brain Cancer  Breast Cancer

Carcinoma  Cervical Cancer   Colon Cancer

Endometrial Cancer   Esophageal Cancer  Hodgkin's Lymphoma

Kidney Cancer   Leukemia    Liver Cancer        Melanoma  

Mesothelioma   Multiple Myeloma   Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma

Non Small Cell Lung Cancer   Osteosarcoma      Ovarian Cancer

Pancreatic Cancer   Prostate Cancer   Rectal Cancer 

Renal Cell Carcinoma   Sarcoma      Small Cell Lung Cancer

Stomach Cancer     Testicular Cancer   Throat Cancer

Thyroid Cancer  Urinary Cancer   Uterine Cancer   Vaginal Cancer


Don't Give Up Hope

By the way, don't give up hope if your oncologist tells you that your cancer is terminal, that there is nothing they can do. If you are not dying right then, if they tell you that you have months to live, these products are highly likely beat your cancer - if you use them.

Because the doctors do not have effective drugs to battle cancer, you would indeed be terminal according to what they know and see. They are not familiar with the effects of the supplements recommended in this report.

But from my way of looking at things, if there is enough time, and enough is done, the likelihood of success is quite high. These products are much more effective than what the doctors are using or typical supplements for that matter.

Remember: You don't have to use everything in the suggested therapeutic amounts. However, using several supplements in therapeutic quantities is important in order to get enough to make a difference. (Of course, we have heard many stories where just one supplement knocked out a cancer. More is better though.)

Because these products are natural, they can be used with whatever else you may be doing. If there are any issues at all, like with zeolite and platinum based chemotherapy, we mention it.

You can undergo chemotherapy or radiation and still take these supplements. You can be on heart medication and take them. And so on. The more advanced a cancer is, the better it is to do more. A multi-angle attack will increase your odds of success.

Good luck with your battle against cancer. Here is your....

5 Step Game Plan

1.Take your time and read over this information, more than once if necessary. If you are not sure what to use,you might want to take advantage of the Live Chat link on the top left of each page.

2. Purchase the products you have decided to use.

3. Start taking these products faithfully and in the suggested dosage as discussed above. Be aware that you can feel more tired at first as your body is working harder to fight the cancer - now that it has some nutritional support.

If you get too tired, or feel a bit sick (from your body not being able to detoxify all the dead cancer cells and from the increased detoxification of your body which may overwhelm your detox organs), reduce dosage temporarily and get more support for your detox organs.

Unlike chemotherapy, these products do not harm your body. They can only do more than your body can handle. They will also help alleviate the toxic side effects of chemotherapy.

4. If you see positive results, great.  Continue on till the cancer is gone. By the way, most cancer blood marker tests and PSA tests measure dead cancer cells as part of the score. So numbers will rise at first if you are taking supplements that are killing cancer cells.

So don't be alarmed if scores rise at first. It's just what happens. And tumors enlarge when you are killing the cancer cells in them as the immune system uses inflammation to get rid of those cells. We here many stories of tumors being removed that were completely dead because of the supplements that were taken.

If you are not getting on top of the cancer and improving, your cancer is probably growing faster than you are killing it off. In this case, your best bet is to increase the number of products and or increase the dosage of what you are taking. You can always beat early stage cancers and most advanced cancers just by making sure you are taking enough supplements to kill the cancer faster than it is growing.

If you have a lot of cancer in your body, you likely will need to take more supplements to beat the cancer. If you have time, you can always start with just a few supplements to see if they get the job done. If that doesn't seem to be working, know that for your body and what you are dealing with, you need to do more.

Of course, people with end stage cancers whose bodies are breaking down have less chance of success. You need to support their immune system, organs and detoxification system more, and not be as aggressive at killing off the cancer until they become stronger. The End Stage supplements and suggestions in this report give someone with end stage cancer their best chance at beating cancer, but it can be too late. You can only try.

5. Once your cancer is gone, and for most of you it will be if you follow the suggestions in this report, don't stop using the supplements immediately, or go back on a bad diet. Reduce dosages and possibly the number of supplements you take gradually. Continue to take some for about a year for best results. And consider staying on a bottle a month of OCMP as a preventative.


9 Resources To Help Your Fight Against Cancer

Only a few of the best supplements you'll need to beat cancer and win are widely available.  Most are hard to find.  Below is a source where you can stock up on these special supplements - the ammunition you need - to overcome your cancer.  Plus links to other information you might find to be of interest.

1)  GetHealthyAgain is an excellent and helpful online store specializing in effective immune support supplements.  It carries all these supplements, and more.  They can answer questions you may have about the supplements, and can help you figure out how to use whatever products you get. Call them at: 800-832-9755 or 616-719-1376.

CLICK HERE for more information.   

2) Focused Life Force Energy (FLFE) - This is a high consciousness energy sent to your home or to your cellphone. It may give a sense of calm, stimulate healing, mitigate EMF's and more. In all our testing, no energetic service has tested as strong as FLFE. Perhaps most important is its ability to protect you from many of the effects of EMFs (including Wifi and 5G). Now that 5G is so widespread, with the subtle amount of inflammation it causes in your body, FLFE is especially valuable. (Cancer is an inflammatory disease.) We test that it will turn 5G into something healthy, mitigating the harmful effects of 5G. FLFE has a step-down version where you can mitigate all EMFs, including 5G, and get Enhanced Immune Support 2.0, Brain Optimization, GI Tract and Energized Food with Smarter EMF — without having to get the full program.

3)  For well over a decade we have researched and energetically tested structured water and / or devices that make structured water. There is device that stand out in the testing, coming in at 3600 in healing power. It swirls water in a way that creates a structure in the water. We test that this enables the water to detoxify better than regular water can, to oxygenate cells, to hydrate cells better, to get more nutrients into cells, and to literally give the cells higher energy. Most importantly, it can help the top cancer fighters in the protocols work better...

It is recommended that Alka Super C, Silver GlucoPlus and MetOH be used with distilled water. There are slight to major decreases in effectiveness if using other types of water. If 100 represents the effectiveness of Alka Super C when using distilled water, RO water tests 98, charcoal or ceramic filtered water tests 90, tap water tests a poor 75. However, if you put tap water through a Mayu Swirl, and use that water to mix in Alka Super C, effectiveness testing increases to 112. This is 12% better than using distilled water and 50% better than using tap water. Swirling filtered water tests 113. Swirling RO water tests 114. Distilled water 115. For this increase in effectiveness alone, the Mayu Swirl is well worth getting. Use Swirl code GHA15 for a 15% discount.

Click Here for the Mayu Swirl.

4)   The Best Carb To Eat If You Have Cancer! Cancer cells have many times the amount of insulin receptors as do normal cells. So when you eat carbs, a cancer cell will uptake much more of the carb than a healthy cell. It is their favorite food. However, there is one carb that does not feed cancer cells many times more than healthy cells. It may not even feed cancer cells at all if our testing is correct... It is a patented, specially processed non-gmo corn starch that produces a slow sustained glucose release. It is most often used an an energy boost for workouts. What makes is so valuable as a carbohydrate source if you have cancer is this. It does not use insulin receptors to get into cells. So it will not feed cancer cells significantly, it at all. It absorbs directly into cells and does not require energy to digest. In our energetic testing, it is a strong 4700 when you have cancer. This is because your body can do a better job of dealing with cancer when it has more energy. And it gives you a source of carbs and energy that does not significantly feed cancer cells. If you just cut out carbs, your body goes into a stress response and your immune system is partially shut down. Not what you want when fighting cancer.

It is especially valuable for someone in poor shape with very low energy because it so so easily absorbed into cells in a slow, sustained way. It energetically tests as being one of the more valuable supplements that someone with poor energy, or with end stage cancer, can use, coming in at 8300. We have even heard stories where people nauseous from chemo, who could not eat anything else, found they could eat this. It even helped their stomach feel better. As such, we highly recommend this...

In general, when someone has cancer, 4 servings a day, whether it is a powder mixed in a shake, a bar, or even a gel, tests as being optimal. For someone weak and in poor shape with cancer, 8 servings a day tests optimal. This is a lot, but it may make a huge difference in quality of life and energy levels. And help to better deal with cancer, or chemo.

Click here to give this patented, specially processed corn starch a try. You will get 10% off. (it is also great if you have fatigue or blood sugar issues in general.) This company only mentions this starch's support for working out and exercise. But don't be fooled, the way this starch works, it will be great for helping you if you have cancer, diabetes, adrenal fatigue, or are just weak and tired. The weaker you are, the more valuable it is...

5) With a tough case of cancer, well, actually with any cancer at all, it never hurts to get a really good traditional energy healer to work on you. Michael Limacher is one of the best. He's been healing for 60 years, having the gift as a child. With some of the people he has worked on, long distance or in person, their cancers just disappeared.

If you have an interest in him working with you long distance, give Michael a call at: 907 299 5508. Throughout his 60 years of helping others, Michael has often donated his time helping the poor in need. However, for those who can afford to support his work, it's greatly appreciated. His website is http://threecircle.org P.O. Box 3001 Homer, AK 99603. Suggested donation is $125.

6)  Jenny Garufi is an energetic healer that rates strong in our testing. If you are ill, her energetic property clearing may be of significant benefit to you. She has found this property clearing to be very useful where there are health issues that someone in the house is dealing with.

Learn more about Jenny's property clearing...

7) The Institute for Responsible Technology will teach you more about the dangers of Genetically Modified foods -- and why you want to avoid them. They will cause many cancers if their use becomes more widespread. Read about the two year study where rats were fed only genetically modified food and developed tumors, huge tumors.

8) EFT, the Emotional Freedom Technique, has a great deal of scientific research behind it showing that it is one of the best ways to deal with issues, even from early childhood, that cause stress and emotional upset.

These emotional stress patterns can, as you read, cause cancer. The basics of EFT can be easily learned. However with a life threatening situation like cancer, it would be best to first use a professional who will be more likely to uncover the issues that helped the cancer develop, and to be able to eliminate them for you.

A good practitioner to help you with this work is Alina Frank or her husband Craig Weiner. They both practice an advanced form of EFT called Matrix Reimprinting which supercharges the effects of EFT. They can work long distance with you, over the phone.

Learn more about EFT and Matrix Reimprinting at Alina's site, www.tapyourpower.net  You can schedule a free 15 minute consult with her or Craig. Free information is also available on her site on how to do the basics yourself.

9) As part of changing to an anti-cancer lifestyle, using non toxic shampoo and hair care products is valuable. Even shampoos labeled organic can contain toxins and chemicals. An excellent source of high quality yet non-toxic hair care products are the Morocco Method products. You won't find any chemicals listed in their list of ingredients. Low sudsing, and they work very very well. Click Here to learn more about these top of the line products, and to order if you like.


Thanks for visiting. We hope this report will be of use to you.




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Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The products and information contained herein are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases or, medical problems. It is not intended to replace your doctor's recommendations. The information is provided for educational purposes only. Nutritional benefits may vary from one person to another.